Term Papers on Biographies |
Jackie Robinson 2
Number of words: 572 - Number of pages: 3.... leaving baseball, Robinson was vice president of a restaurant chain in New York City. From 1964 to 1968 he served as special assistant for civil rights to Governor Nelson Rockefeller of New York. Robinson starred in the motion picture The Jackie Robinson Story (1950) and was the author, with Alfred Duckett, of I Never Had It Made (1972)
ROBINSON, Jackie (1919-72). The first black player in either of the major baseball leagues was Jackie Robinson. He broke the color barrier in 1947, two years after he was signed by Branch Rickey, president of the Brooklyn (now Los Angeles) Dodgers.
Ja .....
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John F.Kennedy: Biography
Number of words: 1403 - Number of pages: 6.... he was voted "Most likely to succeed." By his fellow class mates.
Kennedy went to College at Princeton University, but he developed Jaundice, a disease where ones liver becomes bad and the poisons in your body back up, and was forced to drop out of the university. A year later, when Kennedy felt better, in 1936 he entered Harvard University. Kennedy's major was in government and international affairs.
In 1939, John went to Europe. He visited many different countries and interviewed politicians and statesman. Kennedy sent his father their views of the upcoming war, World War II.
During .....
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Jim Jones
Number of words: 1658 - Number of pages: 7.... dismissed or shouted down.
utilized the threat of severe punishment to impose the strict discipline and absolute devotion that he demanded, and he also took measures to eliminate those factors that might encourage resistance or rebellion among his followers. Research showed that the presence of a "disobedient" partner greatly reduced the extent o which most subjects in the Milgram situation (1965) obeyed the instructions to shock the person designated the "learner." Similarly, by including just one confederate who expressed an opinion different from the majority's, Asch (1955) .....
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Edgar Allan Poe
Number of words: 1457 - Number of pages: 6.... to England. While there, Poe was sent to private schools (Asselineau 410).
In the spring of 1826, Poe entered the University of Virginia. There he studied Spanish, French, Italian, and Latin. He had an excellent scholastic record. He got into difficulties almost at once. Mr. Allan did not provide him with the money to pay for his fees and other necessities. Poe was confused and homesick. He learned to play cards and started drinking. Soon he was in debt in excess of two thousand dollars. Poe discovered that he could not depend upon Allan for financial support. His fo .....
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Vincent Van Gogh 2
Number of words: 776 - Number of pages: 3.... early drawings were dark and somber, sometimes crude, but strong and full of feelings. In 1881, at age 28, he moved to Etten. Van Gogh liked the pictures of peasant life and labor that were first to be painted by Jean-Francois Millet, who had great influences on Van Gogh. His first paintings were crude but improving. In order for him to come up with the most important painting of his pre-impressionist period he had to make a number of studies of peasant hands and heads. And in April 1885 he painted a scene, The Potato Eater, in Holland. When he painted The Potato Eaters, he had not yet dis .....
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Richelieu And Olivares: The Quest For European Domination
Number of words: 761 - Number of pages: 3.... whose record of defeat is plain for all to read. My only anxiety
is to ensure that he should be given equal time.”(6). This book attempts
to demonstrate the chess match between Richelieu and Olivares in which
there was to be only one winner. The book compared the two leaders to show
what conflicts the two men had, how they dealt with them, what they thought
of each other and why one came out on top of the other. “They shared many
of the same problems; they came up with many of the same answers; and in
the end they reached the conclusion that the world was too small to contain
th .....
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George Orwell
Number of words: 761 - Number of pages: 3.... novel Such, Such Were the Joys" ("Orwell," The Oxford Companiion 516). After leaving school, he joined the "Imperial Indian Police," and after five years in Burma, resigned in 1928 ("," The Oxford Anthology 2140). Burma left him with a "lifelong distaste" for power ("," St. Martin's Anthologies 398). Orwell remained living a "life of poverty" in England and Europe until the mid-1930's (Wadsworth 866).
In 1927 after an attack of "dengue fever" he returned to Europe ("Orwell," The Oxford Companion). In 1936 he took over a village store, married, and was commisioned to write about England .....
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Minor White
Number of words: 578 - Number of pages: 3.... realistic natural images in an abstract way as to make the viewer think about and try to "read" the photograph. Often, Minor compared his work to religious or spiritual events that have happened throughout history. Sometimes he would express his thoughts in his poetry and publish the poem along with the photograph and display them together.
Being proclaimed as one of the most creative photographers of our time would not be far off. Every photograph he took was supposed to inspire thought. He wanting for this was inspired by George Guerdjiff, who wanted to energize the 3 centers of being; in .....
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Johann Sabastian Bach
Number of words: 872 - Number of pages: 4.... tendencies and high expectations of other musicians - for example, the church choir - rubbed his colleagues the wrong way, and he was embroiled in a number of hot disputes during his short tenure. In 1707, at the age of 22, Bach became fed up with the lousy musical standards of Arnstadt (and the working conditions) and moved on to another organist job, this time at the St. Blasius Church in Muhlhausen. The same year, he married his cousin Maria Barbara Bach.
Again caught up in a running conflict between factions of his church, Bach fled to Weimar after one year in Muhlhausen. In Weimar .....
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Rick Pitino
Number of words: 1837 - Number of pages: 7.... Learn from adversity
10) Survive your own success
Building your self-esteem is the first step to achieving. The first part that you must remember is that you are in control. You are the one that will be deciding how good you are, or if you deserve to win. He talks about one of the first players that he coached in college and how he blamed his lack of success on every other reason except the fact that he wasn't working hard enough. Remember, first you must have the reason for your high self esteem before you can show it. You have control over what you are going to accomplish, everybody ha .....
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