Term Papers on Biographies |
Rosalind Franklin
Number of words: 509 - Number of pages: 2.... Jacques Mering.
X-ray crystallography helped determined the three dimensional structure of DNA when Franklin returned to England. She became the first person to find the molecule¡¯s sugar-phosphate backbone while working with a team of scientists at King¡¯s College in London. Unfortunately, leadership misunderstandings and personality conflicts depreciated Franklin¡¯s effectivness in the laboratory. Maurice Wilkins, the laboratory¡¯s second in command, returned from a vacation expecting Franklin to work under him. Franklin came to the laboratory with the understanding .....
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Stephen King
Number of words: 516 - Number of pages: 2.... After his graduation in 1970 Stephen had aquired a Bachelor of Science in English and immediately was qualified to teach at the high school level. As a student Stephen worked at the Folger Library, which was on the University of Maine at Orono’s campus. While working he met a fellow employee named Tabitha Spruce, who he married in Janurary 1971. ’s first publication was a short story he wrote and sent to a men’s magazine. This is where his first profit from writing came from, throughout the few years after his graduation he worte stories and sold them to men’s magazines. All .....
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Orson Welles
Number of words: 1157 - Number of pages: 5.... often referred to as a “Renaissance man”, an individual who’s ambitious and concerned with revolutionizing multiple aspects of life. He was a prolific writer and talented actor who often appeared in his own productions. A gifted artist, Welles, coupled his abundant energy with an enthusiasm for life. He tried everything and was not afraid to take risks and to suffer the consequences of failures as well as the acclaims of success.
While, some critics say that Welles could never top “Citizen Kane”, such movies as “The Trial”, “Touch of Evil”, and “The Lady from Shanghai” .....
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Edgar Allan Poe
Number of words: 1463 - Number of pages: 6.... Allan's wife. In 1815, John Allan
moved his family to England. While there, Poe was sent to private
schools (Asselineau 410).
In the spring of 1826, Poe entered the University of
Virginia. There he studied Spanish, French, Italian, and Latin. He
had an excellent scholastic record. He got into difficulties almost
at once. Mr. Allan did not provide him with the money to pay for his
fees and other necessities. Poe was confused and homesick. He
learned to play cards and started drinking. Soon he was in debt in
excess of two thousand dollars. Poe discovere .....
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Number of words: 1003 - Number of pages: 4.... by his enemies to murder him in a legal way. made his enemies by going on a search to find someone wiser than he was. went on this search because the Oracle at Delphi said he was the wisest man there was but believed that to be false (5). This lead to a futile search for a person who did have wisdom so could prove the oracle wrong. went to people who had a reputation of wisdom and then he would question and talk to them to find out if they in fact were wise. When he met someone who thought they were wise, would come "to the assistance of the god" and show him that he is not (6). When he .....
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Shannon Lucid
Number of words: 656 - Number of pages: 3.... an astronaut to get
closer to God than my father." By this time America already had a space program.
She could not believe that of the first seven Mercury astronauts, none were
females. This is just one more instance she complained of discrimination of
women in traditionally male held occupations. She experienced the same thing
when she tried unsuccessfully to become a commercial pilot. So from Œ66-'68 she
worked at Kerr-Mcgee Corp. as a chemist. This is also where she met her
husband Michael Lucid. After she was married she returned to school at the
University of Oklahoma, where she .....
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Issac Asimov
Number of words: 1821 - Number of pages: 7.... to govern the robots, most importantly, he greatly influenced the world’s vision of future robots for all time, and he did this at a time when not even the simplest one existed.
Asimov is a human writing machine, who has published more than 500 books, and has at least one book in each of the major divisions of the Dewey decimal system. Although, his most influential writing was about robots, which he basically created. In his book I, Robot, one of the stories is about the first consumer robot. This robot is non-verbal and obeys the three laws of robotics; he is sold as a nursemaid to .....
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John F. Kennedy
Number of words: 271 - Number of pages: 1.... to the U.S. Senate in 1952.
In 1953 he married Jacqueline Bouvier. During recuperation from spinal surgery,
Kennedy completed Profiles in Courage (1956), for which he won a Pulitzer Prize
in 1957. Kennedy attempted to win the Vice-president presidential nomination and
failed; Kennedy began to plan for the presidential election in 1960. He won the
nomination on the first ballot. He campaigned with Senator Lyndon B. Johnson
his running mate, against Vice President Richard M. Nixon, the Republican
nominee. The issues of defense and economic standards were raised in four
televised debates. K .....
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Malcolm X
Number of words: 1021 - Number of pages: 4.... any more harassment by these white racists, Little had to migrate with his family to Lansing, Michigan. It did not help. The white racists of Lansing killed Malcolm’s father and laid him on a railway track, claiming he committed suicide. Alone and without money, Louise Little got more and more desperate, before the white authorities sent her to a mental hospital.
Malcolm attended school until eighth grade living with different families. When his teacher stopped him from trying to become a lawyer, he dropped out of school and went to his older half sister, Ella, who lived in Boston. There, .....
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The Life And Work Of Chaim Potok
Number of words: 588 - Number of pages: 3.... is currently the chairman of the Publication Committee
at The Jewish Publications Society. Chaim Potok also served his people and
religion through all of his writings which are all in some way related to or
involve Judaism.
Now, to go in-depth into his writings. First, his novels. The first
novel Potok wrote was The Chosen, which won him the Edward Lewis Wallant award,
in 1969, here is a quotation about that book:
"So why did Potok's book make such a heavy impression on me?... he takes a
meager story, told in plain words, about two Jewish boys who are radically
unlike me and turns it into .....
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