Term Papers on Biographies |
Number of words: 1384 - Number of pages: 6.... addition to being a cheerleader, took up ballet classes while attending Rochester Adams High School. She found a mentor in dance instructor Christopher Flynn, who introduced her to the world of spunkiness and sophistication at Detroit gay clubs. ’s wild sexuality made her fly sky high! She went on dates with guys, had her first rape encounter at 14 and toyed with the idea of lesbianism and practiced mutual things with her female classmate. Having excellent academic performance in addition to her dancing skills, graduated early in 1976 with a dance scholarship to the Universit .....
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Willem De Kooning
Number of words: 1590 - Number of pages: 6.... a place in
the downtown art scene among his fellow artists.
By the late 1940s, de Kooning along with Arshile Gorky, Jackson
Pollock, Mark Rothko and Barnett Newman, began to be recognized as a major
painter in a movement called "Abstract Expressionism". This new school of
thought shifted the center of twentieth century art form Paris to New York.
Willem de Kooning was recognized as the only painter who had one foot in
Europe and one in America. He combined classical European training in
Holland with a love for popular American culture. The restlessness and
energy of American life .....
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Plato Vs. Aristotle
Number of words: 1919 - Number of pages: 7.... word in discussing Aristotle because he believes it is the necessary element to creating a stable government. His less metaphysical approach to politics makes Aristotle more in tune with the modern world, yet he is far from modern.
Plato's concept of what politics and government should be is a direct result of his belief in the theory of forms. The theory of forms basically states that there is a higher "form" for everything that exists in the world. Each material thing is simply a representation of the real thing which is the form. According to Plato, most people cannot see the forms, t .....
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Rudolph Christian Karl Diesel
Number of words: 348 - Number of pages: 2.... basic idea of how to go about creating
the engine was modified and improved many times before finally prefected in 1896.
To do this Rudolph had to have a great understanding of Thermodynamics. He had
to know basic principles of engines and how they work. Rudolph got help from
many people. Some of the people that helped him are Machine-fabric Augsburg,
Gasmotoren-Fabric Deutz and Mannesmann-Werke. It took them six years to finish
the Diesel Engine.
It was important because it gave a new and easier way of using engines. It
gave a way for large vehicles to transport goods safely. It .....
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Sir Isaac Newton
Number of words: 1521 - Number of pages: 6.... his master's degree in 1668. Newton ignored much of the established curriculum of the university to pursue his own interests: mathematics and natural philosophy. Proceeding entirely on his own, he investigated the latest developments in mathematics and the new natural philosophy that treated nature as a complicated machine. Almost immediately, he made fundamental discoveries that were instrumental in his career in science.
The Fluxional Method
Newton's first achievement was in mathematics. He generalized the methods that were being used to draw tangents to curves and to calculate the area s .....
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Number of words: 2069 - Number of pages: 8.... for art. At the age of four, he was drawing detailed pictures with astounding results. (Duncun, 47) During school, would pay little if any attention to his work or the lecture that the teacher was giving. Instead, he spent his time making sketches of his fellow classmates. (Duncun, 52) At the age of 13, was enrolled at an art school where his father taught, and suddenly his academic habits changed. He began to apply himself to his work, showing interest in what he was doing, and his grades showed a vast improvement. (Galwitz, 92) The family moved to Malaga and on the way there they st .....
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Marie Curie
Number of words: 609 - Number of pages: 3.... the most famous woman in physics and was recognised as one
of the greatest scientists of the century and won 2 Nobel prizes, one for
physics in 1903 and one for chemistry in 1911 for isolating radium and
studying its chemical properties. Even Einstein once said of her, “Marie
Curie is, of all celebrated beings, the one whom fame has not corrupted.”
As a child she always wanted to be left alone to finish her work.
But after she won the Nobel prize she could not concentrate on her work as
much, as she was famous. Her laboratory was a leaky shed with a dirt floor,
but it was in this shed .....
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Willa Sibert Cather And His Works
Number of words: 709 - Number of pages: 3.... family moved out
of the ranch and into the village, where she attended Red Cloud High School.
She attended the University of Nebraska, and graduated in 1895. As a student
she worked as a journalist, copy editor, critic, and fiction writer. When she
graduated, she moved back east to Pennsylvania. It was here where she worked on
a Pittsburgh newspaper named The Library. She also taught English in a high
school. Willa published "The Dance at Chevalier's," and four other short
stories under a pen name of Henry Nicklemann. Another major publication for her
was in April 1900, when "Eric Her .....
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Neil Simon, The Most Successful Playwright In The History Of Theatre
Number of words: 1335 - Number of pages: 5.... but six days, move into their new apartment on the top floor of a brownstone
in New York City. From the very first, the audience can see that these are two
very different characters that have very different values, and yet Paul and
Corie are very much in love. The plot progresses as other characters are
introduced. First to visit the newlyweds is Corie's mother, Mrs. Banks. The
relationship between Corie and her mother also involves a clash of very distinct
personalities. With the appearance of the Bratter's eccentric upstairs neighbor,
Victor Velasco, Corie sees the opportunity .....
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Henry Carey
Number of words: 3355 - Number of pages: 13.... Life of
He was born in 1793 in Philadelphia. He was the son of a self-made Irish immigrant, Mathew Carey. His father, whom was a leader in early American economic thinking, emigrated from Ireland on account of the political upheaval during the time. Henry Carey was also self taught and in 1821 at the age of twenty-eight assumed ownership of his fathers printing press. Carey who was a largely self-educated man, retired from active business at forty-two in order to devote the rest of his life to his literary career. Carey was known for his enormous published output. Many believe .....
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