Term Papers on Biographies |
Number of words: 457 - Number of pages: 2.... his landscapes, while he
is one of the most famous sketchers of all time. When he had no other
model, he painted or sketched his own image. Rembrandt painted or sketched
over fifty portraits just of himself! During the next few years three of
his four children died as babies, and in 1642 his wife died. Rembrandt made
most of his etchings during the 1630’s and 1640’s. His landscape paintings
are depiction’s of the land around him. One of Rembrandt’s most famous
paintings was known as 'The Night Watch', painted in 1642. It depicts a
group of city guardsmen waiting the command to fall .....
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Vincent Van Gogh
Number of words: 553 - Number of pages: 3.... Vincent's thinking during his short career (approximately 750
paintings, 1,600 drawings, 9 lithographs, and 1 etching) was documented in more
than 700 letters that he wrote to Theo and others.
Van Gogh's early years includes all his work from 1879 through 1885. Between
August 1879 and November 1885 he worked in Etten, The Hague--where he received
some instruction from his cousin, Anton Mauve and in Nuenen, among other places.
In Nuenen he painted The Potato Eaters, his first important picture, which
underscores his lifelong interest in peasant subjects.
During the winter of 1 .....
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ON Doc Hollidays Death Bed
Number of words: 1375 - Number of pages: 5.... a mans man, he still liked to look as good as possible no matter where he went. This handkerchief in his eyes may have shown people his intelligent, well educated side. This educated side is a side of Doc that few people know about today. Usually when someone hears the name Doc Holliday, they think about fighting, drinking, and gambling, all of these are true of Doc, but these people had barely scratched the surface. As a young man Doc attended Valdosta institute where he became knowledgeable of the Greek, Latin, and French languages. Amazingly Doc’s favorite subject
was rhetoric, hi .....
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JFK: His Life And Legacy
Number of words: 2054 - Number of pages: 8.... housewife and took young John on
frequent trips around historic Boston learning about American revolutionary
history. Both parents impressed on their children that their country had
been good to the Kennedys. Whatever benefits the family received from the
country they were told, must be returned by performing some service for the
country(Anderson 12). The Kennedy clan included Joe, Jr., Bobby, Ted and
their sisters, Eunice, Jean, Patricia, Rosemary, and Kathleen. Joe, Jr.,
was a significant figure in young John's life as he was the figure for most
of John's admiration. His older brother w .....
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John Adams
Number of words: 1571 - Number of pages: 6.... developing his penchant for omnivorous reading." He was able to speak several languages. At the age of fourteen, he was asked to serve as secretary and translator to Francis Dana, the first US ambassador to Russia. "Despite his age, young Adams was a valuable aid to the consul; he enjoyed Russia and the exposure to diplomatic circles." He later returned to the United States and attended Harvard. "He graduated in two years and entered the law offices of Theophilus Parsons in Newburyport, Massachusetts. Passing the bar in 1790, he set up practice in Boston." In 1794 John began his lon .....
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Herman Melville 2
Number of words: 564 - Number of pages: 3.... creates an air of mystery about this character. Another of Melville’s characters that show this quality is Claggart in the book Billy Budd. Claggart is constantly referred to as being mysterious, “…a nut not to be cracked by the top of a ladies fan (Billy Budd).
Besides being mysterious, Melville is stubborn and this comes out through his characters Captain Veere and Bartleby. Like most writers, Melville’s career had its ups and downs, and his work was not always praised. Even though readers didn’t always appreciate his writing or writing style, he contin .....
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The Greatest
Number of words: 969 - Number of pages: 4.... and owner of a boxing gym. Cassius was awestruck the moment he walked into the gym. Joe gave him an application and Cassius joined the gym the following day. Though he had not found his bike, he did find his future. Cassius trained constantly. He worked out after school every day, and he trained with Fred Stoner after supper from eight until midnight. Finally, his hard work was starting to pay off. In 1956 he won the Kentucky Golden Gloves tournament. Then, in 1958, he won the Louisville Golden Gloves light-heavyweight crown. He went on to win the National Golden Gloves light-heavyweigh .....
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Francis Bacon's New Atlantis
Number of words: 1486 - Number of pages: 6.... else must come from revealed theology. Science and philosophy
have felt the need to justify themselves to laymen. The belief that nature is
something to be vexed and tortured to the compliance of man will not satisfy
man nor laymen. Natural science finds its proper method when the 'scientist'
puts Nature to the question, tortures her by experiment and wrings from her
answers to his questions. The House of Solomon is directly related to these
thoughts. "It is dedicated to the study of Works and the Creatures of God"
(Bacon, 436). Wonder at religious questions was natural, but, permitted fr .....
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Biography Of Samuel Clemens
Number of words: 592 - Number of pages: 3.... at the start of
the Civil War, to join the Union. He went to war for two weeks and left
immediately after being involved in the shooting of a civilian. He said he
knew retreating better than it's inventor did.
He soon decided to travel 1,700 miles from the Missouri Territory ,
to the Nevada Territory. He passed through Overland City, Horseshoe City,
and many large and small cities in between.
Clemens commented that Salt Lake City was healthy. He said that
the city had one doctor who was arrested once a week for lack of work.
Virginia City was very lively from all of the go .....
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Rosa Parks
Number of words: 588 - Number of pages: 3.... been set up to keep them from voting. She was also well known for her work with the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP).
Parks was a hard-working woman and very well respected for her dedication to the African American community. However, she would kick off a national civil rights movement on December 1, 1955 on her way home from work. As she traveled home from work that day, a white man approached her isle and demanded that any African Americans sitting there had to move. However, Parks refused to move because of how exhausted she was. She was arrested .....
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