Term Papers on Book Reports |
Character Personalities In The Canterbury Tales
Number of words: 525 - Number of pages: 2.... and bishops; and I speak a few words in Latin, to give color and flavor to my preaching, and to stir them to devotion." (Chaucer, 339)
To think that anybody would bluntly tell of their deceitful ways to people that confided and believed in everything they said is another tactic used by Chaucer to exaggerate what he is trying to get his audience to see. He provides many exaggerated examples of the Pardoner deceiving, fooling and lying to the people throughout "The Pardoner's Tale."
"Everyman" is a play teaching of moral values. The author mainly uses irony to show what he may feel as .....
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Scarlet Letter
Number of words: 656 - Number of pages: 3.... is one of the finest feelings. The forest provided that ability to Hester and Dimmesdale. At one point Hester comes right out and brings up the committed sin. “What we did had a consecration of its own. We felt it so!” (pg. 179) When Dimmesdale first hears this bold statement he is somewhat distraught and tells Hester to “Hush!” and then he realizes the freedom they have. “ May God forgive us both! We are not…the worst sinners in the world.” (pg. 179) There is no way that Dimmesdale would have become this bold if he were in spectacle of the Puritan society. Once again a w .....
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Huckleberry Finn
Number of words: 709 - Number of pages: 3.... and that was my money. Where is he?-- I
want my nigger.". Then Huck steals Jim from the Phelps farm
(eventhough he was already set free by Miss Watson's will). Huck Finn
changes as we go through the story because Jim is really almost his
slave and he grows to like having Jim wait on him.
In Huckleberry Finn, Mark Twain depicts Southern life and society
in the 1870's. The main point that Twain makes is that Southern life
is not as glorious as it's made out to be. We can tell this be several
ironies between the way Southern life was depicted and the way Twain
descri .....
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Critical Analysis Of The Jungl
Number of words: 894 - Number of pages: 4.... setting. Because it is fictional, though, it probably would not be much of an aid to a historical researcher. The novel itself, containing over Three hundred pages, is rather long and tediously boring.
Sinclair’s central purpose in writing The Jungle was to persuade people to join the socialist party and to adopt the view that socialism is the only way to conquer the capitalistic empires that abuse the working class. The socialist ethic is that the general public will have joint ownership of the factory. Thus, they will finally be able to eliminate the undesirable working cond .....
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Ishi Last Of His Tribe (summar
Number of words: 1318 - Number of pages: 5.... up to find that Timawi set fire to a Saldu house. Ishi went to investigate the situation and found Timawi laying dead. Ishi takes him and gives him the proper burial along with his father.
Ishi went tout and then found a spot to live. He found a cave in the side of a mountain and the remaining Yahi migrate to this new place to stay. Ishi found a new place to go and think. Later on, his grandmother and grandfather die of old age. There are four remaining Yahi left in the world.
Chapter 3
The seasons have changed again and it is now winter. Ishi loved to watch Tushi as she mature .....
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Uncle Tom; A Synopsis
Number of words: 1708 - Number of pages: 7.... Tom as a mentor, and also because Aunt Chloe, his wife, is a fantastic cook. His charismatic personality allows him to lead and organize their religious meetings which are held in his home as well. One can see how Tom’s faith allows him to be a social leader among the slaves. Stowe says on page 35 that,
Uncle Tom was a sort of patriarch in religious matters, in the neighborhood. Having, naturally, an organization in which morale was strongly predominant together with a greater breadth and cultivation of mind that obtained among his companions, he was looked up to with great respec .....
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Comparison Of "Queen Of Diamonds" And "Aunt Parnetta's Electric Blisters"
Number of words: 511 - Number of pages: 2.... a lot of the time with her friends and drank. The
drinking was the reason that she was in the hospital. It never once showed
Christine as being happy, she was always in a bad mood, and never really
seemed to be pleased with anything. Towards the end of the book we find
out that Christine is going to kill herself. The reason for which she
decides to take her own life is that there is nothing for her to live for,
nothing that she had made for herself. Christine had done nothing in her
life time worth enough to live for. We also see the picture in Aunt
Parnetta's Electric Blisters.
"Au .....
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Cry The Beloved Country: The Power Of Love
Number of words: 497 - Number of pages: 2.... for more power. The thing that they must realize is that no amount of power will mean anything to God when it comes time for judgment. People base their lives too much on what material things they have, rather than what they have spiritually. They search for happiness in things like money and fame, but they are never fulfilled. It is impossible to find happiness in things like money and fame. No one can obtain happiness in a place where happiness cannot be found. When people start living their lives for the Lord, they will be the ones who hold the power in heaven.
God has power over .....
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Book Report On "The Lost World"
Number of words: 1005 - Number of pages: 4.... one of the old
employees of InGen and get him to tell him about and the location of the island.
With his information Levine made a team of five people to take to the island
himself, Ian Malcolm Sarah Harding, Jack Thorne, and Eddie Carr, the top
employee of Thorne. They were going to leave in two weeks when Thorne finds out
that Levine has left for the island early wanting to be the first one to “
officially” find it. He and the small crew of people he took with him were
attacked and all but Levine were killed. He would be found later. The team
left for the island soon after to t .....
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The Major Years: Isolation And Emily Grierson - A Deadly Combination
Number of words: 841 - Number of pages: 4.... and are
trying to find a way to escape from their grasps. They are hesitant to stand up
to the men and instead they tend to hide away. Backman notes that, "The will to
confront reality seems to be losing out to the need to escape"(p.184).
Miss Emily is a woman who had the whole town wondering what she was
doing, but did not allow anyone the pleasure of finding out. Once the men that
she cared about in life deserted her, either by death or by simply leaving her,
she hid out and did not allow anyone to get close to her. Miss Emily was indeed
afraid to confront the reality that Backm .....
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