Term Papers on Biographies |
The Wright Brothers
Number of words: 927 - Number of pages: 4.... for the average person using planes had become a luxury by the 1930's and by the 1950's the jet had been developed, causing air travel to grow at an even faster rate. “During the 1960's about 100 million passengers flew on airlines and now in the 90's 1.25 billion people fly annually.” (“Transportation”) Transportation from city to city, was a luxury in the early 1900's but thanks to the discoverers by Wilbur and Orville Wright it is now an event that takes place in every major city in every country in the world. Air transport is the most rapidly developing form of transportat .....
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Shih Huang Ti
Number of words: 730 - Number of pages: 3.... wanted to invade China. It also served to separate the civilized acts of the farmers in China to the barbaric acts of the nomadic tribes. What Shih did not know was that the construction would cause many deaths and much suffering to the builders of the wall. The wall which Meng and his men created had watchtowers, forty feet tall, every two hundred yards. The purpose of these towers was to alert the defending soldiers of approaching, attacking tribes. The soldiers at the towers signalled to each other by day using smoke signals, ! waving flags, blowing horns, and ringing bells; by night b .....
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George Frederick Handel
Number of words: 916 - Number of pages: 4.... and in the late spring of 1707 he made an
additional short trip to Naples. In Italy, Handel composed operas, oratorios,
and many small secular cantatas; he ended his Italian visit with the stunning
success of his fifth opera, Agrippina (1709), in Venice. Handel left Italy for a
job as court composer and conductor in Hannover, Germany, where he arrived in
the spring of 1710. As had been the case in Halle, however, he did not hold this
job for long. By the end of 1710 Handel had left for London, where with Rinaldo
(1711), he once again scored an operatic triumph.
After returning to Ha .....
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Jackie Robinson
Number of words: 1588 - Number of pages: 6.... bus (1). He was
discharged as a first Lieutenant (1).
After leaving the Army Jackie wanted to play baseball, his
favorite sport. He tried out for many teams and was drafted by the Kansas
City Monarchs Negro League Team (Hill 1). The Negro League schedule was
very tuff. The team was always on the road playing games. Jackie did not
like the life style of being on the Monarchs (“Robinson, Jackie”). He and
his teammates would have to withstand the racial tensions everywhere they
went (Ward, Burns 285) . While Jackie was playing in the Negro Leagues,
Branch Rickey, the Los A .....
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On J.J. Thompson
Number of words: 1294 - Number of pages: 5.... might be some kind of structure built out of ether, so these views were not so far apart.
Experiments were needed to resolve the uncertainties. When physicists moved a magnet near the glass, they found they could push the rays about. Nevertheless, when the German physicist Heinrich Hertz passed the rays through an electric field created by metal plates inside a cathode ray tube, the rays were not deflected in the way that would be expected of electrically charged particles. Hertz and his student Philipp Lenard also placed a thin metal foil in the path of the rays and saw that the .....
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Lucretia Rudolph Garfield
Number of words: 511 - Number of pages: 2.... the family remained together. With a home in the capital as well as one in Ohio they enjoyed a happy domestic life. A two-year-old son died in 1876, but five children grew up healthy and promising; with the passage of time, Lucretia became more and more her husband's companion. In Washington they shared intellectual interests with congenial friends; she went with him to meetings of a locally celebrated literary society. They read together, made social calls together, dined with each other and traveled in company until by 1880 they were as nearly inseparable as his career permitt .....
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Two Great Men: Franklin And Jefferson
Number of words: 850 - Number of pages: 4.... master of many. He felt that a man should learn what he called his "business" throughly and work hard in order to succeed. In the "The Way to Wealth," one of his most popular articles which help shape American culture, he wrote, "Sloth makes all things difficult, but industry all easy, As Poor Richard says; and he that rises late must trot all day, and shall scarce overtake his business at night; while laziness travels so slowly, that poverty soon overtakes him, as we read in Poor Richard, who adds, drive thy business, let not that drive thee, and early to bed, and early to rise, makes a m .....
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The Legend Of Baby Doe
Number of words: 1499 - Number of pages: 6.... To put it plainly, Elizabeth was spoiled. She always
went her own way and damned anyone who tried to stop her.
After winning an ice skating contest with an incredibly revealing
costume, a man named Harvey Doe began courting her. Soon after, they
decided to be married.
There were disapproving glances at the wedding from both mothers.
The wedding was on June 27, 1877. After honeymooning in Denver, Colorado
for two weeks, they went down to Central City where they met his father,
who was at the time inspecting his gold fields. Harvey Doe, Sr. decided to
let Harvey work one of his quartz mi .....
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Ignatius Of Antioch
Number of words: 631 - Number of pages: 3.... of Christ."
In these words, Ignatius, the third bishop of Antioch, pleaded with his influential friends in Rome not to interfere with his impending martyrdom. Thus on December 20 in the year 107, Ignatius was escorted from the Roman galley that had taken nine years to deliver its prisoner from Antioch to Rome and was brought to the Flavian Amphitheater, the Coliseum, where at the conclusion of the Roman festival he was fed to the lions.
Ignatius was a Syrian by birth who became attracted to the first generation of Christians. Some authors believe that he may have been a disciple of St. J .....
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Number of words: 1194 - Number of pages: 5.... also wronged the American public.
To begin with, the type of person that Joe was must be considered. was a hard-line Republican who played along strict party lines. By all considerations, he was an extremist or a reactionary. By holding a piece of paper, and saying that the enemy who everyone feared was so close, diminished all thoughts that America was truly safe. The actual piece of paper was blank; had no writing on the paper at all. He knew that by telling the people of the U.S. that the enemy was so close, he could finally see a war erected against Communism. He simply used the peo .....
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