Term Papers on Biographies |
Emily Dickinson: A Biography
Number of words: 725 - Number of pages: 3.... 1855. Emily was already writing
letters, but composed most of her poetry in this home. Emily only left home
to attend Mount Holyoke Female Seminary for two semesters.
Though her stay there was brief, she impressed her teachers with
her courage and directness. They felt her writing was sensational.
At the age of twenty-one, Emily and her family moved to the
Dickinson Homestead on Main Street. This move proved to be very difficult
for Emily. This was difficult for Emily because she became very attached to
her old house, which shaped her writing and personality for fifteen yea .....
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Henry T. Ford
Number of words: 1950 - Number of pages: 8.... and clocks. He went around the countryside doing repair work without pay, for him all mattered was to play with the machinery of the watch. From his personal experience on the farm he was fascinated my farm machines that reduced the drudgery of farm chores. We can notice there was a lot of a kid in him, and to go around or making his chores easier he invented his own farm machines. His fascination with machines grew as he grew older. At the age of thirteen, for the first time he saw a coal-fired steam engine that was rolling along a long rural road. From that point he grew more fascinated a .....
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Upton Sinclair
Number of words: 728 - Number of pages: 3.... he certainly wanted to give the public a view from the inside, public uproar was his among lesser expectation. The details regarding the unsanitary and disgusting conditions in meat packing factories appear to be background details of a much larger picture. Sinclair's main fight in his "Conditions at the Slaughterhouse" was to bring about the ideology of Socialism and how government needed to step in and take control.
The grotesque ways in which the meat was being processed in these plants also relates to the ways in which workers were being treated as well. People working in .....
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Number of words: 955 - Number of pages: 4.... our sins and wrong doings before we end up in Hell, or, existentially speaking, lost in pure, dark evil. It is almost like a small lie that can grow and grow to ultimately consume your life. In its content, the Inferno also shows the reader what a sin is really like by creating a symbolic punishment which mirrors the actual sin. Hell is a place "where penalties are paid by those who, sowing discord, earned Hell’s wages." For example, in canto V lines 31-45, writes, "[Referring to those who lusted] I came to a place where no light shown at all, bellowing like the sea racked by a tempes .....
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Robert Kennedy
Number of words: 297 - Number of pages: 2.... Arab, was convicted of the assasination and sentenced to death. The sentence was changed to life imprisonment in 1972 after the California Supreme Court declared the state's death penalty unconstitutional.
was appointed attorney general of the United States by his brother, President John Kennedy, in 1961. also acted as his brother's closet advisor. After the President's assassination in 1963, Kennedy continued as attorney general under President Lyndon Johnson. Kennedy resigned from the Cabinet position in 1964 to run for the Senate.
Kennedy had entered the government in 1951 as an attor .....
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Julius Caesar And His Accomplishments
Number of words: 847 - Number of pages: 4.... and with money enough to pay all his debts. Every hero has
its background; Ceaser was a Roman hero by millions and lived through many
important events and accomplished many things that no other person has ever
come close to.
Julius Caesar could be described as one of the greatest men in the
history of the world. Caesar was always interested in public affairs, and
tried always to gain favor of the people. He won favor because he spent
much money to provide recreation for the people. Caesar was a very caring
individual. The people liked him so much because he knew exactly what they
want .....
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Mark Twain
Number of words: 743 - Number of pages: 3.... the difficult art of steamboat piloting, an occupation that he followed until the Civil War closed the river, and that furnished the background for "Old Times on the Mississippi" (1875), later included in the expanded Life on the Mississippi (1883).
In 1861, Twain traveled by stagecoach to Carson City, Nev., with his brother Orion, who had been appointed territorial secretary. After unsuccessful attempts at silver and gold mining, he returned to writing as a correspondent for the Virginia City Territorial Enterprise. At first he signed his humorous and imaginative sketches "Josh," but ea .....
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Jfk Alliance
Number of words: 1257 - Number of pages: 5.... initially met with open arms by most Latin Americans leaders and immediately boosted U.S. relations throughout the hemisphere.1
The alliance’s charter was signed by all members of the organization except for Cuba at a special meeting at Punta del Este, Uruguay, on August 17, 1961.2 The drafters of the charter emphasized that the twin goals of economic development and social injustice should be pursued simultaneously and that both should be paralleled by efforts to expand political freedom in the hemisphere. One of the most important factors of the program was the promotion of self-help .....
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History Of Mozart
Number of words: 918 - Number of pages: 4.... the young Mozart published his first works, four sonatas for clavier with accompanying violin (1764). In 1768 he composed his first opera, La Finta Semplice, for Vienna, but intrigues prevented its performance, and it was first presented a year later at Salzburg. In 1769-70, Leopold and Wolfgang undertook a tour through Italy. This first Italian trip culminated in a new opera, Mitridate, re di Ponto, composed for Milan. In two further Italian journeys he wrote two more operas for Milan, Ascanio in Alba (1771) and Lucio Silla (1772).
In 1772, Archbishop von Schrattenbach died, to be succe .....
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Freud And Dreams
Number of words: 2370 - Number of pages: 9.... during sleep (Fine, 1973). It was perhaps the use of the term activity that Freud most appreciated in this brief definition for, as his understanding of the dynamics of dreaming increased, so did the impression of ceaseless mental activity differing in quality from that of ordinary waking life (Fine, 1973). In fact, the quality of mental activity during sleep differed so radically from what we take to be the essence of mental functioning that Freud coined the term "Kingdom of the Illogical" to describe that realm of the human psyche. We dream every single night whether it stays with us or n .....
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