Term Papers on Biographies |
Frederick Douglass
Number of words: 401 - Number of pages: 2.... in Great Britain speaking
for the elimination of slavery. While in Britain he expanded his view of
the struggle for human rights. He spoke in favor of Irish home rule and
eventually would speak on behalf of the landless European peasantry,
women's suffrage, prison reform, free public school education and universal
peace. In 1846 he wrote to Garrison, "I cannot allow myself to be
insensitive to the wrongs and sufferings of any part of the great family of
Douglass would eventually split with Garrison and the largely white
abolitionist movement to work more closely with the Bla .....
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Karl Marx 4
Number of words: 1897 - Number of pages: 7.... fraternity. Its trouble with democracy was not that democracy was too faithful to its ideas, but that it betrayed them.
The most significant influence in the development of revolutionary communism was Karl Marx. Marx attended the University of Berlin and studied jurisprudence, philosophy, and history. While at the University, Marx became involved in political activities and joined the staff of the Rheinische Zeitung, a democratic newspaper in Cologne, in 1942. The next year, however, the Prussian Government suppressed the paper, and Marx went to Paris, the European headquarters of rad .....
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Bill Clinton's Affair With Monica Lewinsky
Number of words: 595 - Number of pages: 3.... They will benefit from it very well.
Secondly, he actually cares about the people and his family. Every
time you see him with his family the Clinton's are always happy, and he is
usually hugging his daughter or wife. The Americans never hear anything bad
about his wife and daughter on the news or in the newspapers. When
Clinton's administrative people heard about his impeachment, some of them
walked out, but most of them stayed and kept their loyalty to him. That
shows that he is a good person. When he meets people in real life, he
never pushes them away. On a recent meeting with congres .....
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Number of words: 1951 - Number of pages: 8.... and was very sure of success. To his surprise he failed again. In
fact the Dean of the academy was not very impressed with his performance,
and gave him a really hard time and said to him "You will never be
painter." The rejection really crushed him as he now reached a dead end.
He could not apply to the school of architecture as he had no high-school
diploma. During the next 35 years of his live the young man never forgot
the rejection he received in the dean's office that day. Many Historians
like to speculate what would have happened IF.... perhaps the small town
boy would have had a bit .....
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Isaac Asimov
Number of words: 1666 - Number of pages: 7.... him to read "such junk"(Erlanger 9). " Isaac you should be reading books with more value," his father told him (wilson). Sooner or later his father gave in and told him not to forget his library books (Erlanger 11). However, this reading material was the only thing that his dad would let him touch on the magazine rack.
Young Isaac was a brilliant student. He went through school more quickly than other students. But there was one thing holding him back which was him being a class clown. He was frequently in trouble for talking in class (Erlanger 16). The person he could rea .....
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A.A. Milne
Number of words: 1623 - Number of pages: 6.... for Barry. This is how things stayed for the rest of their lives. (WWW) Alan Alexander once said he and Ken shared “ ‘Equally all belief, all knowledge, all ambition, all hope and all fears’ ”. (WWW) While this statement symbolizes how close a bond there was between them he went on to say this about Barry and his relationship, “ ‘ Whoever heard … of two frogs assuming a friendliness which they don’t feel, simply because they had been eggs in the same spawn. Ridiculous.’ ” (WWW) Barry and A. A.’s relationship worsened as Alan watched Barry’s wife, Connie, suffer th .....
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Martin Luther King - I Have A Dream Speech
Number of words: 698 - Number of pages: 3.... was accomplished in only a few short years.
King was asked by the Southern Christian Leadership Conference to aid in the struggle for civil rights in Birmingham, Alabama. Thus, he was there because injustice was present (154). He was not content with a system that saw his people or people of any color, as second class citizens. He set out to bring equality for people everywhere. So often they had become victims of broken promise (155). As a result, he was determined to create an unstoppable organization, reshape a struggle and with his articulated vision, craft a strategy that took defeats .....
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Richard Cory
Number of words: 695 - Number of pages: 3.... were the ones to comment about how beautiful she looked. Finally she had received the praise she was longing for.
In contrast, Richard Cory was viewed as the gem of the neighborhood, unlike The Barbie doll. Richard Cory was a man loved by all. He was a man that society had put up on a pedestal. He had the looks, wealth and the manner that everyone wanted. Even though people did not really know him they wanted to live like him and be like him. His fellow neighbors worked harder at their jobs thinking that it would help them be happy as they saw Richard Cory. Little did they know, th .....
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Jane Austen: Her Life And Work
Number of words: 1378 - Number of pages: 6.... tempered family. Family squabbles were
almost unknown." (Wright, pg. 6) The Austens spent their nights together.
They played "charades around a candle-lit table. After the game, the girls
sewed or embroidered while the boys read aloud." (Wright, pg. 7)
Jane and Cassandra spent their whole life together, from birth till
Austen's death, where Jane died "with her head pillowed on Cassandra's
shoulder." (Wright, pg. 11) At age 7 , Cassandra and Jane "sent to a small
school run by a relative. (Wright, pg.7) They didn't stay there long
because Mrs. Cawley, the teacher and relative, moved aw .....
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Grace Murray Hopper
Number of words: 517 - Number of pages: 2.... graduating, Grace was accepted to the Bureau of Ordinance at Harvard University. That is when she was introduced to and assigned to work on Mark I -- the first large-scale U.S. computer and precursor of electronic computers. Her first assignment with Mark I was to "have the coefficients for the interpolation of the arc tangents completed [in about one week]"… not a problem for Grace. She would then be the third person ever to program the Mark I. At that same time, the Mark I was being used to calculate the angles at which naval guns were to be aimed. Shortly after that a machine ca .....
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