Term Papers on Biographies |
Slobodan Milosevic
Number of words: 1479 - Number of pages: 6.... in the Balkans for the umpteenth time. Almost a month after the most powerful military grouping in history launched air attacks on rump Yugoslavia to compel adherence to a peace accord, a human tragedy of grotesque proportions continues to unfold in Kosovo. Nearly 50 per cent of its Albanian population has been forced to flee the country under the relentless assault of the Yugoslav army and police, amid unbelievably cruel carnage of human lives and burning of villages and towns.
Kenneth Waltz’s first-image theory rests on the assumption that the causes of war are to be found in the natu .....
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Life Of Charles Robert Darwin
Number of words: 1232 - Number of pages: 5.... Dr. Darwin became grumpy, and impatient after the death of his wife. At the age of nine Charles went to Shrewsbury School, where his older brother Erasmus was already attending school. The school was very strict, and Charles found the lessons mindless and boring. No Science was taught, and perhaps the only thing he felt joy in was famous literature. He read all the great works of Shakespeare, enjoying them immensely.
When Charles was 16 he was sent off to Edinburgh University in Scotland. Like the rest of the men in his family, his family he was to become a doctor. Erasmus atten .....
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Abraham Lincoln
Number of words: 288 - Number of pages: 2.... born in Kentucky. The Lincoln Family then moved to Konob Creek, Kentucky. The farm work was really hard. They moved to Indiana to have more land. There, Abraham’s mom died of poison in the milk. Then they moved back to Kentucky, where Abraham’s dad married Sarah Bush Johnston. Abraham called his stepmother, “My angel mom.”
Then Abraham started working. He was most skilled at clearing forests. He was also really good at making fences. He was good because he was big for his age and could use the ax really well. He was so good that people started calling him, “the rail spli .....
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Ernesto Guevara
Number of words: 590 - Number of pages: 3.... Marxist leader that he was seeking. Guevara joined
Castro followers at a farm where they were training for guerrilla war tactics.
The tactics were those first used by Mao Tse-Tung. At this time, Ernesto
Guevara first was nick named "Che", which is Italian for pal.
The group invaded Cuba, where Che was commander of the revolutionary
army. From then on, he was known as the most aggressive, clever and successful
guerrilla officer. He also got the reputation for cold-blooded cruelty. One
reason for this reputation was because of his orders to mass execute followers
of the former Cuban pre .....
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Bach, Johann Sebastian
Number of words: 668 - Number of pages: 3.... for the organ) and he left his first job as organist at Arnstadt to go and have lessons with him. This turned into a four-month leave, causing trouble with Bach's employers when he returned. Not only had his presence been missed for four consecutive months, but he had come back writing in an advanced and unusual style that wasn't exactly what was required. It was great music but it was just a little ahead of its time.
So Bach moved on to the job in Weimar, which gave him greater musical freedom. His main duties were court organist and chamber musician to the reigning Duke Wilhelm Ernst, and .....
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Flo Hyman
Number of words: 1568 - Number of pages: 6.... the ball – and became the greatest American woman ever to play Volleyball”. (Encyclopedia of Women in Sports 1996).
Hyman’s dedication to sports and to the fight for equal opportunities for women in remembered by and honored with the Memorial Award, given annually by the Women’s Sports Foundation to female athletes who capture Hyman’s “dignity, spirit, and commitment to excellence”. (Sports Illustrated 1986) Hyman was known for a lot of things. People mostly remember her for her awe-inspiring spiking abilities, her equally strong defensive skills and her personal integrity .....
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George Lucas
Number of words: 2577 - Number of pages: 10.... missed his graduation ceremony at his high school, but joked that the only reason he got a diploma was because his teachers felt sorry for him. As a result, Lucas looked for other options to fill his void in life. Since his grades were not good enough for a four-year college, he decided to go to junior college. For the first time in his life, he hit the books. He fell asleep trying to earn the highest grades he could in order to have a future for himself.
During junior college, Lucas formed other interests. Instead of racing, he filmed them on a 8-millimeter camera his father gav .....
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Franklin Delano Roosevelt
Number of words: 390 - Number of pages: 2.... help of his friend Alfred E. Smith.
In 1932, FDR was the leading Democratic candidate with James Nance Garner beside him. FDR won only losing six out of 48. (New England- Republicans) His inauguration day was March 3, 1932. He said the famous lines; " We have nothing to fear but fear itself." His "hundred days" started by calling a session in Congress to talk about the Depression. On March 6, FDR made a "banking holiday" which was the start of the New Deal.
The New Deal was a group of programs made by FDR to help Americans get out of the Depression. It was also known as "alphabet sou .....
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Margaret Mead
Number of words: 770 - Number of pages: 3.... to DePauw University at Greencastle Indiana in 1919, where her intention was to major in English. Unfortunately, Margaret was looked down on in DePauw, so she transferred to Barnard College where she studied with Franz Boas and his student Ruth Benedict. It was also at Barnard College that she decided to make anthropology her main field of study. She received her B.A. degree from Barnard in 1923. In September of that same year, Margaret was married to Luther in a small Episcopal Church where she had been baptized. She then continued her studies as a graduate student, and in 1924 she received .....
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Michael Collins And Eamon De Velera
Number of words: 712 - Number of pages: 3.... him intensely). At various times, Collins held positions as (1) President of the Supreme Council of the IRB, (2) A leader, but not Commander-in-Chief of the IRA, (3) Sinn Féin member of the Dail, (4) Commander-in-Chief of the Free State Army, (5) Minister of Finance in the 1919 Provisional Government of the RoI, and (6) Cabinet member in the first post-treaty government. He is best know for his brilliant work during the Anglo-Irish war in setting up the IRA's extremely effective intelligence and counter-intelligence unit that time and time again saved the IRA forces to fight another day. .....
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