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Term Papers on Book Reports

Twain And Finn: Breaking The Language Barrier
Number of words: 559 - Number of pages: 3

.... Huck's father warns Huck about going to school any more, yet Huck goes anyway, showing great willpower in the character of Huck in that he was gaining an education that he never really wanted in the first place, but soon came to realize that it was something actually useful, and in the fact that he was disobeying his father's orders. Huck's feelings about slavery are shown when he helps Jim, Miss Watson's slave, to escape. Huck's constant statement that “Jim talks like he is white inside” shows that Huck was unique amongst the society in which he lived in the fact that he saw beneath .....

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Book Report On Tim O'Brien's Vietnam
Number of words: 1067 - Number of pages: 4

.... hardships that many people faced and some still do to this day. Tim O'Brien, like many Americans was drafted into the war in the 1960's. He was a college graduate from a small town in Minnesota. I could not imagine graduating college and then being asked to fight in some war that you could care less about. Tim made it through boot camp and he was sent off to war. At one point he even thought about going AWOL. That idea was changed as he sat in a Seattle hotel room and decided to stick it out and go off to Vietnam. Many soldiers went AWOL, either over in Vietnam or in the States b .....

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Modern Relevancy Of A Christmas Carol
Number of words: 576 - Number of pages: 3

.... their Christmas enjoying the company and warmth of each other. They found a way to have a wonderful time, despite their money problems. In this day and age, Christmas is also known as a time to spend with loved ones. The winter holidays are the most joyful because of the time we spend with our close friends and relatives. No one could ever be happy spending Christmas by themselves, especially in our society. However, there is a difference between Christmas one hundred years ago and Christmas in the present. These days, giving gifts is considered more important than celebrating Jesu .....

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Ernist Hemingway
Number of words: 1476 - Number of pages: 6

.... of life in it. It is dark and treacherous though, and every day there is a challenge. A similar story tells about a tidal pool with life called `Cannery Road'. This part of the story has to deal with figures of Christ. It mainly deals with Santiago as being a figure of Christ and other characters as props, that is, characters which carry out the form of biblical themes. On the day before he leaves when he wakes up, Manolin, his helper, comes to his aid with food and drink. Also a point that might be good is that he has had bad luck with his goal for a great period of time and is sure i .....

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A Book Of Double Meanings
Number of words: 1297 - Number of pages: 5

.... causing revenge to be vowed on Gulliver. Rather than being happy that both the empress and the palace are not in ruin, the littleness of the government and the people in general is displayed in this act. Another display of the littleness is the fact that Gulliver is used as the Emperor's absolute weapon, but the emperor only uses him to conquer his world of two islands. This makes the emperor's ambition seem extremely low. Swift also criticizes the religious beliefs of the Lilliputians and England in the first story. In Lilliput, Ministers were chosen strictly on agility, or their .....

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Moll Flanders: Themes
Number of words: 1145 - Number of pages: 5

.... with a woman who persuades Moll to work for her as a prostitute. Even though Moll is now married, she agrees to sell her body for profit. "I found presently that whether I was a whore or a wife, I was to pass for a whore here…" (Defoe 144). Moll's acts of prostitution show that she will carry out illegal practices in order to get money. Moll's many instances involving thievery also express the theme of greed. At the end of the story, Moll gives her son a stolen watch. "… I stole it from a gentlewoman's side at a meeting house in London" (Defoe 297). Moll says this is .....

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Midsummer Nights Dream
Number of words: 1857 - Number of pages: 7

.... discovered A. Since Demetrius only has two lines throughout the entire first act, it shows that he can't stand up for himself, likewise, this lack of speech displays his lack of self-confidence and image: Relent, sweet Hermia, and, Lysander, yield Thy crazed title to my certain right. (Demetrius, 1.1.93-94) Demetrius believes that since he has Egeus' approval, that Hermia should relinquish to him and states that Lysander is going against his privilege. B. Demetrius takes advantage of his stature by claiming Hermia as a right, which truly portrays his instability, but, at the same time shows .....

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The Apprentiship Of Duddy Krav
Number of words: 651 - Number of pages: 3

.... pile of _” (page 148). After this particular incident, Duddy does not even speak honestly to his clients. In conclusion, the only way Duddy sells his waste films is by telling lies. He always lies to gain money, and that’s all that Duddy cares about. Duddy has never been loved in his family, so originally he was quite content to know that Yvette cares about him. At the beginning, Yvette and Duddy are in love. “It’s so nice to see you lie still for once, she said. Your always running or jumping or scratching. Duddy was surprised and flattered to discover .....

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To Kill A Mockingbird: Trading Places With Atticus Finch
Number of words: 385 - Number of pages: 2

.... even had one. It would also be fun to see what "technology" there was, although there was probably not much. Lastly I would enjoy seeing how people dealt with the low standard of living. There are many differences between him and me. One is that I have never been persecuted. He was every day. That would not be fun. People wanted to kill him, which wouldn't be fun either. The other main difference was that he lives during a whole different time and place. The era of today is a lot nicer, materially, than back then, but there wasn't so much crime, either, which leads me t .....

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Dr. Jekyll And Mr. Hyde
Number of words: 816 - Number of pages: 3

.... of communication is the notes he writes to his servants. One day Mr. Utterson and the servant break down the door of the study to find out if it really is Dr. Jekyll in that room. To their surprise it is Mr. Hyde with a bottle of poison. He had committed suicide before they had a chance to break down the door to the study. The book ends when Mr. Utterson reads a letter which says "only to be read when Dr. Jekyll is deceased" When he opened it, it had a precise explanation of who Mr. Hyde really was and how everything happened. R L Stevenson's novel is amazing. The reason being is the .....

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