Term Papers on Biographies |
Dwight Eisenhower
Number of words: 813 - Number of pages: 3.... the U.S. Military Academy at West Point. He received an appointment to the academy by Senator Joseph Bristow of Kansas where later he played for the academy’s football team (16, Ambrose). A knee injury forced him to quit and end his hopes of being a star halfback. In 1915, Eisenhower graduated from the academy and the Army assigned him to Fort Sam Houston, where he held the rank of second lieutenant.
While coaching sports teams when off duty at Fort Sam Houston, he met Mamie Geneva Doud, a visitor from Denver, and started taking her to social gatherings at the base. On July 1, 1916, .....
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Biography: William Gibson (1914- )
Number of words: 238 - Number of pages: 1.... was later made into a film and a musical called simply
Seesaw (1973).
Early works include I Lay in Zion (1943) and A Cry of Players (1968), a
play about Shakespeare which he rewrote in 1968.
Gibson collaborated on the book of the musical Golden Boy (1964) He also
wrote a book of Shakespeare criticism called Shakespeare's Game (1978).
He returned to the Helen Keller story with his play Monday After the
Miracle (1982).
Plays and musicals
Two For the Seesaw (1958).
Dinny and the Witches (1959).
The Miracle Worker (1959).
Golden Boy (1964): musical, with book .....
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Really In The Works Of John Grisham
Number of words: 1338 - Number of pages: 5.... the
same year in which he married Renee Jones, who then became Renee Grisham.
John Grisham then began to practice law in Southaven, Mississippi for nearly a decade. He specialized in criminal defense and personal injury litigation. In 1983 he was elected to the Mississippi Sate House of Representatives. He served in the House of Representatives until 1990.
While at Mississippi State University, he attempted to write two books, neither of which he finished. In 1984 he began to write a third book. He used his experience at Dessoto County Courthouse ( .....
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Should The Govt. Interfere In
Number of words: 917 - Number of pages: 4.... a market economy and controlled economy gives a country a connected feeling.
My first reason promoting total government interference is that the govt. supports handicapped and people with physical disabilities. I attended a speaker in our school's conference and she told us a great deal about the mentally ill. Many of them live in a free market system and they are homeless because they are unable to get jobs to support themselves. Competition is much too great in the market economy. In the controlled system, the mentally ill would get the same benefits as any other working person. Becaus .....
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Frank Lincoln Wright
Number of words: 1425 - Number of pages: 6.... worked as a preacher
and a musician, moved from job to job, dragging his family across the United
States. His parents divorced when Wright was still young. His mother Anna
(Lloyd-Jones) Wright, relied heavily on upon her many brothers sisters and
uncles, and was intellectually guided by his aunts and his mother.
Before her son was born, Anna Wright had decided that her son was gong
to be a great architect. Using Froebel's geometric blocks to entertain and
educate her son, Mrs. Wright must have struck genius her son possessed. Use of
the imagination was encouraged and Wright was given .....
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E. M. Forster
Number of words: 1019 - Number of pages: 4.... Dewas. This resulted in his novel, A Passage to India. When he returned to England he wrote many critiques and articles but never wrote any more novels. died on June 7, 1970.
Many critics are split on 's writings, although most things written are positive and they all seem to agree on the same things. His use of characters and their development and his story lines all seem to be the same and have the same theme. All the characters in his books seem to contain the same elements. They are exempt from poverty, hunger, lust, and hate. They seem to have almost perfect characteristics and .....
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Martin Luther King Jr
Number of words: 403 - Number of pages: 2.... of the group, Southern Christian Leadership Conference that was formed to carry on civil right activities in the south. But later in 1963 he was put into jail during a successful campaign to achieve the desegregation of many public facilities in Birmingham, Alabama.
Martin later became the youngest person ever to get the Nobel peace prize. In 1965 . led a drive to register black voters in Selma, Alabama. But to get this drive protesters did a five-day march from Selma to the capitol in Montgomery.
He combined his civil right compains with a strong hand against the Vietnam war because .....
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James Joyce
Number of words: 1326 - Number of pages: 5.... his greatest works the literary traditions of realism, naturalism, and symbolism” (Encarta, 1). “In 1941, suffering from a perforated ulcer, Joyce dies in Zurich on January thirteenth” (Encarta, 1).
“Joyce’s story, “Clay”, starts off on Halloween, which is the Celtic New Year’s Eve and Feast of the Dead. In Irish customs, it is a night of remembrance of the dead ancestors and anticipation of the various fortune telling games” (Masterplots, 1). The story is about Maria, a middle age spinster who works in the kitchen of a laundry esta .....
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Josephy P. Kennedy II
Number of words: 260 - Number of pages: 1.... education includes a
bachelor's degree from the University of Massachusetts in l976. He is married
to the former Beth Kelly and is the father of two children. His father was the
late Senator Robert Kennedy of New York and his uncle was the late President
John F. Kennedy.
Congressman Kennedy's political background includes a strong family
history in public service. Upon his graduation, his occupation was to form a
non profit company devoted to providing heating oil at affordable prices for the
poor and the working poor. He successfully manged this company before being
elected to Co .....
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Robert E. Lee
Number of words: 2629 - Number of pages: 10.... the Lee family moved to a larger home in Alexandria, Virginia. The next year his father received injuries in a Baltimore riot from which he never fully recovered and that also caused his leaving of Alexandria for a warmer climate. He died six years later at Cumberland Island, Georgia when Robert was only 12. Robert was forced to become the man of the family and cared for his mother and sisters because his father and elder brothers had left. Robert would stuff papers to block cracks in the carriage and go driving to help his mother get out during her failing health. Years later, when Robert le .....
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