Term Papers on Biographies |
The Life Of Anne Frank
Number of words: 647 - Number of pages: 3.... them up against
the wall. You read the announcements of their death in the paper, where they're
referred to as 'fatal accidents.'"--October 9, 1942
"All college students are being asked to sign an official statement to the
effect that they 'sympathize with the Germans and approve of the New Order."
Eighty percent have decided to obay the dictates of their conscience, but the
penalty will be severe. Any student refusing to sign will be sent to a German
labor camp."--May 18, 1943
Here is were the story begins ...
On June 12, 1942, Anne Frank's parents gave her a small red-and-white pl .....
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Presdent James Abram Garfield
Number of words: 2032 - Number of pages: 8.... and keep her family together. Thomas and Uncle Amos helped Mrs. Garfield with the farm work. She herself also sewed for the neighbors, and her girls learned to card wool and weave cloth. James early showed a love for books and his mother determined that he should have an education. When he was four years old, a log schoolhouse was built on the Garfields' lot.
The Boy on the Towpath
When he was 15, James was big enough and strong enough to do a man's work. He hired out to the neighbors for chopping wood, washing sheep, planting, plowing, and sowing. When he was 16, he decided to become a s .....
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Leonardo Da Vinci
Number of words: 829 - Number of pages: 4.... Virgin of the Rocks", "The Last Supper", a ceiling painting of the Sala delle Asse in the Milan Castello Sforzesco. Also there were three other paintings that either disappeared or never existed in the first place. They are, a "Nativity" said to have belonged to Emperor Maximilian, a "Madonna" that Ludovico Sforza announced as a gift to the Hungarian king Matthias Corvinus, and the portrait of one of Ludovico's mistresses, Lucrezea Crivelli.
Throughout his life he also served various other roles, including civil engineer and architect (designing mechanical structures such as bridges and a .....
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William Faulkner
Number of words: 1277 - Number of pages: 5.... Faulkner's great-grandfather was William C. Falkner. He was born in 1825.
He was a legendary figure in Northern Mississippi. Many details of his life
have shown up in Faulkner's writings. He was twice acquitted of murder charges.
He was a believer in severe discipline and was a colonel of a group of raiders
of the Civil War. He began as a poor youngster trying to take care of his
widowed mother, but ending his career as the owner of a railroad and a member of
the state legislature. He was killed by his former railroad partner shortly
after he had defeated the other for a seat in th .....
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Maya Angelou 5
Number of words: 1200 - Number of pages: 5.... get three meals a day. Only about 8% were getting only one meal a day, and this was not stolid food. Day after day, people lived off of bread, potatoes, macaroni, spaghetti, canned soups and thin gravy. Meat and vegetables were rarely served. A common response, often heard, when children were asked if they had eaten today was “No, this is my sisters’ day to eat.”
In 1937 the Ohio river burst it’s banks and killed over 250 people and ruined many livelihoods. Between 1933 and 1934 huge dust storms swept through country after country picking up tons of patched soil, 51 .....
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Langston Hughes
Number of words: 802 - Number of pages: 3.... in the name of a false integration", where a talented Black writer would prefer to be considered a poet, not a Black poet, which to Hughes meant he subconsciously wanted to write like a white poet. Hughes argued, "no great poet has ever been afraid of being himself'. He wrote in this essay, "We younger Negro artists now intend to express our individual dark-skinned selves without fear or shame. If white people are pleased we are glad. If they aren't, it doesn't matter. We know we are beautiful. And ugly too... If colored people are pleased we are glad. If they are not, their displeasure .....
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Women Who Changed The World: Rosa Parks
Number of words: 344 - Number of pages: 2.... in a federal lawsuit. Within a few months bus segregation
was ruled unconstitutional, and the buses were officially desegregated in
December 1956. Parks, who had lost her job because of the boycott, moved to
Detroit, Michigan, the following year, and again took in sewing. She also worked
as a fundraiser for the NAACP. In 1965 she was hired by Congressman John Conyers,
Jr., also a civil rights leader, to manage his Detroit office. She remained
active in the NAACP and the Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC). In
1987 she founded the Rosa and Raymond Parks Institute for Self-Deve .....
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Ray Bradbury
Number of words: 1235 - Number of pages: 5.... Roman, and Greek Myths. When he was old enough to choose his own reading
materials, he chose books by Edger Rice Burroughs and the comic book heroes
Flash Gordon, Buck Rogers, and Prince Valiant. When Bradbury was in Waukegan he
developed his interest in acting and Drama. After seeing a magician, known as
Blackstone, he became fascinated with magic also.
In 1932, his family moved to Tucson Arizona. With his talents he learned
in Waukegan (amateur magician) he got a job at the local radio station. "I was
on the radio every Saturday night reading comic strips to the kiddies and being
paid .....
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George Washington Carver
Number of words: 390 - Number of pages: 2.... year. The peanuts contained nitrate-producing legumes, and the cotton took all the nutrients from the soil, so the soil was fresh each planting season. The farmer took his peanuts and used them as a source of food for their livestock. Carver did not over look the peanuts as just food for animals, and found over 325 ways to use the peanuts for other reasons than food. He used peanuts to make peanut butter, cooking oil, printer ink, and many more useful applications for the peanut. Carver being the introvator that he was also found many ways for the pecan and sweet potato to help the .....
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Ellen Foster
Number of words: 749 - Number of pages: 3.... in the thoughts and
actions of Ellen. The simplistic and humble attitude that both Gibbons and
Ellen epitomize in the novel is portrayed through diction and dialogue
throughout the novel allows the audience to gain a better understanding and
personal compassion for both the character and author.
The novel is written in a short, choppy sentence structure using simple
word choice, or diction, in a stream of consciousness to enable the reader to
perceive the novel in the rational of an eleven-year-old girl. One short, simple sentence is followed by another , relating each in an eas .....
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