Term Papers on Biographies |
Sammy Davis Jr.
Number of words: 518 - Number of pages: 2.... black artists were not fit to talk to the audience. Sammy changed this at a nightclub in Hollywood. He "touched the audience". This got him a record deal with Decca.
When Sammy was a rising star, he was driving from Las Vegas to L.A. He had an accident that took away his left eye. This gave him publicity and boosted his career. After this, he converted to Judaism and started to refer to God as "The Cat Upstairs".
Sammy worked hard. You already know he had many talents. What you probably did not know is that he often worked on several projects at the same .....
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Marxs Alienation
Number of words: 1182 - Number of pages: 5.... must find the exact meaning of alienation to interpret what Marx ment. According to the Websters dictionary, Alienation is defined as a “withdrawing or separation of a person or a person’s affections from an object or position of former attachment.” Marx believed this term was best present in the labor force at his time. He saw the capitalist society as exploiting workers and also stripping individuals of their own free will. This exploitation would be dominant enough that it set limits to the individuals creative potential, thus alienating man to himself. Karl Marx b .....
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The Life Of William Shakespeare
Number of words: 971 - Number of pages: 4.... was baptized on May 26, 1583. In 1585 Anne Shakespeare gave birth to twins. A boy named Hamnet and a girl named Judith. Hamnet did not survive.
Shakespeare arrived in London about 1588 and by 1592 and had success as an actor and playwright. He secured the patronage of Henry Wriothesley, 3rd Earl of Southampton. William Shakespeare’s professional life in London was marked by a number of financially advantageous arrangements that permitted him to share in the profits of his acting company. his plays were given special presentation at the courts of Queen Elizabeth 1 and King James .....
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Biography Of Tiger Woods
Number of words: 833 - Number of pages: 4.... the war, back in the United States, Earl met a Thai woman named Kultida and he married her and had a son. They named the baby Eldrick, but Earl called him “Tiger”. Tiger Woods took interest in golf at a young age. He would watch from his crib as his father would practice his swing. He began playing golf since before he could walk. When he got a few years older, he began to compete in the Junior Nationals tournaments against older boys. He didn’t have the strength to drive the ball far, but he had skill; he was blessed. Earl made Tiger some miniature clubs out of his old .....
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Steve Jobs
Number of words: 998 - Number of pages: 4.... the campus for a year taking classes in philosophy and immersing himself in the counter culture.
In 1974, Steve Jobs took a job as a video game designer at Atari, Inc., a pioneer in electronic arcade recreation. After a few months he saved enough money to go to India where he traveled in search of spiritual enlightenment with Dan Kottke, a friend from Reed College.
In the autumn of 1974, Jobs returned to California and started attending meetings of "Woz’s" "Homebrew Computer Club". Woz like most of the clubs members, was happy with the creation of electronics. .....
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Balzac's Pessimistic View Of Nineteenth Century Society
Number of words: 1841 - Number of pages: 7.... to climb back up to the top, where
he had been before. At the beginning of the novel, there is a vision of a
slow non-energetic man walking progressively up the stairs to lawyer
Derville's study which contrasts the boisterous energy of the clerks.
Chabert reaches Derville's study and is determined to find the lawyer to
help him find justice for his infortunes, "... me suis-je d‚termin‚ …
venir vous trouver. Je vous parlerai de mes malhers plus tard." Chabert
demonstrates some energy left in him by his will to retrieve everything
that he lost. This energy to gain back his powe .....
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Muhammed Ali 2
Number of words: 290 - Number of pages: 2.... grandfather. Muhammad came under the care of a famous trader named Abu Talib, and is reputed to have accompanied him on trading journeys to Syria. About 595, on such a journey, he was in charge of the merchandise of a rich woman, Khadijah , and so impressed her that she offered marriage. She is said to have been about 40, but she bore Muhammad at least two sons, who died young, and four daughters. Muhammad appears to have been of a reflective turn of mind and is said to have adopted the habit of occasionally spending nights in a hill cave near Mecca. The poverty and misfortunes of his ea .....
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Charles Lindbergh
Number of words: 2176 - Number of pages: 8.... he majored in mechanical engineering. During his time at the university he paid more attention to the growing field of avaion than he did to his studies. In 1924 enlisted in the United States Army so he could begin studying on how to be a fighter pilot. One year later he graduated from the Army flight training school that was held on both Brook’s field and Kelly’s field. He graduated as the number one pilot in his class. After that he bought his own airplane and for the next six years of his life he spent flying an airplane for Robertson Aircraft Corporation. The planes filled with mail .....
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Johann Sebastian Bach - The Brandenburg Concertos
Number of words: 586 - Number of pages: 3.... perfectionist tendencies and high expectations of other musicians – for example, the church choir – rubbed his colleagues the wrong way, and he was embroiled in a number of hot disputes during his short tenure. In 1707, at the age of 22, Bach became fed up with the lousy musical standards of Arnstadt (and the working conditions) and moved on the another organist job, this time at he St. Blasius Church in Muhlhausen (1707-1708). The same year, he married his cousin Maria Barbara Bach.
Again caught up in a running conflict between factions of his church, Bach fled to Weimar after .....
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Nikita Khrushcev
Number of words: 1589 - Number of pages: 6.... boss of the Ukraine and the first secretary of the party’s Moscow organization, who was not seen as a serious candidate for supreme power. (Kort) Khrushchev had two advantages over his associates, the right to appoint his trusted followers to key positions and the right to demote those he distrusted. To succeed Khrushchev had to remove his two principal rivals. He removed Beria quickly with the help of other colleagues who feared Beria. On April 4, 1953 Beria was forced to admit that his men had fabricated the "Doctors plot" that resulted in the arrest and death of several
physicians. .....
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