Term Papers on Biographies |
Robert Boyle
Number of words: 925 - Number of pages: 4.... in the facet of chemistry that dealt with the preparation of drugs,
but soon he became genuinely interested in the subject and started to study it
in great detail. His studies led him to Oxford where he joined such scientists
as John Wilkins and John Wallis, and together in 1660, they founded the Royal
Society of London for the Advancement of Science.
From this point onwards, Boyle seriously undertook the reformation of
science. For centuries scientists had been explaining the unknown with the
simple explanation that god made it that way. Though Boyle did not argue with
this, he .....
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Andy Warhol 3
Number of words: 1239 - Number of pages: 5.... form that Warhol likes to use was product labels. You will see quite a few examples of this in some of his work. (Grolier 1996) Warhol did most of his well-know works in a four year span from 1960 to 1964. He started out by reproducing images such as comic strips on much larger canvases. Some examples of these would be Nancy, Dick Tracy, Superman, and Popeye. He later became much more interested in reproducing labels of products and some people. This became a standard procedure for Warhol during this period. He later began to make movies and photography. (Coplans pg 47-48)
At the .....
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Elie Wiesel
Number of words: 2392 - Number of pages: 9.... his story to Elie, he
wanted to warn the Jews of Signet of what could happen to them. However, they
only thought it was a vivid imagination speaking from his lips. No one wanted to
believe his story and people lived life as usual.
It was not until German troops would enter Hungarian territory that life
would change for the Jews of Signet. At first the German soldiers did not seem
like a threat. During the week of Passover things seemed to be going well.
People were celebrating yet, it was not a complete celebration. On the seventh
day of the Passover Jewish leaders of the community were .....
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James Cook
Number of words: 747 - Number of pages: 3.... orders to find an unknown
continent in the south pacific. He was told to find it because geographers
believed that it kept the world in balance, however Cook was unable to find it.
In October of 1769 Cook became the first European man to visit New Zealand. In
April of 1770 the Endeavor sailed to Botany Bay on the east coast of Australia.
Cook claimed the entire east coast of Australia for Great Britain. He returned
to England in July of 1771. During this voyage, from 1678 - 1771, Cook became
the first ship captain to prevent an outbreak of scurvy. Cook had heard that
scurvy was caused .....
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Ben Franklins Religion
Number of words: 1917 - Number of pages: 7.... us" via divine intervention (168). [5] Franklin's God is useful, second, because he inspires us to perform our own good actions. [6] Primarily these good actions arise out of thanksgiving to God. [7] While Franklin believes that these good actions procure God's favor (168) in that God loves those of us who "do good to others" (179), [8] Franklin recognizes that most of his countrymen would not agree with this formulation of theology, a kind of streamlined, doctrine-free Christianity in which the question of Christ's divinity makes no difference. [9] As a result, in his writings Franklin .....
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Benito Mussolini: Biography
Number of words: 137 - Number of pages: 1.... power In tribute to the
postwar Milan, Mussolini and other war vetrines founded Fasci di
Combattimeto in March 1919. The Nationalistc,antilieral, and antisocialist
movement attracted the lower and middle-class support and took its name
from the faces, an ancent Roman symble of Roman disciplen. When the Fascist
thretend to march on King Victor Emmanuel 3rd he invited Mussolini to a
coalition goverment. By this time the fascist leader transoformed the
country in to a single-party totalitarian regime. The party controlled
representing groups differnt sectors of the ecomeny. The systome prevent .....
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Steve Jobs
Number of words: 971 - Number of pages: 4.... in philosophy and immersing himself in the counter culture.
In 1974, took a job as a video game designer at Atari, Inc., a pioneer in electronic arcade recreation. After a few months he saved enough money to go to India where he traveled in search of spiritual enlightenment with Dan Kottke, a friend from Reed College.
In the autumn of 1974, Jobs returned to California and started attending meetings of “Woz’s” “Homebrew Computer Club”. Woz like most of the clubs members, was happy with the creation of electronics. Steve wasn’t nearly the engineer as Woz and persuaded hi .....
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Reinhold Niebuhr
Number of words: 317 - Number of pages: 2.... active member of the Socialist Party in the 1930s, waged a vigorous fight against isolationism and pacifism before and during World War II, and in 1944 helped to found the Liberal Party in New York State. He received the U.S. Presidential Medal of Freedom in 1964 and was made a member of the American Academy of Arts and Letters. He died on June 1, 1971.
Niebuhr indicated his overriding interest in what has been called theological anthropology, a concern with the nature of man as a contact point for religion and society, in such major works as Moral Man and Immoral Society (1932), Interpretati .....
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Donald Barthelme
Number of words: 1065 - Number of pages: 4.... and “Paradise” (1986). He also wrote Snow White, a parody of the popular children’s fairy tale, the novel. He won the National Book Award for Children’s literature for the book titled “The Slightly Irregular Fire Engine: or, the Hithering, Thithering, Djinn” (1971) (Marowski and Matuz, 3?). In 1976 he received the Jesse H. Jones Award from the Texas Institute of Letters for his book The Dead Father. His book Sixty Stories was nominated for the National Book Critics Circle Award, the PEN/Faulkner award for Fiction, and the Los Angeles Times Book Priz .....
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The Life Of Richard Feynman
Number of words: 1128 - Number of pages: 5.... be needed. He was very successful in this early work, and was quickly
promoted to one of the directors of the theoretical division. Feynman had
written that there were four main questions that needed to be answered
before the work could progress.
1. How big must the bombs be? What is the critical mass and radius for each
material? 2. What material would best serve as a tamper? 3. How pure would
the uranium or plutonium have to be? 4. How much heat, light, and shock
would be created in a nuclear explosion?
This work was very difficult, mainly because the materials (uranium and
pl .....
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