Term Papers on Book Reports |
Summary Of Kidnapped
Number of words: 808 - Number of pages: 3.... a poor Scotsman who lived all his life in a place called Essendean. He has never been out of there. Having both his parents die was truly a tragedy. Only now has the minister of the town (Mr. Campbell, who was friends with David’s father) told David that his father left him a will. The will stated, “To the hands of Ebenezer Balfour, Esq., of Shaws, in his house of Shaws, these will e delivered by my son, David Balfour.” David was to travel to another town, and seek a place called “The House Of Shaws.” David then finds out that the man living in the g .....
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The Scarlet Letter: Different Levels Of Sin And Evil
Number of words: 1094 - Number of pages: 4.... adultery. They feel she is horrendously corrupt, yet it is not truly her fault. Hester is the victim of her husband, Roger Chillingworth’s (formerly Roger Prynne) stupidity by sending her to New England by herself, while he remained in Europe. Chillingworth even admitted that it was his fault when he voiced, “It was my folly! I have said it. But, up to that epoch of my life, I have lived in vain.”(Ch.4, p. 68) Hester is also a victim of fate. She has no way of knowing if Chillingworth is dead or alive when the Indians capture him after he arrived in North America. She still goes .....
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Accordion Crimes: Dismal Reality Checks
Number of words: 1630 - Number of pages: 6.... fired.
A barrage of bullets and shot of every caliber and weight tore the
Sicilians. The accordion maker reared twice and fell back.” A character that
has a great deal of intrigue is the accordion maker. The most interesting fact
of this character is that he has no name, only an occupation. This is symbolic
of all the millions of faceless immigrants that came to America in search of
their dreams, but very few found them waiting, much less at all. “...He had his
theory, his idea of the fine instrument; with the proof of this one, he planned
to make his fortune in La Merica.” The accor .....
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The Grapes Of Wrath
Number of words: 1207 - Number of pages: 5.... His body destroyed but his spirit is not
broken. The method used to develop the theme of the novel is through the
use of symbolism. There are several uses of symbols in the novel from the
turtle at the beginning to the rain at the end. As each symbol is
presented through the novel they show examples of the good and the bad
things that exist within the novel.
The opening chapter paints a vivid picture of the situation
facing the drought-stricken farmers of Oklahoma. Dust is described a
covering everything, smothering the life out of anything that wants to grow.
The dust is s .....
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How To Kill A Mocking Bird
Number of words: 704 - Number of pages: 3.... through her eyes. The novel centers on the trial of Tom Robinson. To the people of Maycomb County, Tom Robinson is just a "sorry nigger," who committed an unthinkable crime. Tom represents the black race in American society. He is a victim of racism, which was the major controversy in our culture during that time. Like Boo Radley, Tom Robinson is characterized by what the people of Maycomb say about him. And after being accused of rape, many people see him as a beast.
In this novel Harper Lee uses a lot of symbolism that has to do with racism in the South at that time. The mockingbi .....
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A Stranger Is Watching
Number of words: 562 - Number of pages: 3.... character traits of the protagonist
completely conflict with the antagonist.The protagonist,Steve is a successful
man with a family and no problems;at least in the mind of the antagonist.The
antagonist has problems with females,a career he feels is going nowhere,and a
lack of good friends.throughout the story we find out that the antagonist is
very jealous of the protagonist's lifeand that's why he indirectly targets
him.This contrast was an addition to the already excitng plot of the story..
In my opinion the best part of "A Stranger is Watching"is the
end,chapter 52.this chapter contains o .....
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Wuthering Heights: Heathcliff's Love For Catherine
Number of words: 1028 - Number of pages: 4.... Heathcliff hopes that she will not rest, but will haunt him until he dies. This absurdity contradicts the traditional norm that one should pray that the dead rest in peace. Near the end of the novel, we learn that Catherine has haunted Heathcliff, allowing him only fleeting glances of her. This shows that despite their physical separation, nothing can part them spiritually. When Heathcliff dies and unites with Catherine once again, the neighbors see them haunt the moors. We finally see the power of their love; Not only does this love transcend physical barriers, it transcends time as well. D .....
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Getting Rid Of George: A Gothic Story
Number of words: 834 - Number of pages: 4.... with a gloomy and terrifying atmosphere, Arthur uses the element of aberrant psychological states of mind to add to his gothic story. An example of irrational behavior is shown when Laura becomes outraged and spontaneously murders George. We thought, as well, that when Laura suffers a fainting spell is also an example of this psychological state of mind. Evidence of this is found when Arthur writes: “Harry held Laura until the nausea within her subsided.” Lastly, hallucinations were also prevalent in the story as well. We thought a good example was when Harry and Laura were bringi .....
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The Life And Death Of The Mayor Of Caterbridge
Number of words: 1165 - Number of pages: 5.... walking beside each other, implying that he was a very tall man. (I,1) Saul from the Bible is also described as "as a handsome young man" who "stood head and shoulders above the people." (1 Sam 9:2) While both men were accompanied with someone of inferior status, Henchard with his wife and Saul with his servant, they were in search of something, Saul of his asses and Henchard of work, when their lives were altered. Mr. Henchard and Saul both fell asleep in a dining establishment and awoke to find that their lives had changed perpetually. Spouseless and childless Mr. Henchard moves and spen .....
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The Scarlet Letter: Theocracy And Guilt And Punishment
Number of words: 2153 - Number of pages: 8.... of these transgressions. Puritan society was one such theocracy. It based its ideals on the bible and used fear of sin to dominate the minds and lives of its people. This concept of theocratic domination is presented in the novel in several different forms. It is shown in the actions of town officials, enforcing the laws of the bible and punishing those who go against biblical law. This is shown when they punish Hester Pryne for committing the sin of adultery. Theocratic Domination is also presented by how the thoughts and thinking patterns of characters are affected by the laws and .....
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