Term Papers on Book Reports |
Love In Rosettis Goblin Market
Number of words: 1222 - Number of pages: 5.... of the goblin men and she warns her sister of impending danger: " 'We must not look at goblin men,/ We must not buy their fruits;/ Who knows upon what soil they fed/ Their hungry thirsty roots?' " This is Lizzie's first warning, two more times does she warn her sister of the goblin men. Laura refuses to listen to Lizzie.
Laura, unlike her sister, is interested in the goblin men. She thinks the goblins are full of love and they have much to offer: "Cooing all together:/ They sounded kind and full of loves/ In the pleasant weather." Lizzie is afraid of the goblin men. So afr .....
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Walter Mitty's Pathetic Life
Number of words: 207 - Number of pages: 1.... putting him down. He didn't even try to do
things for himself-parking his own car. He didn't have much confidence in
He daydreamed all the time about what he wanted to be because he didn't
have a very exiteing life. He dreamed he was a doctor, pilot, convict, etc. On
acount of his boring life he dreamed of having a realy exiting life.
His wife made him do things that he did not think were necessary, but he
did them anyway because he was afraid to stand up for himself. She made him
wear his boots and gloves and told him not to sit in a certain chair in the
Overall .....
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Number of words: 762 - Number of pages: 3.... that he seem to forget all that was important to him. He even disengaged himself from all the people he loved in his life. People like his father, Elizabeth, and other loved ones. Victor began to write less and less. Yet, it was not until Elizabeth got a discouraged letter from Victor, did his love ones start to wary about him. Though, the letter was full of words, it gave no relief to Elizabeth, because the words meant nothing to her. However, they meant a lot to Victor, because he felt the project in which he was working on was so important to him, in his own delirious world. He felt .....
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A Comparison Of "Of Mice And Men" And "The Great Depression An Eyewitness History"
Number of words: 684 - Number of pages: 3.... most people worked on farms because after the stock market
crashed people realized that the reason the stock market crashed was
because farms were not producing enough goods. People started to work on
farms more to help everyone. Lennie and George worked for ranches and also
in the fields. "He's a good skinner. He can rassel grain bags, drive a
cultivator. He can do anything." (Of Mice and Men p.22).
If you really look closely, George and Lennie's way of life and the
Great Depression have a good deal in common. George and Lennie were
outcasts in life. George Milton was small in s .....
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Catcher In The Rye 4
Number of words: 4128 - Number of pages: 16.... studying a piece of literature, it is meaningful to note the historical background of the piece and the time at which it was written. Two J.D. Salinger short stories, "I'm Crazy" and "Slight Rebellion off Madison," were published in periodicals during the 1940's, and introduced Holden Caulfield, the main character of The Catcher in the Rye. Both short stories were revised for later inclusion in Salinger's novel. The Catcher in the Rye was written in a literary style similar to prose, which was enhanced by the teenage slang of the 1950's. It is a widespread belief that much of Holden Caul .....
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A Tale Of Two Cities: Faults Of Social Structure
Number of words: 479 - Number of pages: 2.... is themselves.
Another fault the Dickens points out about the social structure in the society
is the lunacy associated with the revolution. The way the people of St. Antoine
get crazy from being in such a violent situation is the fault that is being
described here. When the wood-sawyer starts talking about his saw as "his little
guillotine" it shows that he is affected and is a "typical revolutionary", with
a cruel regard for life. Another place where Dickens describes this revolution
lunacy is when the crowd of "five thousand demons" come around the corner
"dancing" to the Carmagnole, .....
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"The Necklace": The Development Of Irony
Number of words: 586 - Number of pages: 3.... What
she fails to realize is that these daydreams only make her more dissatisfied
with her real life. As a result, she becomes more focused on what she does not
have rather than what she does have.
Contributing to the irony is the borrowed necklace. Matilde's husband
brings a coveted dinner invitation home, and her first reaction is concern for
appearances. She tells her husband that they can not possibly go because she
has "nothing to wear" (5). Her husband agrees to buy her a new dress. This,
however, is not enough for Matilde; she needs jewelry. She explains that,
without .....
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Ambition Vs. Reasoning In Macb
Number of words: 1272 - Number of pages: 5.... This idea is stated in the following passage: "One of the most significant reasons for the enduring critical interest in Macbeth's character is that he represents humankind's universal propensity to temptation and sin. Macbeth's excessive ambition motivates him to murder Duncan, and once the evil act is accomplished, he sets into motion a series of sinister events that ultimately lead to his downfall." (Scott; 236). Macbeth is told by three witches, in a seemingly random and isolated area, that he will become Thank of Cawdor and eventually king. Only before his ambition overpowers his r .....
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Native Son
Number of words: 1688 - Number of pages: 7.... white society already has him condemned and sentenced for life. What he did certainly was wrong, but it was accidental. He cannot run like this, because running makes him look worse. Right now he is trapped by his own inner fears and really has no other choice but to continue running until he gets caught. Nobody will spare him any mercy now. Actually, had he admitted right away to killing Mary, and had he not burned her, he probably wouldn’t have been spared any mercy anyway. That is really hard for me to understand. I cannot understand why whites hate blacks with such passion that they fo .....
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Heart Of Darkness
Number of words: 628 - Number of pages: 3.... breaks while he is talking about Kurtz. I don’t know, but if you ask me the manager wishes that the wax actually was Kurtz. I think that the oil painting that was done by Kurtz shows that he was completely aware of what was going on and what he was getting himself into. I also noticed that grass was mentioned a lot in the story. I remember from my class at Behrend that the professor mentioned that Conrad liked to include a lot of references to Biblical scripture in his works. I can’t remember what it was supposed to mean, but I think that the grass has something to do with the Bibl .....
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