Term Papers on Book Reports |
Number of words: 2567 - Number of pages: 10.... (Bernstein 333). Gothic fiction is, quite simply, man taking a “walk on the dark side.”
There is, undeniably, no novel which epitomizes the popular Gothic structure more than Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley’s early 19th-century masterpiece, (actually entitled, , or the Modern Prometheus). According to Greek mythology, Prometheus is a hero who steals fire from the heavens to serve man, but he is ultimately punished by the mighty Zeus, who chains him to a rock, where a vulture feasts on his liver. Inexplicably, however, the liver grows back each night. This reference abounds .....
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"The Stranger": Analysis
Number of words: 1807 - Number of pages: 7.... by getting an
education and preparing himself to go to college. The fact that he lived in
North Africa, he wrote lots of fiction books, dealing with moral problems of
universal importance. 1. I think Albert's prospective in life was to just be
able to write books for people that actually would deal with the reality and
difficulty of people facing everyday life. Also, the difficulty of people
facing life without the comfort of believing in God or just having moral
standards. 2. He most likely to weave into his writing the ideal of setting
moral standards and placing the comfort .....
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Comparison: Treatment Of War In "The Rank Stench Of Those Bodies Haunts Me Still" And "The Soldier"
Number of words: 1583 - Number of pages: 6.... The shells dig pits in the fields as though ready for the wounded men to fill. The poet expresses the hope that anyone he cares for could be spared this experience, and that they get back home wounded, but alive.
The lines "It's sundown in the camp; some youngster laughs, / Lifting his mug and drinking health to all / Who came unscathed from that unpitying waste:- / (Terror and ruin lurk behind his gaze.)" are deeply touching, a man tries to hide his fear behind a facade of bravado, but it is all too clear in his face. The words "unpitying waste", used to describe the indiscriminate s .....
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True Cristian Kindness- Mercha
Number of words: 886 - Number of pages: 4.... a Christian value associated with the New Testament, thus contrasting with Shylock's Old Testament religion and its image of a more stern and vengeful God. In the first half of the trial mercy and revenge are contrasted. The Duke appeals to Shylock to be merciful as if he shared their Christian values--
Shylock the world thinks, and I think so too,
That thou but leadest this fashion of thy malice
To the last hour of act, and then 'tis thought
Thou'll show thy mercy... (IV.i.18-21)
The implication is that demanding Antonio's death for forfeiting a bond is "strange apparent cruelty" (IV.i.22) .....
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Number of words: 289 - Number of pages: 2.... a lake in the Canadian wilderness in the middle of nowhere.
Brian is average height and weight for his grade, maybe a little bit husky and a bit shy. Brian is very smart and able to get himself out of problems by thinking with his head. He is very resourceful and strong. Brian is lost without food or shelter for fifty for days and that experience changed him for the rest of his life. He made the best of his conditions and learned many things about the wild and he had great respect for it. Brian felt that if it were not for the wild he would not have survived. Through the whole time Brian ne .....
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Catcher In The Rye - A Sequel
Number of words: 457 - Number of pages: 2.... come
Saturday and you can't do a thing about it.”
So then they say, “We will get you a train ticket for the earliest
train out of Central Station.” I stormed out, knowing that I was
defenseless against them I went straight into my room and packed, thinking
of ways to get back at them. I thought then I realized that I shouldn't
even bother wasting my time, I knew that it would be a small time before I
would be kicked out anyhow.
Bags outside the door at 5:00 A.M. So your father can put them on
the car. A couple days went by, as boring as any other days. I mostly sat
around on my bed t .....
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Moby Dick: Moral Ambiguity
Number of words: 1349 - Number of pages: 5.... Melville makes a virtually negligible attempt at denouement, leaving what value judgements exist to the reader.
Ultimately, it is the dichotomy between the respective fortunes of Ishmael and Ahab that the reader is left with. Herein lies a greater moral ambiguity than is previously suggested. Although Ishmael is the sole survivor of the Pequod, it is notable that in his own way, Ahab fulfills his desire for revenge by ensuring the destruction of the White Whale alongside his own end. Despite the seeming superiority of Ishmael’s destiny, Melville does not explicitly indicate so. On the contr .....
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Youth Violence
Number of words: 2434 - Number of pages: 9.... off, in order to curb the rise in it is necessary to realize how serious this problem truly is. According to the Chicago Tribune, “There are three million crimes committed on school campuses every year. That's sixteen thousand crimes per day - one crime every six seconds.” Even more frightening is the fact that thirty-five percent of high school students in high crime areas report carrying a firearm regularly. Juvenile arrests accounted for thirteen percent of all violent crimes in 1996, and thirty percent of all juvenile homicide arrests occurred in just four cities: New York .....
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Bram Stokers Dracula
Number of words: 747 - Number of pages: 3.... he can create an army of un-dead vampires. They systematically
destroy his coffins with holy wafers and chase him out of England back to
Castle Dracula. There they carry out an ultimate plan to destroy Dracula.
The Author uses suspense as a storytelling device rather effectively
throughout the story. There are a fair number of parts in which the reader
is left suspended on the edge of seat, eager to find out what is to happen
next. However, there were parts where suspense could be used in a manner
that would enhance the gravity of the plot. Nonetheless, The book is
written .....
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The Magic Barrel
Number of words: 676 - Number of pages: 3.... the old Jewish tradition. Marriage is a very important part of a Jew's life, and the family is more important than the girl herself is. He does not think about love. It is possible to imagine how Leo was disappointed when Salzmen introduced the girls to him. "Sophie P. Widow. Father promises eight thousand dollars. Has wonderful wholesale business. Also realestate." "Lily H. Regular. Father is successful dentist thirty-five years. Interested in professional man. Wonderful opportunity." Moreover, "She is a partikiler. She wants the best." Leo's interest to Lily was aroused, and he be .....
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