Term Papers on Biographies |
Comparison And Contrast Of Was
Number of words: 754 - Number of pages: 3.... in his stories is typically lighthearted, yet dramatic. This is demonstrated in “Rip Van Winkle” when Rip comes back from the “Kaatskills” and is talking to all the people in the town. There, he finds his son and daughter and asks, “Where’s your mother?” By asking this question, Irving implies both curiosity and even fear if Dame Van Winkle is still around. This humorous approach to the subject of Rip’s wife, makes light of the fact that Rip can’t stand her. Poe uses tone similarly to give his story a ‘feel’. The especially dramatic and morbid tones of “The Fal .....
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Margaret Atwood
Number of words: 1254 - Number of pages: 5.... Prunella and the Purple Peanut Non-Fiction ¨ 1972, Survival: A Thematic Guide to Canadian Literature ¨ 1977, Days of the Rebels 1815-1840 ¨ 1982, Second Words: Selected Critical Prose ¨ 1995, Strange Things: The Malevolent North in Canadian Literature Edited ¨ 1982, The New Oxford Book of Canadian Verse in English ¨ 1986, The Oxford Book of Canadian Short Stories in English ¨ 1987, The Canlit Foodbook ¨ 1989, The Best American Short Stories ¨ 1995, The New Oxford Book of Canadian Short Stories in English ~ STYLE ~ Although many have used s style of writing poetry, not one has y .....
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Dr Daniel J. Boorstin
Number of words: 785 - Number of pages: 3.... and the Librarian of
Congress Emeritus. He is a member of the Massachusetts Bar and has
practiced law. He has received more than fifty honorary degrees and has
been honored by the governments of France, Belgium and Portugal. In 1989 he
received the National Book Award for Distinguished Contributions to
American Letters by the NationalBook Foundation.
Dr. Boorstin's many books include the trilogy The Americans: The Colonial
Experience, which won the Bancroft Prize, The Americans: The National
Experience, which won the Parkman Prize, and The Americans: The Democratic
Experience, which won the .....
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George Washington Carver
Number of words: 441 - Number of pages: 2.... life, Carver put together a laboratory, made useless
and over-farmed land farmable, and continued research. Much of the land in
the South had been over-farmed. All of the soil's nutrients had been
depleted by the cotton and tobacco plant. Carver improved soil with his
own blend of fertilizers. He also advised farmers to plant peanuts and
sweet potatoes, he told them this would help the soil. So many farmers did
this and were stuck with peanuts and sweet potatoes. So he made over 300
bi-products from plants such as cereal, oils, dyes, and soaps. In addition,
Carver developed a "school on .....
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Jimi Hendrix
Number of words: 3378 - Number of pages: 13.... through in his music. Jimi said it best in “If 6 was 9” on Axis: Bold As Love when he said “I’m gonna wave my freak flag high.” Hendrix’ first forays into professional music came after he received his honorable discharge from service in the summer of 1962 (Murray 36). His background in R&B, a type of music dominated by black artists at that time, led him to play with many R&B singers from the time, such as Little Richard, King Curtis, Joey Dee and the Starliters, the Isley Brothers, and many others (Murray 38-42). The development of his own style of music, which would la .....
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Abraham Lincoln And Jefferson Davis
Number of words: 1455 - Number of pages: 6.... contrast, Davis had a temper such that when challenged, he simply could not
back down (DeGregorio 89). Davis had been a fire-eater before Abraham Lincoln's
election, but the prospect of Civil War made him gloomy and depressed. Fifty-
three years old in 1861, he suffered from a variety of ailments such as fever,
neuralgia, and inflamed eye, poor digestion, insomnia, and stress. Lincoln also
suffered from illnesses during the war. He had severe cases of headaches and
Both presidents had a lot of pressure of them due to the fact of
defending their region. Lincoln had difficulti .....
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Baron De Montesquieu
Number of words: 786 - Number of pages: 3.... The Laws, he uses despotism to tell about how the different governments get corrupt. He believed that the only reason a despotism starts is because of a corruption in a republican or monarchy government.
Montesquieu believed that all things were made up of rules or laws that never changed. He set out to study these laws with the hope that knowledge of the laws of government would reduce the problems of society and improve human life. He was very active in his economy and had a joy for doing so. This made him a very influential person in his society.
Despite Montesquieu’s belief in .....
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The Life Of Author Harper Lee
Number of words: 536 - Number of pages: 2.... all guilty. This case left a lasting impression on Lee. She used this case as a rough basis for some events that took place in To Kill a Mockingbird.
Lee first attended college at Huntington College in Montgomery, Alabama from 1944-45. In 1945 Lee decided to pursue her law degree at the University of Alabama. She stayed at the University of Alabama until 1949. She also studied for a year at Oxford University in England. Lee never completed her work for her law degree. In the 1950’s she worked as a reservation clerk with Eastern Air Lines and BOAC in New York City. In the late 1950’s Lee .....
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Nicholas Romanov
Number of words: 1520 - Number of pages: 6.... was under tsarist rule by Nicholas II of the Romanov empire. Nicholas II was brought up by his father Alexander III who didn’t believe that his son could take an intelligent interest in anything and therefore did not educate him in the business of state . The fact that his father who died at age 49 thought that he had many more years ahead of him may also be another factor behind Nicholas’ poor leadership of Russia .
Alexander who died in 1894 had left Russia with a society no longer controlled by tsarist rule and when Nicholas took the throne after his father’s death Russian soci .....
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Freud And Jung
Number of words: 713 - Number of pages: 3.... the basis of most emotional problems. He felt that a normal, healthy sex life was essential to emotional happiness. It is odd, however, that Freud based so much importance in sex when his sex life was very unsatisfactory. Freud became resentful after his wife terminated their sexual relationship due to poor birth control. Freud felt that libido was the form of psychic energy that motivates a person to seek out pleasure. He also felt that our stages of development were guided by impulses of the id; the pleasure seeking part of personality. In analyzing dreams, Freud interpreted most symbols i .....
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