Term Papers on Book Reports |
Courage In Individuals In "On Being Seventeen", "The Most Dangerous Game" And "Giving Blood"
Number of words: 589 - Number of pages: 3.... problem he has. Ò
Maybe he was scared like I was....In elementary school it was not
easy....In high school I made honors and even won a letter on the cross
country team.Ó He put his fears aside to do what had to be done. To learn
the best he could in school for later life. The next story deals with
courage in another way. Physically.
Mr. Rainsford from The Most Dangerous Game is a sailor who is
shipwrecked on an island inhabited by only one person. A bestial hunter.
During Rainsford's stay he becomes the hunted. He has to put his life on
the line in order to escape. ÒHe .....
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Commanders Of The Army Of The
Number of words: 1689 - Number of pages: 7.... B. McClellan. After the embarrassing defeats at Bull Run he masterfully regrouped and disciplined the AOP as he himself showed outstanding military presence and was constantly increasing his knowledge of offensive tactics. From spring of 1862 till July of that year General McClellan was successful in driving the Confederates out of West Virginia and he was inching toward the southern capitol of Richmond when General Jeb Stuart under Lee encircled and outmaneuvered McClellan's forces who were driven back and finally held at Malvern Hill during the Seven Days Battle. During this time peri .....
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Oedipus Rex
Number of words: 307 - Number of pages: 2.... he is made
aware of this, and the atrocities he has committed, he endures great
suffering. His wife and mother commits suicide, and due to the emense
emotional burden this situation puts upon him, he gouges his eyes out. Due
to his level of suffering, the audience or reader feels a sense of pity for
Oedipus, which is another characteristic of a tragic hero.
His flaw causes him to commit an atrocity, the emotional and physical
consequences of which destroy him, causing the audience to feel pity for
him. Oedipus Rex meets all of the criteria necessary to become a tragic
hero, therefor h .....
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After The Bomb
Number of words: 1682 - Number of pages: 7.... mother but nobody¡¦s able to help him, many people are there other are burn other lost their limb, arm, foot, and he even saw a half body only, everywhere he walks dead body, critically wounded people and crying voices begging for help and attention. And here where he maid a negotiation for the sake of his mother. „« La Canada ¡V here where the hospital. „« Pasadena ¡V here where his father use to work unfortunately he won¡¦t be able to go there co¡¦z of the derricks along the roads. „« Via Carlotta ¡V here where Mr. John Billing lives, a retired DWP engineer (department of .....
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Scarlet Letter
Number of words: 488 - Number of pages: 2.... over you for the rest of your life. All of your friends would turn on you and make your life miserable, there weren’t any true loyalties, and you couldn’t really trust anyone. The took place in Boston, Massachusetts in the late eighteenth century. The United States was still greatly influenced by England and under a strict theocratic government. The author had many messages he wanted to get across in this book. He didn’t agree with theocracy and didn’t like the way members of the clergy were treated as if they could do no wrong and other members of society were all doomed to go t .....
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Lord Of The Flies: Success Of Golding's Portrayal Of The Children
Number of words: 1529 - Number of pages: 6.... young
children in this novel.
When children are given the opportunity, they would rather envelop
themselves in pleasure and play than in the stresses of work. The boys
show enmity towards building the shelters, even though this work is
important, to engage in trivial activities. Af ter one of the shelters
collapses while only Simon and Ralph are building it, Ralph clamours, "All
day I've been working with Simon. No one else. They're off bathing or
eating, or playing." (55). Ralph and Simon, though only children, are more
mature a nd adult like and stray to work on the shelters, while .....
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Their Eyes Were Watching God: An Epic Search
Number of words: 799 - Number of pages: 3.... the deity
about slave and master. This makes Janie the leader of her family's search.
However Nanny realized this, and when she saw that Janie was old enough for
love she had her married. This guaranteed that Janie would not continue a
loss of identity.
Even as a young girl, living in the materialistic world of her
Nanny and her first husband, Logan Killicks, Janie chooses to listen to
"the words of the trees and the wind" (23-24). This is the first evidence
of her searching beyond her boring life. This then leads to her everyday
life left empty, because she is always looking farther than w .....
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Analysis On Flannery Oconnors
Number of words: 577 - Number of pages: 3.... family, despite her belief in southern hospitality. Grandma is a woman who believes in God, but it seems that her belief isn’t really strong up until her confrontation with the Misfit.
From what I understand, most of her works follow a similar pattern. The main character(s) are in some kind of trouble and at the end they see “the light” of God’s ways and have their redemption. Christians have often criticized her works for being immoral but in actuality she uses these extreme situations and portrayals to express the power of God in a positive light. The immoral cha .....
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Lord Of The Flies Response
Number of words: 482 - Number of pages: 2.... leader and thought he was the best for the job. Already he had
started to rebel. He wouldn't do what Ralph said, and tried to get everyone to
disobey him. If the boys do not work together on anything, it's never going to
work. While Jack and others were rebelling, Ralph was trying his best to keep
the island together.
One example of how not working together hurt their the civilization severely was,
when they were building the shelters. Everyone was supposed to help, but only
two people (Ralph and Simon) could honestly say they helped build all the houses.
The first house looked great wi .....
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Trainspotting: A Novel By Irvine Welsh
Number of words: 560 - Number of pages: 3.... by letting Begbie put
them down. Aside from being on and off heroin, his good friend Danny Murphy, or
Spud (as everyone calls him) is a habitual thief. His friend Simone is nicknamed
Sick Boy for good reasons. When he is high he hears voices in his head willing
him to do evil things. He likes to shoot dogs as their masters are taking them
for a walk, and he enjoys using women for nothing but sex.. Rents' date on
occasion, Hazel, was abused by her father when she was young, and she chooses to
shoot up to solve her problems. Rab McLaughlin, or Second Prize, drinks himself
into oblivion every .....
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