Term Papers on Biographies |
George C. Marshall
Number of words: 486 - Number of pages: 2.... nationalists and the communists.
As Secretary of State from 1947 to 1949, he developed an economic program, the Marshall Plan, to help bring relief to war torn nations in Europe. The plan stipulated that the United States war prepared to assist Europe on certain terms. The European countries were to (1) Confer and Determine their needs on a continental basis; (2) show what resources they could put into a common pool for economic rebuilding; (3) stabilize their currencies; and (4) try to remove trade barriers so that goods could flow freely throughout the continent. With the assistance of .....
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Jean Sartre
Number of words: 1214 - Number of pages: 5.... criticized their policies. In the 1950’s he wrote many pieces of literature on political problems. In 1964 Sartre won the Nobel Prize in literature, saying that he refuses to compromise his integrity as a writer, he refuses to accept the prize. He then becomes an outcast in society, for having turned on Existentialism and lives out his life in poor health and a few radical followers.
In the dictionary the translation of Existentialism is a branch of philosophy based on the concept of an absurd universe where humans have free will, and that humans are responsible for and the sole judge o .....
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The Life Of Jackie Robinson
Number of words: 2402 - Number of pages: 9.... but he also set a new record. (Stealing Home)
After his impressive performance that day, several major universities offered him scholarships for his last two years of athletic eligibility.
Jackie chose the University of California at Los Angeles (UCLA) to finish his last two years. Basically because UCLA was the college that was closest to home.
He had a repeat performance and became the first four letter man. No one had ever made four varsity athletic teams. Again just like in high school, he played basketball, baseball, football, and ran track and field. He was the lead man in basketbal .....
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The Philosopher, Aristotle
Number of words: 1163 - Number of pages: 5.... in rhetoric. Therefore those who taught this art stood to obtain
a lot of wealth from their endeavors. These were known as sophists with whom
much contempt was held by such philosophers as Socrates. "The greatest school
of Rhetoric in all Greece was at this period held in Athens by the renowned
Isocrates, who was at the zenith of his reputation."(Collins p. 11) A competitor
with this school was Plato's Academy of philosophy which is where Aristotle
arrived at in the year 367 B.C.. Plato became Aristotle's teacher and soon
realized the massive potential and sheer intellect that Aristotle p .....
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Thomas Paine
Number of words: 950 - Number of pages: 4.... outside of the state house. Thomas Paine was one of the speakers
trying to calm down all of the eight-thousand people that were in front of
the building.
Paine soon went to a ball to represent the Pennsylvania Magazine in
which he represented. He had a lot of answers to questions people kept
asking him. Paine was finally fired when he argued with Aitkin because he
wanted to put an article in the paper. It was called Reflections on Titles.
The Second Continental Congress met, and Paine was introduced to
someone he didn't recognize named George Washington. Paine .....
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George Lucas Biography And Wor
Number of words: 2556 - Number of pages: 10.... his graduation ceremony at his high school, but joked that the only reason he got a diploma was because his teachers felt sorry for him. As a result, Lucas looked for other options to fill his void in life. Since his grades were not good enough for a four-year college, he decided to go to junior college. For the first time in his life, he hit the books. He fell asleep trying to earn the highest grades he could in order to have a future for himself.
During junior college, Lucas formed other interests. Instead of racing, he filmed them on a 8-millimeter camera his father gave him. A .....
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Galileo Gallilei
Number of words: 1001 - Number of pages: 4.... grand duke’s mathematician intervened and persuaded Vincenzio to allow Galileo to study mathematics on the condition that after one year, all of Galileo’s support would be cut off and he was on his own.
In the spring of 1585, Galileo skipped his final exams and left the university without a degree. He began finding work as a math tutor. In November of 1589, Galileo found a position as a professor of mathematics at the university of Pisa, the same one he had left without a degree four years before. Galileo was a brilliant teacher, but his radical ways of thinking and open criticism .....
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Neil Postman
Number of words: 1061 - Number of pages: 4.... definition, or meaning that a teacher has rambled off to them. states his feelings on this best when he writes, “ It is a form of stupidity when to accept without reflection someone else’s definition.” He wants people to realize that definitions are not god given, and that to question the validity is acceptable. Upon looking in a dictionary at any word you will see that all have several meanings. The same may apply to our lives, while one definition may apply to you another may not.
The ability to question a definition is a crucial part of communication. For example: in t .....
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Jon Philip Sousa
Number of words: 419 - Number of pages: 2.... presidents Hayes, Garfield, Arthur and Harrison. After two successful, but limited tours with the Marine Band in 1891 and1892, promoter David Blakely convinced Sousa to resign and organize a civilian concert band.
The first Sousa Band Concert was preformed on September 26, 1892 at the Stillman Music Hall in Plainfield, New Jersey. In 1895 Sousa's first successful operetta, El Capitan debuts.
In 1895 Sousa's first big tragedy hit. While on vacation with his wife in Europe, Sousa's promoter (David Blakely) died. This was hard for Sousa to face but it also inspired him to write the great Sta .....
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A Biography Of Henry Ford
Number of words: 1106 - Number of pages: 5.... district schools. He became a machinist's apprentice in Detroit
at the age of 16. From 1888 to 1899 he was a mechanical engineer, and later
chief engineer, with the Edison Illuminating Company. In 1893, after
experimenting for several years in his leisure hours, he completed the
construction of his first gasoline engine. His first automobile was completed
in 1896. The body was a small crude wooden box, it had a single seat, a
steering tiller, bicycle wheels, and an electric bell on the front. In 1903 he
founded the Ford Motor Company.
At first, like his competitors, he made cars that onl .....
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