Term Papers on Biographies |
Francisco Jose De Goya Y Lucientes
Number of words: 545 - Number of pages: 2.... more spontaneous painting technique.
At the same time, Goya achieved his first popular success. He became established as a portrait painter to the Spanish aristocracy. He was elected to the Royal Academy of San Fernando in 1780, named painter to the king in 1786, and made a court painter in 1789.
A serious illness in 1792 left Goya permanently deaf. Isolated from others by his deafness, he became increasingly occupied with the fantasies and inventions of his imagination and with critical and satirical observations of mankind. He evolved a bold, free new style close to caricature. In .....
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Classical Economist - Adam Smi
Number of words: 933 - Number of pages: 4.... ends in a conspiracy against the public, or in some
contrivance to raise prices." He suggested, however, that businessmen seeking their own interest are led "as if by an invisible hand" to promote the well-being of society.
Smith's Analysis of Economic Systems
This position is supported in the Wealth of Nations by an elaborate analysis of how economic systems function and develop over time. Smith sought to show how competition in the market- place would lead businessmen to supply the goods consumers want, to produce these goods efficiently, and to charge only what they are worth .....
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Thomas Jefferson
Number of words: 4784 - Number of pages: 18.... that reason, I decline to enlighten you; nothing could be more
distasteful to me than what you propose, and, when you address me, I shall
be obliged if you will omit the 'Mr.' "
If we can imagine Washington doing so undignified a thing as did President
Lincoln, when he first met our present Secretary of State, (John Sherman)
and compared their respective heights by standing back to back, a sheet of
paper resting on the crowns of Washington and Jefferson would have lain
horizontal and been six feet two inches from the earth, but the one was
magnificent in physique, of massive frame a .....
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Lizzie Borden
Number of words: 2713 - Number of pages: 10.... this particular tendency to such an extreme that he was a local legend, and not a very popular one.
According to one Fall River legend, "When he was an undertaker, he cut the feet off the corpses so that he could cram them into undersized coffins that he got cheap"(Meganet, 1998 ).
Even though Andrew Borden was wealthy, the Borden family lived quite modestly in a narrow little house on Second Street.
's actual mother had died when Lizzie was just a young girl the age of two. Lizzie was born on Thursday, July 19th ,1860 in the Borden's house at 12 Ferry Street (Kent, 14). She had two sist .....
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James Bryant Conant
Number of words: 311 - Number of pages: 2.... A student who can read at a speed of 125 words per minute
should not be in the same English class as a person who only reads 50 words per
minute. On the opposite end, there is a downfall to this idea of separation of
classes. Students are put into certain groups and therefore they become
stereotyped into certain categories. A person at a high intelligent level may
be called a "brain" while a person at a low intelligent level may be called
"stupid". The students therefore form an identity with the group they belong
to and use this identity to predict their future success. For example .....
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The Life And Times Of Karl Mar
Number of words: 521 - Number of pages: 2.... another Left Hegelian, Arnold Ruge, moved to Paris and began publication of a radical journal entitled Deutsch-Franzosische Jahrbucher. However due to the difficulty in distributing such a radical paper, only one issue appeared.
Karl met his closest friend in September of 1844, when Frederick Engels arrived in Paris. Together they participated in the activities of many revolutionary societies, and formed the theory and ideas of revolutionary proletarian socialism, also known as communism. Finally in 1845 Marx was banished from Paris as a dangerous revolutionary. He decided to head for B .....
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Mahatma Gandhi
Number of words: 935 - Number of pages: 4.... poking at the ancient Hindu religion and culture and modern revolutionary ideas about politics and society, an unusual combination of perceptions and values. Gandhi’s life was filled with contradictions. He was described as a gentle man who was an outsider, but also as a godly and almost mystical person, but he had a great determination. Nothing could change his convictions. Some called him a master politician, others called him a saint, and millions of Indians called him Mahatma or Bapu (father).
Gandhi’s life was devoted to a search for truth. He believed that truth could be know .....
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Life Of Hitler
Number of words: 1112 - Number of pages: 5.... power. Only then will we be able to appreciate the profound evil of Hitler and Nazism. Adolf Hitler: The Man Behind the Mask! Adlof Hitler was born April 20, 1889 to Alois and Klara Hitler and had a little sister Paula and half-brother Alois J.R. and half-sister Angela. Young Adolf was a good student in elementary. Energetic and smart, leader among children his own age. Loved warlike games. Had an outstanding gift as a speaker. It was also discovered Adolf could draw which encouraged him to want to become an artist. After returning to Vienna in February hoping to gain admission to the Acade .....
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Bill Gates
Number of words: 1336 - Number of pages: 5.... Kay established Microsoft to produce their Basic for the MITS. Eighteen months later they were a few hundred thousand dollars richer and were hired by Tandy to develop software for its radio shack computers. Gates and Allen then moved their headquarters to Seattle, Washington. In Seattle, Gates re-wrote an operating system and called it MS-DOS, which stands for Microsoft Disk Operating System. Microsoft would eventually sell the rights of MS-DOS to IBM, making it a major computer corporation. Other computer companies wanted Microsoft to produce software for their computers, including Steve .....
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Lyndon B. Johnson
Number of words: 1226 - Number of pages: 5.... City. To help earn money he shined shoes in the town’s only barber shop, and herded goats for the local ranchers.
He finished high school in 1924 and with a group of friends he worked his way to California. He earned money doing odd jobs, but he barely made enough to feed himself. After awhile he became severely homesick and hungry so he hitchhiked back to Johnson City and took a job doing road construction. Soon he realized that a higher education would be needed if he wanted to have a better life.
Johnson went to college at Southwest Texas State Teachers College. Johnson got his d .....
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