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Brave New World Vs. Modern Soc
Number of words: 964 - Number of pages: 4.... using a variety of methods. Where our society uses male
and female birth control methods, Utopia has pregnancy substitute (a procedure
in which Utopian woman are given all the psychological benefits of childbirth
without undergoing it) and malthusian drill (similar to today’s birth control pills).
However, modern society and Huxley’s Utopia both explore the advantages of
artificial reproduction, although Utopia has taken it to the extreme: The
Bokanovsky Process, is a method whereby a human egg’s normal development
is arrested, then buds, producing many identical .....
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The Truth Is Out There, Do We
Number of words: 952 - Number of pages: 4.... moral or social responsibility, and the black truth he discovered ate away and destroyed him. He regressed to savage behaviors he had previously repressed and let the darkness fill the cold void within him. Because he knew so much blackness, he was unable to live in society again. He crossed over and relinquished all ties to the civilized world, for he had lived the white truths to an extreme, so did he live the black truths. Kurtz showed what happens when the white truths and lies of society are taken away. Kurtz lived and found sustenance in that reality, when it vanished and was replaced .....
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The Scarlet Letter The Struggl
Number of words: 404 - Number of pages: 2.... pg.70, this quote foreshadows the symbol that Chillingworth sees on Dimmesdale’s chest. Chillingworth claims he can be Dimmesdale’s savior because he can cure his illness, or really his guilt. The truth to this is that Chillingworth acts as if he were Dimmesdale’s friend and through doing this he really will not save him but lead him to his demise.
Dimmesdale knows he must confess publicly and acknowledge Pearl as his daughter, to be free from his internal struggle. Pearl asks the minister if he will hold her hand and her mother’s hand at noon time the next day .....
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Hawthorne's Characters: Pride Of Intellect
Number of words: 747 - Number of pages: 3.... him
and he can no longer relate to his congregation the same way. "As a result of
wearing the veil, Hooper becomes a man apart, isolated from love and sympathy,
suspected and even feared by his congregation"(Minister's Black Veil, 228).
Goodman Brown suffers the same fate because he also has a feeling of superiority
over the rest of the village. He attains this feeling after he sees all the
people that he though were good and pure participating in satanic rituals in the
forest. He looses all faith in the community and feels as though he is above
them because he was able to resist the devil. .....
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The House Of Seven Gables: Hepzibah Pyncheon
Number of words: 577 - Number of pages: 3.... world.
When she opens the cent shop she finally begins to make interactions with
other people; however, she keeps her unpleasant mood even to her customers.
The woman lives with the curse that has been handed down through the
generations. It is this that fuels her constant bad mood.
The day after she opens the shop, her cousin Phoebe comes to visit
her. Phoebe is a young country girl who ends up staying with Hepzibah to
manage the household. Phoebe has youthful energetic demeanor which
improves Hepzibah's attitude a little. The day after Phoebe's arrival the
house of seven gables rec .....
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Lord Of The Flies Tracing The
Number of words: 1617 - Number of pages: 6.... creepers during the day but becomes a snake or ‘beastie’ at nightfall. Although he tries to comfort the boy, Ralph appears to feel that this is just another childish fear, like a fear of the dark. But towards the end of this scenario, he attempts to dismiss the idea, which will cause the boys, at such an early stage, to feel any anxiety on the island.
“But there isn’t a beastie!”
Nevertheless, Ralph’s efforts do not pay off:
‘There was no laughter at all now and more grave watching.’Unfortunately for Ralph, he has lost control, due to the f .....
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The Great Gatsby: Forces Of Corruption
Number of words: 516 - Number of pages: 2.... host. Their careless,
superficial attitudes and wanton behaviour represent Fizgarald's depiction of
the corrupt American Dream.
Another force of corruption responsible for Gatsby's fate is his obsession
with a woman of Daisy's nature. Determined to marry her after returning from
the war, he is blind to her shallow, cowardly nature. He is unable to see the
corruptiion whick lies beyond her physical beauty, charming manner and playful
banter. That she is incapable of leaving her brutal husband, Tom, of commiting
herself to Gatsby despite his sacrifices, escapes him. As Nick observes .....
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"The Doll's House" Essay
Number of words: 521 - Number of pages: 2.... the lamp in its
simplicity. As others take interests in the gaudy nature of the house,
Kezia rebels: "But the lamp was perfect. It seemed to smile at Kezia, to
say `I live here.' The lamp was so real."
Conflict intensifies as Kezia remains the odd ball. The appreciation of
the lamp is a metaphor for the actions to come. Kezia likes the lamp
because she does not know any better. Thus, she decides to befriend the
Kelveys because she doesn't see anything wrong in doing so. The Kelveys
are a family that are shunned because of their economic status. Throughout
the town, "Many of the ch .....
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Native Son
Number of words: 2191 - Number of pages: 8.... fear stems from being caught in the act of doing something socially unacceptable and being the subject of punishment. Although he later admits to Max that Mary Dalton’s behavior toward him made him hate her, it is not that hate which causes him to smother her to death, but a feeble attempt to evade the detection of her mother. The fear of being caught with a white woman overwhelmed his common sense and dictated his actions. When he attempted to murder Bessie, his motivation came from intense fear of the consequences of "letting" her live. Bigger realized that he could not take Bessie w .....
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Lord Of The Flies: Character Analysis Of Piggy
Number of words: 625 - Number of pages: 3.... moving the fire to the beach, he just wanted a ship passing by to see them. Piggy mimicked adults, he did not run about in a savage nature, he was good. Being the only boy that wasn't violent, shows how diverse Piggy was from the other boys on the island. "I got the conch I tell you" Piggy screamed in attempt to gain the boys' lost attention, "I tell you I got the conch."
Good finally prevailed and Piggy gained the boys' attention. Never once did Piggy resort to violence, even when his glasses were stolen, he proved he was above violence. Unlike Jack, Piggy never killed. Piggy neve .....
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