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Sins In The Scarlet Letter
Number of words: 742 - Number of pages: 3.... Dimmesdale. When her child Pearl was born, Hester's adulterous sin was discovered and she was cast out from their society and required to wear an embroidered “A” on her bosom in punishment. Hester felt guilt for her sin the rest of her life and sought repentance and absolution until the time she died. Hester never had true love for Chillingworth, but was tricked into marriage. She later told him this while speaking in her jail cell saying to him, “... thou knowest that I was frank with thee, I felt no love, nor feigned any.” Hester was betrayed, tricked and all .....
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The Catcher In The Rye: Themes And Symbols
Number of words: 2108 - Number of pages: 8.... even worst than Old Ackley. At least Ackley knew that he had a problem,
that he need to do something about his face; but Stradlater thought that he was
a great guy. He actually thought that there was nothing wrong with never washing
his razor. I think that what mad, Holden so made Stradlater was perpetrating in
other word being "phony" every time he went out all GQ after using that filthy
razor. Another instance is when he calls that girl in New York, Faith Cavendish,
that Eddie Birdsell had brought to a dance at Princeton. Anyway he called her
and she almost went off until Holden dro .....
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Brighton Beach Memoirs Essay
Number of words: 505 - Number of pages: 2.... is Eugene's 18-year-old, older brother. Stanley can be described as a person who stands up for his principles. Eugene is constantly looking to him for advice with his pubescent "problems". Stanley had to work young to support the family. We later see him losing his paycheck from gambling and almost joining the army.
Kate and Jack Jerome are Eugene's parents. They are constantly looking to Eugene for things to be done. They have it very hard supporting their own family and her sister Blanche's family. Jack had to take up many jobs to support everybody, which resulted in a heart attac .....
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An Analysis Of "Heart Of Darkness"
Number of words: 1340 - Number of pages: 5.... of one group by another was not new in history. They
were anchored in the river, where ships went out to darkest Africa. Yet, as
lately as Roman times, London's own river led, like the Congo, into a barbarous
hinterland where the Romans went to make their profits. Soon darkness fell over
London, while the ships that bore "civilization" to remote parts appeared out of
the dark, carrying darkness with them, different only in kind to the darkness
they encounter.
These thoughts and feelings were merely part of the tale, for Conrad had a
more personal story to tell, about a single m .....
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Charles Dickens’ Personal Experiences In Great Expectations
Number of words: 462 - Number of pages: 2.... complex than Dickens. Pip’s caretaker becomes delirious and then dies. I think that these events show a sense of independence in both of them. They started to take care of themselves when they were teenagers. That gave them a few good qualities such as being strong and independent.
They have another similarity dealing with women. Pip loves Estella, but she does not love him back. She looks down on him because he is not wealthy and is not very well educated. Dickens does not have much luck with women, either. He loses his first love. It seems that he cannot keep a girlfriend. If he does k .....
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Great Expectations: Life Story Of Phillip Gargery
Number of words: 1487 - Number of pages: 6.... scary man. A man who would soon change my life forever. He was a scary looking kind of guy, and he was very demanding. He ordered me around to get him things. And from the chains on his feet, I could tell he was a convict. I did what he said anyway, because I was afraid he would kill me, or hurt me very badly. So I got him what he needed. The next night, the town soldiers came to my house, and asked Joe to fix the handcuffs for them, because they found the escaped convict. I have never told on him, and that was the last time I’ve seen of the convict for a long time.
A couple mont .....
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Comparison Of Lord Of The Flies And All Quiet On The Western Front
Number of words: 1264 - Number of pages: 5.... within Jack. The next significant encounter in Jack's
progression is his first killing of a pig. There is a description of a
great celebration. The boys chant "Kill the pig. Cut her throat. Spill
her blood." It is clear from Golding's description of the revelry that
followed the killing that the act of the hunt provided the boys with more
than food. The action of killing another living thing gives them pleasure.
The last stage in Jack's metamorphosis is demonstrated by the murder of the
sow. Golding describes the killing almost as a rape. He says, "Jack was
on top of the sow, stabbin .....
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Analysis Of King Lear
Number of words: 1277 - Number of pages: 5.... who can proclaim their love for him in the grandest possible fashion. Cordelia finds that she is unable to show her love with mere words:
"Cordelia. [Aside] What shall Cordelia speak? Love,
and be silent."
Act I, scene i, lines 63-64.
Cordelia's nature is such that she is unable to engage in even so forgivable a deception as to satisfy an old king's vanity and pride, as we see again in the following quotation:
"Cordelia. [Aside] Then poor cordelia!
And not so, since I am sure my love's
More ponderous than my tongue. "
Act I, Scene i, lines 78-80.
Cordelia clearly loves her fathe .....
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Evolution Of Heathcliff In Wut
Number of words: 1148 - Number of pages: 5.... is a bird who comes into a nest and takes the place of the natural siblings. Heathcliff, like a cuckoo, is an intruder who takes the place of a natural offspring and becomes the sole focus of the family. This circumstance foreshadows a life of a child who tries to be something that is impossible. Heathcliff can never be more than what he is. He can never be accepted as a natural son in the Earnshaw family. Regardless of what he does or how hard he tries, he will always be the interloper.
Early in the novel, Heathcliff is picked on by Hindly and he assumes a assertive and threatening posture. .....
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No Loser, No Weeper By Maya Angelou
Number of words: 753 - Number of pages: 3.... small like a watch or a toy. Moreover this poem is directed towards another female trying to steal her lover. Maya wants to make it clear to the woman not touch her Alover-boy." She explains her warning by stating that she hates to lose something Aeven a dime, I wish I was dead." We gather from that statement that losing something so small and worthless as a dime would make Maya wish she was dead is very serious and very threatening. This remark can be traced back to her background to when the trauma in her life made her think about suicide. Maya Angelo felt that if she did not speak .....
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