Term Papers on Book Reports |
The Generation Gap In The Joy Luck Club
Number of words: 839 - Number of pages: 4.... Really, this was their only joy. The mothers grew up during perilous times in China. They all were taught "to desire nothing, to swallow other people's misery, to eat [their] own bitterness." (p. 241) Though not many of them grew up terribly poor, they all had a certain respect for their elders, and for life itself. These Chinese mothers were all taught to be honorable, to the point of sacrificing their own lives to keep any family members' promise. Instead of their daughters, who "can promise to come to dinner, but if she wants to watch a favorite movie on TV, she no longer has a promise" ( .....
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Candide: A Satire On The Enlightenment
Number of words: 594 - Number of pages: 3.... it also criticizes certain aspects of the movement. It attacks the idea that optimism, which holds that rational thought can inhibit the evils perpetrated by human beings. Voltaire did not believe in the power of reason to overcome contemporary social conditions.
In Candide, Voltaire uses Pangloss and his ramblings to represent an often humorous characterization of the “typical” optimist. Of Pangloss, Voltaire writes, “He proved admirably that there cannot possibly be an effect without a cause and that in the best of all possible worlds the Baron’s castle was the best o .....
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David Lynchs Blue Velvet
Number of words: 1650 - Number of pages: 6.... insects “in a ferocious, predatory, and cannibalistic fight for life” (Dirks, “Blue Velvet (1984)”, These pictures, made even more terrifying by the extreme close-up and the accompanying sounds, provide the first visual clue of the dive we are about to make into the subterranean world under the pastoral life of normalcy.
Our guide through this hell below and within is Jeffrey; an all-American boy who comes home from college to help out in the family business while his father is in the hospital. His finding a severed human ear is wha .....
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All My Sons: Miller's Chief Criticism Of American Society
Number of words: 634 - Number of pages: 3.... this by his
portrayal of Keller. Keller ships out cracked cylinder heads, aware that in
flight they will cause planes to crash, to save his business from being shut
down. Furthermore, he goes on to allow the blame to fall on Steve, in order to
save himself from going to jail, even though Steve was not the only one guilty.
Keller tries to rationalize his actions by saying that he committed this heinous
act for the benefit of his family- so that they will have money and everything
else they need and can live happily. "Chris... Chris I did it for you. It was a
chance and I took it for you." This .....
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Book Review Of Star Wars: X-Wing Rogue Squardron
Number of words: 377 - Number of pages: 2.... Squadron X-wing fighter group. This book switches the first-person
perspective between Corran and Kirtan Loor. While Corran and the Rogue Squadron
are off fighting TIE fighters and Star Destroyers, Kirtan is hunting down
information on the squadron and it's pilots.
Personal Reaction : I found this book a little hard to read because of the long
complicated sentences and the complex words Michael Stackpole chose for his book.
I would say the reading level would probably be around grade 11 or 12 because
of the intricate words and long sentences. I liked this book because it not
only .....
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1984- A Valid Prediction
Number of words: 1048 - Number of pages: 4.... I think not" (Leif 92). Although many of his predictions were not achieved in 1984, many are becoming reality in 1999. In his day, Orwell's predictions seemed outlandish, but today, many people would argue that his dreams have become reality. Although the world is not under complete control of the government, the leaders of today do influence the direction society goes. Increased technology has led to a highly monitored society, much like Orwell's Oceania. Hidden cameras and huge satellites allow the government to view individual people and entire countries at one time. In 1984, devices calle .....
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Dr. Jekyll And Mr. Hyde: Is There Evil Inside All Of Us
Number of words: 940 - Number of pages: 4.... Me. Edward Hyde was just that pure evil.
Mr. Hyde was pale and dwarfish; he gave an impression of deformity without any namable malformation, he had a displeasing smile, he had borne himself to the lawyer with sort of murderous mixture of timidity and boldness, and he spoke with a husky, whispering and somewhat broken voice. (Stevenson 10)
In this novel it states that a potion can isolate your evil side. But does it take more then that? In many people minds it would take the willingness of the person to want to change himself. In the case of Dr. Jekyll he wanted this to happen, he was n .....
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Your Chemical World
Number of words: 5608 - Number of pages: 21.... off with our beginning and the unlikely usage of chemistry in pre-historic times. Our ancestors were more then likely concerned primarily with staying alive. Certain things are needed to do that, like food, shelter, energy, and drink. Once those needs were meet our Neanderthal brethren made some archaicaly beautiful cave paintings. In doing so they applied chemistry in a whole new way, to benefit their lives. In time chemistry became an integral part of society, today we have used it to stretch our lives out by more then forty percent of what it would have been in the start of the century by .....
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Hills Like White Elephants
Number of words: 944 - Number of pages: 4.... of view. The author still narrates the story but restricts or limits their revelation of the thoughts of all but one character. With this point of view in the story the reader can be put into the mind of one of the character again helping to better understand their feelings and thoughts. The reader will be able to know why things happen and what the character's attitude is at that time. Another point of view is the First-person point of view where the author is even more restricted. One of the characters tells the story omitting the author as the narrator. If the story were told from th .....
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20,000 Leagues Under The Sea: Overview
Number of words: 436 - Number of pages: 2.... crazy. When they finally make an
attempt to capture it, it disappears beneath the depths of the ocean.
One of the most suspenseful and mysterious parts of the book was when
the characters were thrown into a big room inside the submarine that seemed to
have no doors. At this point in the book the characters have no idea what was
going on, neither does the reader. The only thing that happens during the time
in this room is a man comes in and gives them some food, minutes later they all
fell asleep. Why where they put to sleep, where is this room that seems to have
no doors? This .....
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