Term Papers on Biographies |
Hugh Of Balma
Number of words: 571 - Number of pages: 3.... movements of mind and heart and fervent aspirations. These movements would then build up and maintain the desire of tending toward God. This type of anagogic prayer and the Cloud of Unknowing, which was also written by , is evident. The works of that teach the way of unitive prayer have inspired many teachings of known people like Henry of Herp, Bernardino of Laredo, Jean Gerson, and many others.
, thoroughly influenced by Gallus and perhaps the most immediate source of the Cloud, stresses the importance of the intellect in the first two stages of the mystical ascent, like virtually e .....
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Review Of Ernest Hemingway And Writings
Number of words: 1492 - Number of pages: 6.... where he
remained for seven months. His oppurtunity to break away came when he
volunteered as a Red Cross ambulance driver in Italy. In July of 1918 while
serving along the Piave River, he was severely wounded by shrapnel and
forced to return home after recuperation in January 1919. The war had left
him emotionally and physically shaken, and according to some critics he
began as a result "a quest for psychological and artistic freedom that was
to lead him first to the secluded woods of Northern Michigan, where he had
spent his most pleasant childhood moments, and then to Europe, where his .....
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Benito Mussolini
Number of words: 550 - Number of pages: 2.... beginning it was composed mainly of ex-serviceman, the Fascists restored order in Italy by force, breaking up the Socialist and Communist organizations of the workers. Guided by Mussolini, they aimed to seize power and bring to an end to parliamentary democracy, which they most wanted to.
When the Fascists marched on Rome in 1922, King Victor Emmanuel III decided to hand over the government to them. Mussolini was selected Prime Minister. For three years he was head of a coalition government, but in 1925 he took the powers of government into his own hands. He forbade all political op .....
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Jesse Owens
Number of words: 766 - Number of pages: 3.... in junior high. He was a
excellent track runner in high school, one of the best in the world. Like
mentioned above, he was excellent in the broad jump, the one-hundred meter dash,
and the two-hundred meter dash. He loved running when he was young, he said “ would always get me where I was going...” He would always run. He then
went on to attend Ohio State University and there he set the new worlds record
for the broad jump at the length of 26 feet and one forth inch. Going on to the
next year he set another worlds record for the one-hundred meter dash at the
time of 10.2 seconds. .....
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Bruce Lee
Number of words: 183 - Number of pages: 1.... was Kung-Fu among many other styles that he practiced.
From all of the things that I've read and seen about Lee, I think that he
was the type of person that would never give up. He could get beat and come back
for revenge, but there weren't many times that he was defeated. He was also a
very inspiring person to many people. He taught that mental actions overcome
physical ones, that people should only result to fighting when it was the last
option, and that a person shouldn't determine the outcome of a fight before it
starts because underestimation could lead to defeat. Bruce also had .....
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The Art Of Rock And Roll By Charles Brown
Number of words: 3478 - Number of pages: 13.... must have had something to base
their music on which turned out to be primarily folk, jazz, and pop. They
simple changed the pattern and style of that music and started forming rock.
Assumption three states that it is just as valid to study rock and
roll as European classical music. Rock will prove to be a valid means of
producing competent musicians and that it demands the same type of performance
as in any musical form. Since it is a valid way in which to study music in
general it is just as valid to start with rock as starting anywhere else.
Assumption four states that simple m .....
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Chief Seattle
Number of words: 1582 - Number of pages: 6.... qualities in a war that pitted his and other saltwater tribes against those of the Green and White Rivers. (1) He was considered to be Duwamish since his mother was the daughter of a Duwamish chief and the line of descent passed matrilineally. This was sometimes the case when fathers died while their son's were was still young and the mother would return to her tribe to raise the children. The Duwamish lived on the Duwamish River and various islands across the Puget Sound. Seattle was married twice, his first wife Ladaila, died after bearing one daughter, Kiksomlo, known as "Angeline". .....
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Louis XIV
Number of words: 1021 - Number of pages: 4.... Henry IV had such a claim been made. Louis saw himself as God's representative on earth, therefore, infallible. He oversaw roadbuilding, court decorum, defense, and disputes within the church.
He had the support initially of his ministers, then that of the French people. He had given France the image it desired-youth and vitality surrounded by magnificence. Louis won the favor of the nobles by making it evident that their future depended on their ability stay on his good side. This weakened the nobility, and would eventually weaken France.
Louis had among his supportors a wide spectrum of .....
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Will Rogers
Number of words: 736 - Number of pages: 3.... rights in the U.S. Above all,though, Will was a "regular guy." His shy grin, easy manner, and total absence of sham endeared to Americans of all backgrounds. He had no pretensions, and his pleasures were simple: he liked to ride horses, rope cattle, and read the papers. In fact he often said, "I only know what I read in the papers." In this way, he tried to show that he wasn't a Washington insider; he got his information out of the newspapers, just like regular folk. During the Depression, many people were worried about what was going on in Washington. When Will pointed ou .....
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Eduard Munch
Number of words: 821 - Number of pages: 3.... obsession with vampires. The intense switch in meaning plays on the mind of the viewer very curiously. It turns from compassion for the two lovers to sympathy and sorrow for the victimized man. The woman’s red hair becomes almost demonic and the background’s darkness transforms from a sorrow-filled unity between the two figures to a desolate ambiance of confusion. The dark green in the background is tranquil, but the viewer’s knowledge of the situation happening to the vulnerable man leaves the viewer in a state of ambiguity. A peaceful image is portrayed, but the woman is litera .....
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