Term Papers on Book Reports |
Kafka's The Trial: Guilt
Number of words: 986 - Number of pages: 4.... that "the innocent and the guilty [are] both executed without
distinction in the end."
In Kafka's beliefs, the courts treat all men as if they were guilty.
Joseph K is a prime example of this treatment. He is never told about his
crime, nor of how the trial is going. He merely waits until he is summoned,
and if he is not, he is still forced to live his life according to the
courts. This is what Kafka believes happens to all individuals; they are
controlled by the society, and forced to agree with what the society
implements upon them. K never found out what his alleged crime was, and
w .....
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Was Sir Tomas More's Decision Correct?
Number of words: 671 - Number of pages: 3.... no business meddling in the affairs and
powers of the church. Thus when the Pope declared that the marriage between
Catherine and Henry would stand, he was enforcing a law within the church
that his followers would have to live by. Therefore from the point of view
of the catholic church, which was represented in the play by Chapuys,
More's decision was correct. For if one believes, as More did, in an
everlasting sole and the catholic interpretation of life & death then you
must believe that More did do the right thing. There for according to
More's beliefs, he must be living in heaven wh .....
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The Adventures And Maturing Of Huckleberry Finn
Number of words: 3407 - Number of pages: 13.... for safe keeping while they continued their normal childhood. Tom and Huck liked to fool the Widow's slave, Jim, and make him believe witches were around. They also formed a gang whose only line of business was to rob and kill; of course the boys only pretended to rob and kill. While out one night, Huck discovers that Pap is back and Huck knows he's after his six thousand dollars. Huck hurries to give his money to Judge Thatcher then asks Jim to tell his future. Jim tells Huck to leave, but it's too late. A drunken Pap takes Huck to his shack, where Huck is locked up like a captive. Huck e .....
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Materialism And The Great Gatsby
Number of words: 744 - Number of pages: 3.... businesses are trying to sell and it is this desire for material possessions that drives our economy. While this type of economy has given us great opportunities to further our own personal wealth, it has also put many people on the path to making ours a selfish and unhappy society that is never content with it already has. The market society of our country feeds on economic growth, but excess consumption does not really satisfy people in the end. It only leaves you wanting more and once you are caught up in the obsession of materialism it seems like you can never have enough.
The 192 .....
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1984: The Party Has Many Slogans
Number of words: 1818 - Number of pages: 7.... By doing so, the government puts itself on the same
level of humanity as the citizens that it governs. The people are supposed to
feel more comfortable with a ruling party that is just like them. The billboard
is also found on every landing and every streetcorner. The overbearing number
of posters is a way for the Party to continuously remind its citizens of its
presence and ingrain the message into the people's conscience and subconscience
"Big Brother" is another name for the Party. It's an ironic choice of
words for the Party's second name. First, the notion of a “big b .....
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Number of words: 833 - Number of pages: 4.... within the characters of this play. That is why there is always an ¡§Importance of Being Earnest¡¨. One could read simply, simplistically even, as a revenge tragedy. ¡¦s father, the king of Denmark, is killed by his brother, Claudius, who, overriding the rights of succession, appropriates both the crown and the wife of ¡¦s father. The ghost of the father reveals everything to his son, and all the elements of the revenge tragedy are in place: has an obligation to avenge the murder, the usurpation, and the adultery. This he does by killing Claudius at the end of the play. However .....
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Never Cry Wolf By Farley Mowat
Number of words: 1375 - Number of pages: 5.... and resourceful and have their own distinctive culture. For
example he discovers that they in fact have a symbiotic relationship with the
caribou in that they keep the caribou population strong by hunting down only the
sick and weaker members of the herd. This leads to a situation where the
strongest caribou survive and thus the herd is made stronger. As well they
have their own social orders that ensure peaceful co-existence with one another
instead of being reduced to fighting amongst themselves. Before Mowat's
excursion conventional wisdom thought that that was the only interrac .....
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A Jest Of God
Number of words: 1051 - Number of pages: 4.... war between Rachel
and her mother was the generation gap; coming from different eras, the pair
assumed they had nothing in common. In Rachel's eyes her mother was a pristine,
saintly woman who maintained high moral values for herself and her family.
Therefore, being a good person and making the right decisions was never
questionable to Rachel, as this was how her mother expected her to behave.
Rachel listened numerous times to her mother comment on how "peculiar" her
behavior looked, and spoke of anyone else she observed doing the same. Although
this annoyed Rachel about her moth .....
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Of Mice And Men: Four Major Themes
Number of words: 757 - Number of pages: 3.... future, but when he
starts to think of how he can be a part of the dream he also gets happy and
excited, until his dream is crushed.
Many people of good character have to honor certin moral responibilites.
George is bond by his own moral to take care care of Lennie. No one makes him
do it, he just does it because it feel like the right thing to do. Candy felt
like he neglected his moral responibility to shoot his own dog. Candy felt
real bad inside because it was his job to shoot his dog but instead Carlson
shot him. This shows that when a person goes against what is moraly right to
t .....
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Number of words: 791 - Number of pages: 3.... when he first arrived. Shane grabed his gun and met Stark Wilson for the final showdown. By having Shane return to solving problems with a gun, Jack Schefer implies that a man can not
changed, there is no breaking the mold.
In A Christmas Carol, Charles Dickens expresses his belief on changing ones personality. The moral of A Christmas Carol is "People can make changes in their lives whenever they really want to, even right up to the end." Charles Dickens shows the moral by haveing Scrooge change his personality. In the begining of A Christmas Carol Scrooge is a cold and almost heartle .....
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