Term Papers on Biographies |
Malcolm X 3
Number of words: 2021 - Number of pages: 8.... his whole life, from birth, must be reviewed. All our experiences fuse into our personalities. Everything that ever happened to us is an ingredient. I was born in trouble!
Malcolm X, born Malcolm Little, lost his Father, at the age of six, to violence of the Klu Klux Klan, although Newspapers at the time, reported differently "Earl Little, 41,…sustained fatal injuries… when he was run over by a streetcar…" (Myers 21) This tragedy, caused a great tear in Malcolm's family.
By the age of thirteen, Malcolm had seen his house burn down. He had been exposed to the violen .....
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The Life Of William Shakespeare
Number of words: 644 - Number of pages: 3.... company of players. When the company built the Globe Theater, he became a partner. Shakespeare became very popular. In 1597, he purchased on of the largest houses in Stratford, called New Place. It was next door to Thomas Nash’s house. Thomas Nash became William’s granddaughter’s first husband. Her name was Elizabeth Hall. William’s first daughter, Susanna married physician, John Hall in 1607. William established his wife and two daughters in New Place. He became a leading and loyal citizen.
After retirement, he still had his plays produced. In March 1616, Shakespeare made h .....
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Al Capone
Number of words: 1487 - Number of pages: 6.... to defend himself with a knife, and with a gun. By the time Capone reached the sixth grade he had already become a street brawler. Capone never responded well to authority and for this very reason his schooling would soon come to an end. While attending school, Capone was responsible for beating a female teacher and knocking her to the ground. The principal of the school rushed in and punished young Capone and for this very reason he would never return to school again. (Sifakis 603) After dropping out of school, Capone took up jobs such as working as a pin-setter at a bowling alley, and work .....
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Maria Mithchell
Number of words: 939 - Number of pages: 4.... was offered a job as a librarian at Nantucket's Atheneum during the day when it opened to the public in the fall of 1836. At the Atheneum she taught herself astronomy by reading books on mathematics and science. At night she regularly studied the sky through her father's telesscope. For her college education even Harvard couldn't have given her a better education than she received at home and at that time astronomy in America was very behind as of today. She kept studying at the Atheneum, discussed astronomy with scientists wh .....
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Princess Diana
Number of words: 1024 - Number of pages: 4.... (“Diana” Internet).
On February 24, 1981 the engagement of Prince Charles and Lady Diana was announced (Delano 36). The couple later was married at St. Paul’s Cathedral in London on July 29, 1981. The wedding ceremony attracted global television and radio audiences. It was estimated that around one thousand million people watched or heard the wedding. In addition, thousands of people lined the route the royal carriage took to the cathedral. Diana was the first English woman in three hundred years to marry an heir to the British throne. Diana wore a silk dress designed by the Emanuels, .....
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Washington Irving 2
Number of words: 310 - Number of pages: 2.... asleep, for twenty years.
Other stories Irving accounts for, are: Bracebridge Hall, Tales of a Traveler, History of the Life and Voyages of Christopher Columbus, A Chronicle of Granada, The Crayon Miscellany, Astoria, Bonneville, and concludes with The Life of Washington. The reason his stories are considered “romantic,” most likely has to do with the new style of writing coming to America. The Legend of Sleepy Hollow is read to children because it is a funny satirical story of a man who scorns the children he teaches, and it is likely that most kids can relate to the story. .....
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Irving Penn
Number of words: 1086 - Number of pages: 4.... course at the Philadelphia Museum School of Art, where Alexey Brodovitch taught him advertising design. While training for a career as an art director, Penn worked the last two summers from Harper's Bazaar as an office boy and apprentice artist, sketching shoes. At this time, he had no thought of becoming a photographer.
In addition to his work for Vogue magazine (the American, British, and French editions) Penn has been represented in many important photographic collections, including those of the Museum of Modem Art, the Metropolitan Museum of Art, the Addison Galler .....
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Edgar Allan Poe
Number of words: 3264 - Number of pages: 12.... every one of these titles, among others, share one common trait that is more than evident, they all deal with death. When these tittles monopolize the attention, it is only natural that the central body of Poe’s work should seen to be a tissue of nightmares.2 How is it that a subject that is so repulsive to mankind can at the same time attract so many people? Perhaps it wasn’t the subject, but the skill with which it was written that lured people to it. Fish are lured to a deadly hook, but the bait makes it beautiful. In this same manner, people are mesmerized by the beauty .....
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St. Francis Of Assisi
Number of words: 2968 - Number of pages: 11.... extra money the most from this.
Being a prisoner of war did take a toll on Francis. His body became so sick that he almost died and it took over a year to recover. It was during this year that for the first time in his young life, he did some serious pondering. He explored the age old problems, "What am I?", "Where do I come from?", "Where am I going", "What is this world?" and "What is love?".
St. Francis was an Italian Catholic and a talented poet. As an Italian, his heart moved naturally to deep affection, love and enjoyment. As a po .....
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Wendell Phillips
Number of words: 180 - Number of pages: 1.... the
Constitution. He attacked it because it supported slavery.
He had married Ann Terry Greene. Greene had been taught by William Lloyd
Garrison. Garrison and Phillips became friends.
As the Civil War approached he became more and more certain that
violence must be employed to abolish slavery. When the war came he was at the
head of the emancipation movement.
In the years after the war Wendell Phillips demanded that actions be
taken to protect blacks and loyal whites in the South. He also became
more involved in workers rights. His speeches and lectures soon became
publ .....
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