Term Papers on Book Reports |
Othello - Injustice As A Theme
Number of words: 1183 - Number of pages: 5.... to achieve his revenge, makes Othello wrongfully suspect his wife of infidelity, and makes him insane with jealousy, enough to kill her in his rage. Othello is the general of the city of Venice, and a foreigner, a dark-skinned Moor. He has eloped with a senator’s daughter, Desdemona, and they love each other dearly. Othello is a level-headed practitioner of war, and is not ruffled by hints and allegations; that is, until his mind is poisoned by the machinations of Iago. Iago plants ideas in Othello’s head, uses the innocent actions of others as his proof; and Othello, who is not p .....
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Machiavelli's The Prince
Number of words: 754 - Number of pages: 3.... advice he longed to give politicians. In November of 1512 his actions where restricted and a few months later Machiavelli was imprisoned and tortured, for suspect of conspiring against the new rulers, only later to be acquitted and released.
Later Machiavelli had a brief return to public life when he received a grant from Pope Clement of Rome, for writing his History of Florence. Machiavelli died in 1527, leaving his family, according to his son, in poverty.
In The Prince, Machiavelli offered a monarchical ruler advice designed to keep that ruler in power. It’s main theme is that .....
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Beloved: Sethe's Character
Number of words: 1616 - Number of pages: 6.... only good and pure part of who she is and must be protected from the cruelty and the "dirtiness" of slavery(Morrison 251). In this respect, her act is that of love for her children. The selfishness of Sethe's act lies in her refusal to accept personal responsibility for her baby's death. Sethe's motivation is dichotomous in that she displays her love by mercifully sparing her daughter from a horrific life, yet Sethe refuses to acknowledge that her show of mercy is also murder.
Throughout Beloved, Sethe's character consistently displays the stubburn nature of her actions. Not long after Sethe .....
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A Eulogy For Gatsby
Number of words: 568 - Number of pages: 3.... who knew Gatsby.
Gatsby was doing what he loved most, spending time with Daisy, while Daisy was driving, when she accidentally hit a woman. Well, that woman’s husband heard a horrible rumor, which placed Gatsby in the drivers seat. The man then finds Gatsby and shoots him. I wish, like so many others, though they can not come today, that the truth be told earlier, so we could still be partying at Gatsby’s house as we have so many times before.
The parties which filled the whole community with joy and anticipation, would be hosted by the only man that could possibly pull off such .....
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The Optimist's Daughter: Summary
Number of words: 1375 - Number of pages: 5.... for herself,
instead Fay uses tactics to make her opponent feel sorry or inferior. This
makes her extremely hard to get along with since she is always demanding
and never giving. Laurel McKelva is the complete opposite of Wanda Fay.
She is kind hearted, nice, caring, and intelligent. Laurel has a air of
maturity and understanding around her due to her experiences in life.
In "The Optimist's Daughter" Judge McKelva will soon enter eye surgery to
fix a slipped retina. Judge McKelva, his daughter, Laurel, and his new
wife, Fay, are all anxious about the surgery and what might happen. .....
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The Scarlet Letter: Who Is The Greatest Sinner?
Number of words: 948 - Number of pages: 4.... punishments they had to face. It had seven years that Hester had to wear the scarlet letter. The letter was her punishment, and she was to wear it for life. However, on that day in the brook, “she undid the clasp that fastened the scarlet letter, and, taking it from her bosom, threw it to a distance among the withered leaves (p.198).” In doing this, Hester violated her punishment. How can a person who does not acknowledge their punishment be innocent? Can a person who longs for the day she can escape her punishment be innocent? Hester had long to get rid of the letter for seven l .....
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Lord Of THe Flies: Defects Of Society Due To Nature Of Individuals
Number of words: 876 - Number of pages: 4.... Noble Prize and the statement, "[His] books are very
entertaining and exciting. . . . They have aroused an unusually great interest
in professional literary critics (who find) deep strata of ambiguity and
complication in Golding's work. . . ." (Noble Prize committee) Some conceived
the novel as bombastic and didactic. Kenneth Rexroth stated in the Atlantic,
"Golding's novels are rigged.. . . The boys never come alive as real boys. . . .
" Other critics see him as the greatest English writer of our time. In the
Critical Quarterly in 1960, C.B. Cox deemed Lord of the Flies as "probably the .....
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The Metamorphosis
Number of words: 1690 - Number of pages: 7.... the Kafka intended to lend at least some significance to
their relationship. Grete's significance is found in her changing relationship
with her brother. It is Grete's changing actions, feelings, and speech toward
her brother, coupled with her accession to womanhood, that seem to parallel
Gregor's own metamorphosis. This change represents her metamorphosis form
adolescence into adulthood but at the same time it marks the final demise of
Gregor. Thus a certain symmetry is to be found in "The Metamorphosis": while
Gregor falls in the midst of despair, Grete ascends to a self-sufficien .....
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Song Of Solomon Interpretation
Number of words: 1672 - Number of pages: 7.... he gets into. Milkman considers himself Macon, Jr., calling himself by that name, and believing that he cannot act independently (120). The first lesson his father teaches him is that ownership is everything, and that women's knowledge (specifically, Pilate's knowledge) is not useful "in this world" (55). He is blind to the Pilate's wisdom. When Pilate tell Reba's lover that women's love is to be respected, he learns nothing (94).
In the same episode, he begins his incestuous affair with Hagar, leaving her 14 years later when his desire for her wanes. Milkman's experience with Hagar is ana .....
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Running A Thousand Miles From Freedom: The Victimization Of Women In Slavery
Number of words: 870 - Number of pages: 4.... skin wouldn’t look very convincing. She also had her arm in a cast, so that they could use the alibi that the master (Ellen) was traveling to Philadelphia for medical reasons. They traveled through Georgia, South Carolina, North Carolina, Virginia, and Maryland before they reached Philadelphia on Christmas day. At one point while traveling, Ellen was seated next to a friend of her owner, who knew her from childhood. To avoid him, she looked out of the window and played deaf (Craft 43).
Even though Running a Thousand Miles for Freedom highlights the victimization of females in slavery, .....
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