Term Papers on Book Reports |
Candide The Satire Of An Age.
Number of words: 644 - Number of pages: 3.... have philosophers. This is typically Enlightenment, because nobles, are stupid and must have philosophers to make them Enlightened. For example L’Hospital’s a French Noble had in his “possession” mathematicians that developed new ways of taking limits (a Calculus idea). Yet in today's society we call this way “L’Hospital’s Rule,” not Bernoulli’s rule who is the one who “invented” it (Stewart 310).
Candide is consistently being brainwashed by reason (Pangloss) saying that we live in “the best of Yet it quite obviously that he does not. For how can there be, in the b .....
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Its A Jungle Out There
Number of words: 709 - Number of pages: 3.... packing industry and this is where we find out all of the unsanitary details of the factory. Another character is a musician who is struggling to find work so his wife takes a job. After a while the character at the meat packing plant breaks his arm and is not received back once he heals. He learns at this that the owners do not care for their workers and will take you if you are new, but as soon as something happens they throw you out. It is at this point that the character talks to a Socialist ad he inspires him to begin traveling to the meetings. He returns to his job and becomes the .....
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Commentary: A Child Called "It"
Number of words: 2220 - Number of pages: 9.... the mind and soles of the family. Those trapped within often count their casualties, but seldom see a cure.
The diseases that afflict the family in A Child Called "It" is that of alcoholism and an undefined mental illness. The problem with a mental illness in the family is two-fold. In our society, we have an attitude of, "don't ask, and if you do find out, then don't get involved. It's none of your business." That is to say that many are reluctant to enter the world of another family because they think that it is not their place and that any problems will be dealt with by the family i .....
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The Handmaids Tale
Number of words: 4790 - Number of pages: 18.... for women, but turn back the clock. Dystopias are a kind of thought experiment which isolates certain social trends and exaggerates them to make clear their most negative qualities. They are rarely intended as realistic predictions of a probable future, and it is pointless to criticize them on the grounds of implausibility. Atwood here examines some of the traditional attitudes that are embedded in the thinking of the religious right and which she finds particularly threatening.
But another social controversy also underlies this novel. During the early 80s a debate raged (and continues t .....
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Doris Duke
Number of words: 304 - Number of pages: 2.... to Spider monkey island where he hopes to find Long Arrow, an Indian who is the greatest naturalist of all time. When they arrive at the island they find Long Arrow and nine other Indians in a cave in which they were trapped. Another tribe on the other side of the island wanted to go to war with the peaceful Indians that had taken in the doctor and his crew. Polynesia brought millions of black parrots from South America to fight for the peaceful Indians. The parrots perched on the Indians’ heads and bit pieces from their ears.
Word Count: 302 .....
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To Kill A Mockingbird: Man Versus Society
Number of words: 459 - Number of pages: 2.... In the south the tradition and society is more important
which is the individual is more important! He makes them learn everything
by themselves, Therefore she tells us how she is getting educated.
Jim was a very active boy, He has manners. He was the son of atticus.
Scott was the daughter and narrator of Atticus. Atticus was a well known
man. He was brave because he shot the dog. He was a lawyer. Calpurnia was
the housekeeper of atticus, always helping out the kids when they needed
them. Boo Radley was given a monster image by the kids. He is one of the
true mocking birds in this .....
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“The Secret Sharer”: The Captain Narrator
Number of words: 720 - Number of pages: 3.... authority “I asked myself whether it was wise to interfere
with the established routine of duties even from the kindest motive.”
Since he has not overcome the problems facing him, his everyday life is
vague. The captain narrator begins to face his problems when Leggatt, a
stowaway, arrives on the ship.
When Leggatt arrives, they immediately have a psychological link.
Leggatt’s first appearance shocks the captain narrator, but he senses an
instant bond between himself and the stowaway. The captain narrarator
states “ I had become so connected in thoughts and impressions with the .....
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Cheever's "The Nanny Dilemma": Personal Reflection
Number of words: 315 - Number of pages: 2.... yours
and mine, and they take care of ours. Many of these people are
uncompensated for the amount of work done, some are treated like servants
and yet others are treated with respect. There is no certain job security
for a nanny, one day you may work and the next you may not.
In conclusion I think it is important that we make time for family,
yes you can have a nanny, there is no crime for that, but don't make that
person fill your shoes and your responsibilities. Make your family a true
family and not one you think it really isn't. When more time is spent
worrying about work and .....
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The Lion, The Witch, And The Wardrobe: An Analysis
Number of words: 375 - Number of pages: 2.... Mr. Beaver's dam was fixed and finished. Peter was given a
shield and sword. Susan received a bow, arrows, and a horn. Lucy's gift was a
bottle of healing juice and a dagger. that was the climax of the book because
the spell of the White Witch was fading. Then they met up with Aslan and he
freed all the stone figures and made them his army. The resolution of the book
is when Aslan's army and the witches army confront and Aslan's army wins.
Peter kills the witch at the end of the battle.
The impression I got from this book is that Naria is a land of
surprises and I'm excited that this yea .....
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The Scarlet Letter
Number of words: 449 - Number of pages: 2.... He is trapped between a rock and a hard space. If he tells the citizens, he is no longer the great reverend. Then again, if he doesn’t, he will be forced to carry the ever so heavy burden. Dimmesdale waits for such a long time that the guilt has already got to him by the time he is ready to confess. He carves the letter, “A,” into his chest. He beats himself with leather whips, and has to go for long walks in the woods. Back then the woods where known to everyone as the place where the Black Man lives. In this book, Dimmesdale is the dominant character that shows how guilt ca .....
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