Term Papers on Book Reports |
The Mill On The Floss: Summary
Number of words: 1956 - Number of pages: 8.... introduced to Mrs. Glegg, Mrs. Pullet, Mrs. Deane and Maggie's cousin
Lucy. Mr. Tulliver states his intention to send Tom to school and it is met
with opposition. In the eighth chapter he goes to his brother-in-laws house to
demand the money that he owes him so that he can pay his wife's sister Mrs.
Glegg. In chapter nine you read about the Tullivers going to visit the Pullets.
In the tenth chapter Maggie pushed Lucy in the mud because she is receiving
most of Tom's attention. When Tom goes to tell on her she runs off and can't be
found. In the eleventh chapter Maggie decides to run awa .....
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The Masque Of Red Death: No One Can Hide From Death
Number of words: 972 - Number of pages: 4.... a masquerade is planned, and in
typical "Poesque" fashion the great halls are described in imagery that
foreshadows a horror to follow. The "masque" takes place in the imperial
suite, which consisted of seven very distinct rooms. Seven being a symbol -
seven wonders of the world, seven deadly sins with seven corresponding
cardinal virtues. Seven also suggesting the stages of one's life, from
birth to death (Birth, childhood, teenage, young adult, middle age, old age,
The seven rooms are laid out from east to west, reminding us of the course
of the sun, which measures our ear .....
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Number of words: 1210 - Number of pages: 5.... thoughtless person.
In a way, could be classified as jealous. He was obviously a bit jealous of Duncan because Duncan had everything, including happiness. Duncan was the King and was not. This could cause a lot of jealousy. had desires and wishes but they were unattainable with Duncan around.
In the end of the story everyone loses respect for and realizes that he was the one who killed Duncan. was killed. This seems like a high price to pay just to be King. The strange thing is that was filled with extreme guilt and sadness. He could not even enjoy his time of rulership.
A clas .....
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Youth : Then & Now
Number of words: 268 - Number of pages: 1.... it is clear through the passing time,
attitudes have changed.
1 "O Youth! The strength of it, the faith of it, the imagination of
it!" Conrad's example of youth powerfully describes the greatness of it all.
Marlow and the other young crewmen possessed this quality of youth and
powerfully exemplified it on the treacherous voyage of the Judea. The youth of
today, as many feel, do not have the strong characteristics of past generations.
One hundred years ago, a young man may have gone on a dangerous voyage like
Marlow, but a young man today leads a more secure, cushioned life.
The chang .....
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Agatha Christie's And Then There Were None: An Analysis
Number of words: 665 - Number of pages: 3.... murder was committed while the men were searching the
island. Even though one single person had an alabi for their whereabouts
when he was killed. Dr. Armstrong did stray from his group. When the
General didn't show up for lunch, Mr. Rogers offered to go and fetch him.
Dr. Armstrong quickly voluntered instead. He came back to announce that he
was dead. On the morning when they found Mr. Rogers dead, everyone
overslept because he was not there to wake them up. Lombard awoke at 9:30
am. He woke the others, but Armstrong was already up and dressed. Or, the
way I see it is that he was up .....
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A Rose For Emily
Number of words: 1296 - Number of pages: 5.... (40-41). Miss Emily was convinced that she had no taxes in Jefferson because before the Civil War the South didn't have to pay. This change occurred when the North took over the South. "After her father's death she went out very little; after her sweetheart went away, people hardly saw her at all," (41). Miss Emily might have stayed out of the public eye after these two deaths because she was finally alone, something she in her petty life was not used to. Emily's father never let her alone and when he died Homer Barron was a treat that she was never allowed to have. Miss Emily's stubb .....
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Lord Of The Flies; A Review
Number of words: 620 - Number of pages: 3.... best friends.
While stranded on the island many of the boys dream of one day
being rescued and going home. Ralph constantly shows his obsession with
getting home and uses all of his power and knowledge to find a way home.
Ralph knows he has to light a fire on the top of the mountain to be used as
a signal to flag down a passing boat or plane, so that they can be rescued
and go home to their families. When Jack lets the fire go out Ralph is
enraged and does not know what to do. He can hardly control himself and
makes the realization that he has just possibly lost his only chance to .....
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The Old Man And The Sea: An Analysis
Number of words: 309 - Number of pages: 2.... the marlin is a beautiful depiction of courage and
resilience, but I begin to wonder who is hooked into who. The old man and the
fish are one and their lives become connected through that line as they live
each moment according to the other's actions. Even the old man is not sure who
is better, him or the marlin, and he mentions several times they are not that
different. And whether or not the sharks ate his fish, it only matters that the
old man brought him to the boat and defeated him. .....
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Flowers For Algernon
Number of words: 863 - Number of pages: 4.... night school teacher and then a romantic interest and then a
teacher again. She liked the old Charlie, but when he starts becoming
smart she finds it harder and harder to keep up with him. Being with him
makes her feel strange, inadequate at times. She’s almost afraid of him.
She thinks she knows Charlie, but discovers she doesn’t.
The people at the bakery employed the retarded Charlie for years.
While working there, they stood up for him sometimes, and sometimes
played cruel jokes on him.
The doctors are overconfident and pretend to know what they are
doing w .....
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The Things They Carried: Possessions Of Character
Number of words: 387 - Number of pages: 2.... for it. Lavender's death was
something which "He would have to carry like a stone in his stomach for the rest
of the war." He does not always pay attention to what is most important, his
men. Lt. Jimmy Cross burns all of Martha's letters at the end of the story,
trying to forget her, to erase the memory. Still, he carries her in his mind
along with the haunting memory that she was not involved. Martha is just a part
of the technicalities now, he bids her farewell in his mind and decides to rid
himself of the pebble. He is past his days of dreaming and hoping. Everything
that Lt. Cr .....
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