Term Papers on Biographies |
Edgar Allen Poe
Number of words: 1064 - Number of pages: 4.... little sister Rosalie. Mrs. Allan would have liked to adopt Edgar, but her husband was unwilling to commit himself. At that time people thought acting was immoral. John Allan could not help regarding the little son of actor parents as a questionable person to inherit his name and the fortune he was busy accumulating. He was willing however, to support the child, and in time came to be proud of Edgar's good looks and intelligence. When Edgar was six years old, Mr. Allen's business took him to Scotland, the country from which he had come originally. The family stayed in Scotland and England .....
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Peter The Great
Number of words: 2447 - Number of pages: 9.... In order to understand the image of and his significance it is necessary to know his background and the influences that shaped his life. was the fourteenth child of Alexei Mikhailovich, born in Moscow on May 30, 1672. Tsar Alexis died when Peter was four years old. His mother raised Peter. Tsars' Alexis son from his first marriage, Feodor Alekseevich succeeded to the throne but his reign did not last long. On April 27, 1682, Tsar Feodor died. In line to succeed him were, his brother Ivan and Peter who was his half-brother. Peter was only ten years old. With the assistance of the .....
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Christopher Columbus - American Hero Or Portuguese Idiot ?
Number of words: 529 - Number of pages: 2.... Indian region was well known for it's unique spices. These spices were not to be found in the Americas.
Perhaps that mental error could be overlooked when studying Columbus' persona. Others may not be so easy. He got off his boats and started to explore. He encountered natives of these new lands. He figures since this is India, these must be Indians. These so called "Indians" were not Indians at all. They were Native Americans. People belonging to local tribes of Iroquois, Cheyenne, Aztec, and Mayans. They resembled Indians in no way at all. Their facial structures are different, they speak .....
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Robert Johnson
Number of words: 2894 - Number of pages: 11.... the chickens cluckin in the backyard or me, when I’d be singin round the house. And he just love church… Little Robert set on my lap and try to keep time, look like, or hold on to my skirt and sort of jig up and down and laugh and laugh." (Lomax, 14) Thus, Robert was first introduced by his church into the world of music and was forever captured by its beauty.
Mrs. Johnson didn’t have much trouble with Robert as a child but as he grew older, he became more and more intrigued about the extravagant life of the bluesmen, and taken by the spiritual music. He started following the .....
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Reflections Of Milton In Is Works
Number of words: 1034 - Number of pages: 4.... in which he asks how God expects him to do his work blind.
Milton's ambitious side says that his writing talent is "lodged with [him]
useless"(Text 417). His religious side soon realizes that he is
"complaining" to God and he takes it back. He discovers that God will not
look down on him if he does not write a masterpiece. He granted Milton a
great talent, and he expects Milton to be happy. He has to learn to do his
work in a dark world. This poem was not the last time Milton referred to
his condition in his writing. In book one of Paradise Lost, while invoking
the Muse, Milton says "wh .....
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Booker T. Washington
Number of words: 615 - Number of pages: 3.... philosophy that were to characterize his career in the wider arena of race leadership. He convinced southern white employers and governors that Tuskegee offered an education that would keep blacks "down on the farm" and in the trades. To prospective northern donors and particularly the new self- made millionaires such as Rockefeller and Carnegie he promised the inculcation of the Protestant work ethic. To blacks living within the limited horizons of the post- Reconstruction South, Washington held out industrial education as the means of escape from the web of sharecropping and debt and the a .....
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Sigmund Freud
Number of words: 526 - Number of pages: 2.... to England with his wife and children to escape persecution. He died there of cancer in 1939. Freud’s most important writings include the Interpretation of Dreams (1900), Three Essays on the Theory of Sexuality (1905), Totem and Taboo (1913), Introductory Lectures on Psychoanalysis (1917), The Ego and the Id (1923), and Civilization and it Discontents (1930).
His Theories
Freud observed that many patients behaved according to drives and experiences of which they were not consciously aware. He thus concluded that the unconscious plays a major role in shaping behavior. He also conclude .....
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Dantes Views Of Chivalry And Warfare - Cantos Xii And Xxviii
Number of words: 2735 - Number of pages: 10.... a massive army, the coming of which is described as such, "between it and the base of the embankment / raced files of Centaurs who were armed with arrows, / as, in the world above, they used to hunt." [02]Their numbers are in the "thousands" (XII, 73 ), and it seems appropriate that Dante chooses the centaurs, a mixture of both man and horse, to represent a medieval army, for during chivalric wars of Medieval times "the man on horse, possessing both military and shock action, was clearly in command."[03]Immediately Dante establishes the framework for this canto as Virgil and he are themselve .....
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Billy Graham
Number of words: 4563 - Number of pages: 17.... North Carolina on November 17, 1918. Graham was raised on a dairy farm by William Franklin (deceased 1962) and Morrow Coffey Graham (deceased 1981). In 1943 he married his wife Ruth McCue Bell, and had four children Virginia 1945, Anne Morrow 1948, Ruth Bell 1950, William Franklin, Jr. 1952, and Nelson Edman 1958. At age eighty, he keeps fit by swimming, playing with is nineteen grand children, and from aerobic walking, in the mountains of North Carolina, where he currently lives. ( Best Sellers, 1999) told Time Magazine in one article about his life before becoming a preacher. "I live .....
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Artist: Turner: Outline
Number of words: 365 - Number of pages: 2.... of the slaves in the British colonies began.
b) Turner wanted to have a marriage between art and industry and painted “Rain, Steam and Speed, The Great Western Railway, “yet artists disliked the industrial revolution saying it was repulsive.
3. The changing style of Turner.
a) Turners’ works have changed greatly throughout his career and now his late works have been regarded as highly as his earlier works.
b) Many of his later exhibition canvases eluded interpretation in anything other than abstract visual terms.
4. Understanding Turner.
a) In the painting .....
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