Term Papers on Biographies |
Emilie Du Chatelet
Number of words: 770 - Number of pages: 3.... the children
or her husband deterred her from fully grasping and indulging in the social life
of the court.
Some of Emilie's most significant work came from the period she spent
with Voltaire, one of the most intriguing and brilliant scholars of this time,
at Cirey-sur-Blaise. For the two scholars this was a safe and quiet place
distant from the turbulence of Paris and court life. She started studying the
works of Leibniz but she then started to analyze the discoveries of Newton. She
was extremely success in translating his whole book on the principals of
mathematics into French. She al .....
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Margaret Sanger
Number of words: 5022 - Number of pages: 19.... years of being blocked by opposition, Sanger also recognized the need to shift political strategies in order to keep the movement alive. Unfortunately, misjudgments made by her in this area have left 's legacy open to criticism. In this paper, I would like to explore 's life and career as well as become aware of some of the missteps that she made and how they reflect on both.
was not born a crusader, she became one. A great deal of her early life contributed to the shaping of her views in regards to birth, death, and women. Born Margaret Louise Higgins on September 14, 1879 in Corni .....
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Mark Twain
Number of words: 2317 - Number of pages: 9.... moved to Pall Mall, a rural county in Tennessee. After Henry’s birth in 1832, the value of their farmland greatly depreciated and sent the Clemenses on the road again. Now they would stay with Jane’s sister in Florida, Missouri where she ran a successful business with her husband. Clemens was born on November 30, 1835, in the small remote town of Florida, Missouri. Samuel’s parents, John Marshall and Jane Lampton Clemens never gave up on their child, who was two months premature with little
hope of survival. This was coincidentally the same night as the return of Halley’s .....
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Kelly Flinn Biography
Number of words: 1445 - Number of pages: 6.... school. She began to notice boys and began to date. No one in her family had ever talked to her about the “birds and the bees,” or even about dating. Instead, independence, self-reliance, and strength were the most important things. If they had problems, they worked it out on their own. This served her poorly when she found herself in trouble with the Air Force years later. (pg. 9)
When Kelly was 15, she went to Space Camp in Huntsville, Alabama. She found out how much she loved space and the challenge and the control she experienced. After Space Camp, she knew what she had to do .....
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Frank Lloyd Wright
Number of words: 1541 - Number of pages: 6.... a musician, moved from job to another, dragging his family across the United States. Possibly as a result of this upheaval, Wright’s parents divorced when while he was still young. His mother, Anna, relied heavily upon her many brothers, sisters and uncles, and Wright was intellectually guided by his aunts and his mother. Before Wright was even born, his mother had decided that her son was gong to be a great architect. Using Froebel’s geometric blocks to entertain and educate her son, Mrs. Wright must have struck the genius that her son possessed. Use of imagination was encouraged and .....
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King Of Babylonia: Hammurabi
Number of words: 562 - Number of pages: 3.... that any laws had been categorized into various sections. This format of organization was emulated by civilizations of the future. For example, Semitic cultures succeeding Hammurabi's rule used some of the same laws that were included in Hammurabi's code. Hammurabi's method of thought is evident in present day societies which are influenced by his code. Modern governments currently create specific laws, which are placed into their appropriate family of similar laws. Hammurabi had his laws recorded upon an eight foot high black stone monument. Hammurabi based his code on principles like, the .....
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Number of words: 897 - Number of pages: 4.... Also, the way in which the Pythagorean geometry developed also bears witness to its descent from that of Miletos. The great problem at this date was the duplication of the square, a problem which gave rise to the theorem of the square on the hypotenuse, commonly known still as the Pythagorean proposition (Euclid, I. 47). If we were right in assuming that Thales worked with the old 3:4:5 triangle, the connection is obvious.
argued that there are three kinds of men, just as there are three classes of strangers who come to the Olympic Games. The lowest consists of those who come to bu .....
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Number of words: 932 - Number of pages: 4.... one day when he didn’t get beat up by the same group of kids, just for being himself. One day those kids almost killed him, and went into a coma. The day after he got out of the hospital, they moved again. continued to move back and forth from his mothers to his grandmothers, until the age of 11, when he and his mother settled in Detroit for good. Marshall first started to get into rap when he was 14. Some of his musical influences growing up were the Beastie Boys, LL Cool J, and Run DMC. As persued his rapping career, he would often hustle radio stations into playing his self-made tapes .....
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Ben Franklin
Number of words: 2243 - Number of pages: 9.... Ben's best friend's name was Nathan. Ben helped Nathan learn the
fable "The Wolf and the Kid", while Ben learned "The Dog and his Shadow".
At the time of the recital of the fables the school master said, "and Ben
will recite "The Wolf and the Kid", which was Nathan's fable. Ben thought,
"If I say that it is Nathan's fable, then the school master will get into
trouble. If I recite the fable, then Nathan will get into trouble." Ben did
nothing; he simply stood there looking up into the sky. Everyone said that
Ben was lazy and that he could not even learn one fable. Josiah Franklin
stood up an .....
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Christopher Columbus 2
Number of words: 407 - Number of pages: 2.... a captain on a ship, only a passenger. There was also not a huge market for a Trans-Atlantic voyage. The fact that the idea of the world being round was a somewhat new aspect. It was amazing that this trip had started at all. The price of this trip included several boats, manpower, and survival supplies. This was all he needed to do the trip. This was not enough. Christopher wanted 10% commission on all commerce between his discoveries and the mother country, the title of Admiral of the Ocean Sea, permanent position of governor of all new territories, and a long list of other personal .....
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