Term Papers on Biographies |
Joan Of Arc As A Leader
Number of words: 3119 - Number of pages: 12.... and helped keep the American Union from splitting apart during the war. (Rolka,1994,213)
An excellent example of bad leadership would be the Iraqi President Saddam Hussein. Iraq and Iran were at war from 1980 to 1988 the battle ended on an agreement of a cease-fire between the two nations. This war is where Saddam was recognized for his ruthless actions, he used chemical weapons against the Kurdish people of Iraq, who were mearly wanting their right of self- government. In this instance Saddam showed a blatant disregard for humane life which carried over to his attempt of occupying Kuwait .....
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Horace Mann
Number of words: 661 - Number of pages: 3.... Mann believed in public support and control of schools.
Mann thought that education was a right that was passed on from generation to generation. Denying children this right was horrible to Mann. Today in the United States, education of the public is seen as a right and is partaken in by countless young people every year. thought that if children were taught well they would make good goverrment officials.
Mann thought that schools must emphasize moral, civic, and cultural values. These ideas are what schools try to accomplish today. Mann believed in a common program in scho .....
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Henrik Ibsen
Number of words: 584 - Number of pages: 3.... works. Ibsen became creative director of The Norwegian Theater in Christiania in 1858. The next year, he wrote the historical play The Vikings at Helgeland. The Pretenders was written in 1863. Beside Bjornstjerne Bjornson’s Sigurd Slembe, The Pretenders is considered the main work of historical fiction produced during this era. married Suzannah Thoresen (1836-1914) in 1858. Soon after, he wrote the poem "On the Heights"(1859) and the play Love’s Comedy (1863). The years in Christiania were difficult for Ibsen. He was given a means of escape when a group of his friends, hea .....
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Number of words: 2985 - Number of pages: 11.... later, Roosevelt began his formal education under a governess of Archibald and Edmund Rogers. It was here that Roosevelt learned to speak German and received the opportunity to study abroad the next year. While abroad, however, he contracted a mild case of typhoid fever, the first of a multitude of illnesses that he would battle during his life. He returned to Hyde Park in 1890, and was tutored by Miss Riensberg. On September 28 of the same year, Roosevelt began studies under a Swiss governess, Jeanne Sardoz, which lasted for two years. Sardoz taught him some of the ins and outs of the B .....
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Roald Dahl
Number of words: 568 - Number of pages: 3.... but you have to keep in mind this was an English school. Each day on the way to and from school, seven years old Dahl and his friends passed by a sweet shop. Unable to resist the lure of "Bootlace Liquorice" and "Gobstoppers"- the children would pile into the store and buy as much candy as they could with their allowance. It is memories like this that contribute to Dahl's work. This specific memory is much alike his book Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. In the book Charlie and the Chocolate Factory a boy named Charlie is very poor. Charlie hears of a contest concerning golden tickets .....
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Ralph Waldo Emerson 2
Number of words: 1294 - Number of pages: 5.... was a man of inspiration who knew how to express himself by writing the best of poems and philosophical ideas with inspiration.
To get an idea of how Ralph Waldo Emerson might have become such an inspiration to the people, some background on his life is essential. Can you imagine living a life with all your loved ones passing away one by one? A persons life could collapse into severe depression, it could lose all hope and meaning. They could build a morbid outlook on life. Ralph Waldo Emerson suffered these things. He was born on May 25, 1803 and entered into a new world, a new nation .....
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Albert Einstein
Number of words: 501 - Number of pages: 2.... as associate professor of
physics at the University of Zurich. By 1909, Einstein was recognized throughout
Europe as a leading scientific thinker. In 1909 the fame that resulted from his
theories got Einstein a job at the University of Prague, and in 1913 he was
appointed director of a new research institution opened in Berlin, the Kaiser
Wilhelm Physics Institute.
In 1915, during World War 1, Einstein published a paper that extended
his theories. He put forth new views on the nature of gravitation. Newton's
theories he said were not accurate enough. Einstein's theories seemed .....
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Sir Wilfrid Laurier
Number of words: 1303 - Number of pages: 5.... liberal immigration policy brought hundreds of thousands of settlers
to the western provinces. He reduced postal rates, promoted the building of
railroads needed for national expansion, and appointed a commission to regulate
railroad rates. After 15 years in office his government was defeated, presumably
on the issue of reciprocal trade with the United States. Laurier believed,
however, that his political defeat was caused primarily by opponents in Ontario
who considered him too partial to Roman Catholic interests in Quebec. Prior to
World War I, Laurier tried forcefully to support .....
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BF Skinner
Number of words: 564 - Number of pages: 3.... on the learning process. Through his research Skinner’s main contribution to the field of education would be his behavioral work with the theory of operant conditioning. Skinner himself says that, “When I am asked what I regard as my most important contribution, I always say the original experimental analysis of operant behavior and its subsequent extension to more complex cases.” (Bigge, Shermis. 95)
According to Skinner operant conditioning, like all psychological processes, is a product of natural selection and deals with stimuli or consequences that act as reinforcers to behavi .....
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Blaise Pascal
Number of words: 1516 - Number of pages: 6.... By the time he was 15 Blaise admired the work of Desargues greatly. At 16 Pascal presented a single piece of paper at a Mersenne's meeting in June 1639. It held many of his geometry theorems, including his mystic hexagon. In December 1639 he and his family left Paris and moved to Rouen where his father Etienne was appointed tax collector for Upper Normandy. Soon after settling down in Rouen his Essay on Conic Sections was published in February of 1640. It was his first great work. Pascal also invented the first digital calculator to aid his father in his tax collecting duties. For three .....
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