Term Papers on Biographies |
Muammar Al Qaddafi
Number of words: 913 - Number of pages: 4.... well educated.
One of his first goals when he was a child was to join the Libyan army.
He slowly moved up in rank. It was surprising they even let him in the
army; he had a long police record. He eventually joined the King's police.
This was when the idea of a coup attempt came. He did succeed.
Qaddafi was born in a tent in the desert 20 miles south of the sea.
This is a desolate place- burning hot in the summer, and freezing cold in
the winter. Most people would consider this place to be uninhabitable. His
father was at the bottom of social level in this very poor country. The
n .....
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Chuck Yeager
Number of words: 1311 - Number of pages: 5.... a mechanic. After a year of being a mechanic, the Untied States was short pilots, so they put up a notice to see if anyone wanted to become a pilot. Chuck signed the form; however, it took another year for them to pick him. It was always hard for Chuck to fit in among the other pilots and mechanics. Because he was from West Virginia, he had a strong accent, and a poor education, so he was never given a chance at first. Then, when he first went in a plane, he almost quit the pilot school because there was turbulence and he was bumping all over the place. On the other hand, once he flew a pla .....
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Woodrow Wilson
Number of words: 316 - Number of pages: 2.... dream however was shattered by war.
The greatest achievement Wilson ever made was his cooperation with other nations to form the League of Nations and ultimately form the United Nations. For Wilson's efforts, he was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1919. Wilson was greatly responsible for increasing US participation in world affairs.
Wilson was a great president and a great public servant. He was a brilliant speaker and a fun loving, energetic man who pursued his ideas to lead the nation through hard times. A true hero in a part of history that needed one. Wilson, Woodrow (1856-1924).
Bib .....
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Robert E. Lee 2
Number of words: 988 - Number of pages: 4.... army into a vulnerable position; he also hoped that the invasion might increase Northern war-weariness and lead the North to recognize the independence of the Confederate
States of America (Johnson 85). In pursuit of this plan, Lee crossed the Blue Ridge Mountains, proceeded up the Shenandoah Valley, and, crossing Maryland, entered Pennsylvania (Clark 86). Upon learning federal troops were north of the Potomac, Lee decided to concentrate his whole army at Gettysburg (Clark 86).
On June 30, Confederate troops from General Hill’s corps, on their way to Gettysburg, saw federal troops .....
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Michael Jordan
Number of words: 1680 - Number of pages: 7.... have two sons; Jeffrey Michael and Marcus James.
Jordan’s friends admired him and value his friendship because he is a considerate and noble man. The Jordan’s are "pretty laid-back people". (Naughton, 1997, Pg. 19) Fred Whitfield, a friend of Jordan states, "he was just a real clean-cut guy with his head on straight." (Naughton, 1992, Pg. 18) "He hates to be embarrassed, he can’t take that. He can dish it out all the time, though. "If you make a mistake, he’ll let you know about it," states Buzz Peterson, a college roommate. Kevin Jones .....
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Agatha Christie
Number of words: 1345 - Number of pages: 5.... with her siblings. Not being around other children besides her siblings made Miller a shy child. She was not outspoken in her thoughts, so she expressed her feelings in music. Later in life, she would turn to writing as a means of expression (Yaffe Agatha Miller’s first husband was Archibald Christie, who was a World War I fighter pilot. The newlywed Mrs. Christie worked as a nurse while her husband was off at war. Through her nursing experiences, she learned of many new drugs on the market. These drugs fascinated her, thus prompting her to use them as factors in .....
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Oliver North
Number of words: 1161 - Number of pages: 5.... called into duty in Vietnam, where he was station with K Company of the Third Battalion, Third Marine Regiment, Third Division from December 3, 1968 to August 21, 1969. During his service, North led many covert operations, and was awarded a Silver Star, a Bronze Star, and two Purple Hearts. He was a "marine's marine", and was a one-of-a-kind leader.
While in Vietnam, he was assigned to counterinsurgency operations in which he met General Singlaub and General Secord, then lieutenant colonels. After coming back from Vietnam, he served as a planner in the Marine Corps headquarters in Washing .....
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Octavian Augustus
Number of words: 2253 - Number of pages: 9.... Magistrates were the elected officials who put the laws into practice. The most important of these magistrates were the consuls. The two consuls, each elected for one year, acted as the chief executives of the state. Censors were also very important magistrates. Censors were elected every five years to take a census and record the wealth of the people. Censors also had two other very important jobs. The first was to appoint candidates for the Senate and the second was to award contracts for government projects (Hanes 1997). As time passed, the Romans also began to elect other magistrates ca .....
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The Life Of Harry Houdini
Number of words: 2044 - Number of pages: 8.... region.
His parents spoke only Yiddish, Hungarian, and German. The family
was quite poor so most of the children began to work at an early age. From
the age of eight young Ehrich Weiss sold newspapers and worked as a shoe
shine boy. Please note that when coming to the United States there were
often many spellings of names as people adjusted to English. At the age of
12, young Ehrich left home to make his way in the world in an attempt to
help support his family. This was a great sign of independence. This is
contrary to those who incorrectly claim he was overly obsessed with his
mo .....
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John Brown
Number of words: 1213 - Number of pages: 5.... company of blacks, for two years living in a freedmen’s community
in North Elba, New York. In time he became a militant abolitionist, a
"conductor" on the Underground Railroad, and the organizer of a
self-protection league for free blacks and fugitive slaves.
By the time he was fifty, Brown was entranced by visions of slave
uprisings, during which racists paid horribly for their sins, and he came
to regard himself as commissioned by God to make that vision a reality.
In August 1885 he followed five of his sons to Kansas to help make the
state a haven for anti-slavery .....
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