Term Papers on Book Reports |
Ernest Hemingway - "The Lost Generation"
Number of words: 765 - Number of pages: 3.... This physical wound,
however, transcends into an emotional one by preventing Jake from ever
consummating his love with Lady Brett Ashley. Emotional suffering can take
its toll on the Code Hero as it did with Jake Barnes. Despite the deep
love between Jake and Lady Brett, Jake is forced to keep the relationship
strictly platonic and stand watch as different men float in and out of Lady
Ashley's life and bed. No one other than Jake and Brett themselves ever
learn the complexity of their relationship because Jake's hopeless love for
Brett and the agony it entails are restricted to scen .....
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Pericles Funeral Oration
Number of words: 713 - Number of pages: 3.... to instill pride among the Athenians and not only to have respect for those who had died for Athens, but also to encourage them to want to fight for their country. As in paragraph two he says, "But what lay behind those outward deeds, what really made us great-our training, our frame of government, our natural bent-I shall expound, primarily in praise of these men, but also as a fitting thing to be said on this occasion and proper for this audience to hear, the outsiders in it as well as the citizens." The main point of this is he wanted Athenians not to be fearful of dying for their count .....
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Crucible Term Paper
Number of words: 1319 - Number of pages: 5.... not an untroubled man. His was a sinner against his wife, a sinner against his community, a sinner against his own morals, and a sinner against his Puritanical society. He was so troubled by this sin of adultery, that he came to regard himself as a kind of a fraud, although he does not show it on the surface for even a second.
Elizabeth Proctor, John’s wife, is a strong woman who knows about her husband’s sin but, like John, does not let on to her secret. She spends most of the novel trying to cope with her husband’s sin and as she comes to terms with it, Elizabeth is abl .....
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The Influence Of God In The Characters Of The Scarlet Letter
Number of words: 1849 - Number of pages: 7.... Such as, "If thou feelest it to be for thy soul's peace, and that thy earthly punishment will thereby be made more effectual to salvation, I charge thee to speak out the name of thy fellow-sinner and fellow-sufferer" (67). Chillingworth's first reaction is one of shock, but he quickly suppresses it (61). Since his first sight of his wife in two years is of her being punished for being unfaithful to him, he is naturally surprised. It does not last for long though, because it is his nature to control his emotions (61). Pearl's very existence in this scene is the largest immediate effect of her .....
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Analysis Of Animal Farm
Number of words: 631 - Number of pages: 3.... the Manor Farm. The "revolution," as they called it, was
achieved with great ease. Jones had gotten so drunk at a bar that he did
not get home until noon and then went to sleep until late that evening.
The animal had gone unfed that whole day. Then one of the cows could not
stand it any more and broke the door to the store-shed. She and the rest
of the cows started eating the feed in the shed. This commotion awoke
Jones, and he and his farm hands came at the cows with whips. The other
animals then began the attack by butting and kicking the men. Jones and
his men then retreated and .....
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Comparison: Mary Reilly And The Strange Case Of Dr. Jekyll And Mr. Hyde
Number of words: 2813 - Number of pages: 11.... the verge of being discovered, he commits suicide.
Mary Reilly by Valerie Martin, is a powerful and moving novel. It takes the story Dr. Jeckyl and Mr. Hyde, and gives a fresh take on the distinguished Dr. Henry Jekyll and the nefarious Mr. Edward Hyde. It is told through the psyche of a Victorian servant named Mary Reilly. The book's structure purports to be Mary Reilly's diary. The entries articulate Mary Reilly's feelings and experiences while in service for Dr. Henry Jekyll, and how she often empathizes with Dr. Jekyll on his afflictions which she cannot comprehend. As the book progresses .....
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The Great Gatsby As A Satire
Number of words: 592 - Number of pages: 3.... is when a large group of people at one of the huge soirees, decides to continue the party in the massive, expensive fountain in Gatsby’s lawn. They just jump right in and begin to dance without concern for their health, much less concern for the well being of the fountain. After the galas had died down, most of the participants went home, leaving a monstrous mess and sometimes even their clothes or shoes.
Although Gatsby himself did not seem as dissolute as his guests, he did have flaws. On outward appearance, Jay Gatsby seemed to be a rich, well-rounded man who was always very .....
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Macbeth - An Analysis Of Lady
Number of words: 566 - Number of pages: 3.... example of her deception towards him, and how she acts differently when she
is alone than when she is around him.
Another example of her being two sided is the role she talks about
playing in Duncan’s death, and the role that she actually does play in it.
There are a few times in the play, mostly when she is attempting to persuade
Macbeth into committing the murder, that she says he should just leave the
murder to her. Throughout the play she gradually decreases her role in the
murder until it becomes Macbeth’s job to kill Duncan, not hers. This is
another very larg .....
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Nineteen Eighty-Four: A Grim Prediction Of The Future
Number of words: 1079 - Number of pages: 4.... because the events in the book are a somewhat logical projection from current conditions and historical environment that Orwell observed in 1948. Perhaps people would be more comftorble with the book if they could rule out in their minds the possibility of the profecy becoming a reality. In a critique of his own work, Orwell called Nineteen Eighty-Four “A work of a future terrible [sic] because it rests on a fiction and can not be substantiated by reality or truth. “ But perhaps this future is realizing itself more than Orwell thought it would. Orwell, more than likely, would have made .....
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Evaluation Of The Lord Of The Flies
Number of words: 1775 - Number of pages: 7.... It will later be a major theme in
the book. On the mountain, fire is created, but only through the use of
Piggy's glasses. After Jack goes off to hunt and comes back, Ralph
discusses the problems of people not working with Jack. Simon goes into the
jungle alone and contemplates. The boys become used to the daily tasks on
the island. The small children play all the time while the older ones do
most of the work. The first flash of Jack's future warrior/hunter position
as leader is shown as he comes back to camp with his face painted. A ship
is spotted, but they find that the signal fire on .....
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