Term Papers on Biographies |
Pablo Casals
Number of words: 565 - Number of pages: 3.... long and monuments career.
Soon Casals began a great deal of touring across Europe and the
Americas, making his fresh, new style increasingly more and more popular.
Because of his popularity, at the time, the solo cellist performer became a
very highly thought of occupation. After his long tour, Casals met and then
joined up with two other famous and acclaimed French performers. These
were the violinist Jacques Thibaud and the pianist Alfred Cortot. Together,
these three became a trio that gained international fame as they began
touring again for a long period of time.
Casals b .....
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Oliver Cromwell
Number of words: 481 - Number of pages: 2.... to rectify the atrocities against his fellow Protestants that his efficiency in wiping out the Irish Catholics made him the most feared man in Ireland. The purpose of his ruthlessness was to eradicate the revolt and to clear the land and make it safe for English settlement. On September 11th his army invaded the town of Drogheda, killing all 3,500 soldiers and civilians. Cromwell ordered his men to "put all to the sword." In October, he seized Wexford killing over 2,000 soldiers, leaving no survivors. These two victories were all the English forces needed. In May 1650 he and his me .....
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Darwin Vs. Wallace
Number of words: 1099 - Number of pages: 4.... and the Human Brain: " takes a look directly at two hard fought battles between evolutionists and creationists.
Using sexual selection and the origins of human intellect as his proponents, Gould argues his opinion in the favor of evolutionary thought.
In this essay titled "Natural Selection and The Human Brain: ," Gould tells about the contest between Darwin and another prominent scientist named Alfred Wallace over two important subjects. These topics, one being sexual selection and the other about the origins of the human brain and
intellect were debated by men who generally held th .....
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Walt Whitman And His Poetry
Number of words: 695 - Number of pages: 3.... of Grass. The Leaves of Grass basically was his life's work and
contained 400 poems. He is known as a poet for the Leaves of Grass. An
interesting fact: his opening poem in the Leaves of Grass tells about how
he knows he will die soon. It says that “I have walked the roads you will
walk” which is telling about how he once was alive just like us. It is a
peom that remembers him and speaks to future generations.
Indeed, Walt Whitman is a very interesting poet, and his style is
the best in the world.
Sample Peom
In Cabin'd Ships at Sea
In cabin'd ships at sea,
The bound .....
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Julius Caesar
Number of words: 2011 - Number of pages: 8.... daughter Cornelia. The second attack upon the city was carried our by Marius' enemy Sulla, leader of the optimates, in 82 BC on the latter's return from the East. On each occasion the massacre of political opponents was followed by the confiscation of their property. The proscriptions of Sulla, which preceded the reactionary political legislation enacted during his dictatorship left a particularly bitter memory that long survived.
Caesar left Rome for the province of Asia on the condition that he divorce his wife because Sulla would only allow him to leave on that condition. When he heard .....
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Edgar Allan Poe 3
Number of words: 2967 - Number of pages: 11.... December 8, 1811, Elizabeth Poe died of tuberculosis at the young age of twenty-four. "The image of his mother's young, still, white face was to haunt Edgar for the rest of his life" (Wright 30). When Edgar’s father was plagued with tuberculosis, he was taken into the home of John, a prosperous Richmond merchant, and Francis Allan. This is how Edgar received the middle name Allan. Mrs. Allan loved Edgar, but the story seemed different with John. Although the relationship between John and Edgar appeared bitter, John Allan provided Poe with some support during Poe’s adultho .....
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Alexander The Great
Number of words: 1538 - Number of pages: 6.... to rule in 359 BC, he defeated large tribes to the north and west of Macedonia. He then turned south to Greece. The Greek army was no match for the Macedonian army and was defeated at the Battle of Chaeronia. In 338 BC, Philip became ruler of Greece.
Philip could have ended Greece's independence, but he didn't. After he defeated Greece, he ordered that Athens not be destroyed because he admired their culture.
When Philip defeated the Greeks, he reorganized their armies and combined them with his troops. Philip then set out to conquer the Persian Empire with his powerful army. However .....
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Martin Luther Reformation
Number of words: 2069 - Number of pages: 8.... of his son’s achievements had great hopes for him. Luther was preparing to be a lawyer to some prince or town after he received his degree in philosophy. But halfway through his training he decided to quit and take up life permanently in an Augustine monastery.
Historians speculate on why such a successful young man would want to join the monastery. Historians believe a string of events led Luther to choose the path of the Church. Being superstitious, Luther might have thought that this was god trying to get him to join the monastery. Luther made hid decision to go into the mona .....
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The American Constitution
Number of words: 2847 - Number of pages: 11.... and Alexander Hamilton, began to discuss the creation of a strong national government under a new constitution.
The United States is a republic that operates under a federalist system. The national government had specific enumerated powers, and the fifty states retain substantial endowment over their citizens and their residents. Both the national government and the state government are divided into three different branches, executive, legislative, and judicial. Written constitutions, both federal and state, form a system of separated powers.
Amendment, in legislation, is a change in a .....
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Charlie Chaplin 3
Number of words: 589 - Number of pages: 3.... was head hunted by Mack
Sennett and his Keystone Film Company, and Charlie was thus introduced
into the medium of film. His first film, in 1914, was aptly titled Making A
Living, and it was directed by Henry Lehrman. He starred in many of his
Keystones along side Mabel Normand, who also directed three of his films,
but it wasn't until Twenty Minutes of Love that he had a taste of directing
himself, and this quickly became the only way he worked.
His success was such that he was able to move from one company to
another, each time into a better deal. In 1915, after thirty-five film .....
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