Term Papers on Biographies |
F. Scott Fitzgerald
Number of words: 1154 - Number of pages: 5.... his father, was the financial foundation for their family influenced Fitzgerald greatly. Even as a young boy he was aware of this situation. The theme that arose from this about a wife's inherited money appears frequently in Fitzgerald's writing (Magill 679). When the Fitzgeralds fell into financial trouble, the family had to depend on Mollie's family's money. When times like that came Mollie "abandoned the attempt to Tarleton 2 keep up her personal appearance (neglecting both grooming and fashion), which embarrassed her fastidious son. Scott later recorded a dream in which he admitted b .....
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Charles Darwin
Number of words: 746 - Number of pages: 3.... largely on Henslow’s recommendation, as an unpaid naturalist on a scientific expedition around the world.
Now was around the age twenty-two while he was on the HMS Beagle. Darwin’s job as a naturalist aboard the Beagle gave him the opportu-nity to observe the various geological formations found on different continents and islands along the way, as well as a huge variety of fossils and organisms. In his geo-logical observations he was amazed mostly with the effect that natural forces had on shaping the earth’s surface.
During this time, most geologists stuck to .....
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Dwight D. Eisenhower
Number of words: 796 - Number of pages: 3.... Eisenhower's military journey began during World War One. When he graduated college World War One was still raging through Europe. Instead of fighting in the infantry overseas Eisenhower was to stay home on U.Sbases (Hargrove 41). After being promoted to a Lieutenant Colonel, Eisenhower was sent to Camp Colt to train soldiers about tanks (Hargrove42). Then in the year 1933 he became one of the important advisers toGeneral Douglas MacArther (Hargrove 45). Dwight David Eisenhower worked his way up through the ranksduring World War Two and then led the Allies to victory in D-Day. Dwightshowed h .....
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Stonewall Jackson
Number of words: 518 - Number of pages: 2.... in 1850 and became a math professor at Virginia Military Institute where he taught for ten years. He was not a very good teacher of math. Many students mocked him and made fun of how religious he was. In 1853, he married Elinor Junkin, who died a year later. In 1857, he married Mary Anna Morrison.
Jackson joined the Confederacy and soon made his reputation as at the First Battle of Bull Run, also called Manassas. When his men were retreating he stood still while enemy soldiers were firing at him. His troops saw him and one of them shouted "There is Jackson standing like a stonewall." Only .....
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Robert Capa
Number of words: 421 - Number of pages: 2.... this camera he was able to jump into battles to take pictures that no one else was ever able to take.
One of the main things that tried to capture were the emotions of his subjects. He always tried to portray things such as their sorrow or their shock, mainly focusing on the expressions of the subjects’ faces to show what emotions they might be feeling.
Despite his worldwide recognition Capa denied the title of a photographer. He always preferred to refer to himself as a photo journalist. To try to prove that he was not a photographer he hated artistic pretension in his medium and ref .....
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Richard Nixon
Number of words: 1568 - Number of pages: 6.... and Labor Committee to develop the
National Labor Relations Act.
In 1948, writer and editor Whittaker Chambers accused Alger Hiss, a high
State Department official, of being a Communist. Nixon, a member of the Un-
American Activities Committee, personally pressed the investigation. Hiss denied
further charges that he had turned classified documents over to Chambers to be
sent to the USSR. Alger Hiss was later convicted and indicted for perjury after
sufficient evidence was discovered. Nixon was reelected to Congress after
winning both the Republican and Democratic nominations as a res .....
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Number of words: 860 - Number of pages: 4.... him to take an apprenticeship under Domenico Ghirlandaio. His work at the hands of his teacher caught the eye of Lorezno Medici the Magnificent, the power in Florence. Lorenzo invited to sculpt for him. This visit allowed to meet many people who immersed in him in the principles of humanism.
During his visit, sculpted the Madonna of the Stairs and the Battle of the Centaurs. After Lorenzo, his patron, died in 1492, left Florence. When he returned to his home, he studied the anatomy of the human body by dissecting humans. This followed the religious practices of Sarenetto, who was event .....
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Coco Chanel
Number of words: 1744 - Number of pages: 7.... intent to participate in fashion, and that was the habitual action of cutting up the curtains in the living room to make dresses for her dolls (1). What a magnificent way to prepare for a life of style.
In February, 1895, ChanelĀ¹s mother, Jeanne, was found dead, presumably because of her constant pregnancies (Chanel, A Woman of Her Own 9); her father, Albert, left for good, abandoning Gabrielle and her four siblings. They were placed into an orphanage in Aubazine. The three Chanel girls, Julie, Antoinette, and Gabrielle, remained at the orphanage for the next six years while the two boys, Al .....
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Number of words: 946 - Number of pages: 4.... and lover of Princess Anna of Saxony, wife of Prince William I of Orange (William the Silent). On the death of Jan in 1587, his widow returned the family to Antwerp, where they again became Catholics. After studying the classics in a Latin school and serving as a court page, Peter Paul decided to become a painter. He apprenticed in turn with Tobias Verhaecht, Adam van Noort, and Otto van Veen, called Vaenius, three minor Flemish painters influenced by 16th-century Mannerist artists of the Florentine-Roman school. The young was as precocious a painter as he had earlier been a scholar .....
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Ray Charles Robinson
Number of words: 528 - Number of pages: 2.... There he entered a contest and was given a job at a nearby Elks club.
After a numerous amount of months, a record producer noticed him and
Charles had his first album: "Confession Blues." Afterward Charles went on
the road for a few years. He played at bars around the country. It was
known by musicians as the chitlin' circuit.
Soon Charles stopped imitating other musicians, as he had been doing up
until this point, and began to combine gospel and rhythm and blues, and, in
doing so, created soul. He is still called the "Genius of Soul" today. In
1955 Charles made recorded "I've Got .....
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