Term Papers on Biographies |
Number of words: 2031 - Number of pages: 8.... win every debate. His favorite hobby was going to the marketplace and debating philosophical issues with other men in front of an audience. The result of these debates was that embarrassed the wise men in front of the crowd. This caused many to dislike him. After being named the wisest man, attempted to prove that this was not true. He debated with many men in the streets. These debates are some of his most famous argument methods. He started the discussion by stating that he knew nothing. As a result of the debate, he was able to prove that although his opponents claimed that they were .....
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Aristotle On Tragedy
Number of words: 1049 - Number of pages: 4.... of his own that he falls into misfortune, but rather through some flaw [hamartia]". The character should be famous or prosperous, like Oedipus or Medea.
What Aristotle meant by hamartia cannot be established. In each play we read you should particularly consider the following possibilities. (1) A hamartia may be simply an intellectual mistake or an error in judgement. For example when a character has the facts wrong or doesn't know when to stop trying to get dangerous information. (2) Hamartia may be a moral weakness, especially hubris, as when a character is moral in every way except for .....
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George Bush Biography
Number of words: 1087 - Number of pages: 4.... but ended up moving his family to Connecticut where he later on developed a strong interest in politics which led to his position as Senator of Connecticut. Bush had three brothers and one sister who were all brought up strictly and well-mannered. He attended private Greenwich Day School and exclusive Phillips Academy where he was indeed popular. Along with his good grades, Bush was president of the senior class, captain of the baseball and soccer teams, and also played varsity basketball. After graduating prep school in 1942, his original plans of attending Yale University had been del .....
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Clement Richard Attlee
Number of words: 532 - Number of pages: 2.... Newfoundland should join Canada. But this could only be done by consent. So what did Newfoundlanders want?
The Dominions Secretary, Clement Attlee, visited Newfoundland in 1942, and he was followed the next year by a "goodwill mission" of three British members of parliament. These soundings showed that while very few people seemed to support confederation, there was widespread unease about an immediate and unconditional return to responsible government status.
That there had been no democratic government since 1934 was of particular concern to Attlee, who thought that a process of political .....
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Edward Gein
Number of words: 1533 - Number of pages: 6.... Beginning)
On December 29, 1945, Augusta died after a series of strokes. Eddies foundations were shaken upon her death, he lost his one true friend. It was after his mothers death that Eddie began to immerse himself in his bizarre hobbies that included nightly visits to the graveyard. ( In the Beginning )
It was from the obituaries that Eddie would learn of the recent deaths of local women. Having never enjoyed the company of the opposite sex, he would quench his lust by visiting graves at night. Although he later swore to police that he never had sexual intercourse with any of the bodies ( .....
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Thomas P. O'Neill
Number of words: 1788 - Number of pages: 7.... only fifteen thousand dollars to his name. He devoted his
life and his money to the people of Boston.
Tip came of age in the Great Depression, arrived in congress from
Massachusetts in 1952 and "came to power amid the plenty of the '60s and '70s."
(Woodlief 4) He was a rampant liberal who "would usually vote yes on any bill
that helped people (he once voted to put money into an appropriations bill to
study knock knees)." (Gelzinas 6) When Reagan came into office in 1980 big
government began to feel the pinch and O'Neill's big hearted liberalism was on
the way out. In 1980, O'Neill was .....
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Sir Thomas More
Number of words: 667 - Number of pages: 3.... against the divorce by saying "But she's not his wife". More again shows his beliefs that a dispensation was given so that Henry could marry Catherine and Thomas knows that the Pope will not give a dispensation on a dispensation. More believes that the Pope should make the decision about the divorce. And More chooses to go against the divorce until the pope is approached.
Thomas More chooses not to sign the oath to the Act of Succession. When Thomas Cromwell asks him if he will sign the oath he refuses, because it's against his belief. When the Duke of Norfolk says "Thomas, you insult the Ki .....
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Napoleon Bonaparte
Number of words: 2959 - Number of pages: 11.... them money to attend military school. Now that Corsica belonged to France, the Bonapartes were French citizens and were eligible for this scholarship.
Napoleon was excited about his future. Still, he was apprehensive. He had never left the island before, and he didn’t know how to speak French. So before he could further his training, he would have to learn the language. To do this his parents were sending him first to a school in Autun in southern France. There the students were mean, they had laughed at his Corsican accent and mocked his poor clothes and rough manners. When Napoleon .....
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Thomas Edison
Number of words: 2330 - Number of pages: 9.... home.(minot, pg1) The next day, Nancy Edison brought Thomas back to school to talk to Reverend Engle. He told her that Thomas couldn’t learn. His mother became so angry at the strict Reverend that she decided to home-school him.(minot 1) After a while his mother, a former teacher herself, recognized his un usual abilities to reason. She quickly got him interested in History and Classic books. Thomas however was strangely attracted to the subject of science. By the age of ten had already been experimenting and by now owned a sizable quantity of chemicals. Unfortunately his experiments .....
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Margaret Thatcher
Number of words: 1948 - Number of pages: 8.... consequently, only served one short term.
Margaret Hilda Roberts was born October 13, 1925 to Beatrice and Alfred Roberts in the flat above her parents small grocery store. Margaret's father was the greatest influence in Margaret's life, politically as well as religiously and socially. Alfred Roberts came to Grantham during the First World War where he met and married Beatrice Stevenson. "The young couple worked hard and saved money with a passion. Before long Alfred opened his own grocery shop, and eventually he came to own two." (Mayer,1979) Alfred often discussed current ev .....
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