Term Papers on Book Reports |
The Stranger 2
Number of words: 596 - Number of pages: 3.... (Camus, 29) It really made no difference to Meursault if he was stated as a friend of Raymond’s or not. The way that Meursault does not contribute to the conversation and that it is just “fine with [him]” to be friends creates an image of indifference. This image continues to grow as Raymond continues to talk to Meursault. Raymond goes on to tell of his problems with women, and Meursault still remains silent. After his Raymond’s confessions are over he once again thanks Meursault for being a pal: “I didn’t mind being his pal, and he seemed s .....
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The Violence In The Catcher In
Number of words: 952 - Number of pages: 4.... right, give it back to me, then,’ I said. I went over and pulled it right out of his goddam hand. Then I tore it up.”(Salinger 41) Holden admires Allie, and his baseball glove, and is forced to protect his honor. Next Holden is upset, and worried about Jane’s date with Stradlater. He fears that Stradlater is determined to steal Jane’s innocence. He explains, “If you knew Stradlater, you’d have been worried, too. I’d double-dated with the bastard a couple of times, and I know what I’m talking about. He was unscrupulous.”(Salinger .....
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Huckleberry Finn: Prejudice And Intolerance
Number of words: 1163 - Number of pages: 5.... paragraph of The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn Clemens states, "Persons attempting to find a motive in this narrative will be prosecuted; persons attempting to find a moral in it will be banished; persons attempting to find a plot in it will be shot."
There were many groups that Clemens contrasted in The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. The interaction of these different social groups is what makes up the main plot of the novel. For the objective of discussion they have been broken down into five main sets of antithetic parties: people with high levels of melanin and people with low le .....
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Grapes Of Wrath
Number of words: 831 - Number of pages: 4.... of The not to make us act, but to make us understand and share a human experience of suffering and resistance.) Steinbeck shows us that his characters, as well as all people must endure suffering as human beings. Humans suffer due to many factors. Religious suffering is one factor which is self imposed. (When we first see Casy he is explaining to Tom Joad how he left preaching, not merely because of the lusts that plagued him, but because religious faith as he knew it seemed to set up codes of behavior which denied human nature its proper and full expression) Religious suffering is p .....
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The Harness Conspiracy
Number of words: 1129 - Number of pages: 5.... profit when the crops were sold. This conspiracy may not seem obvious at first glance, but under closer observation, one can see all the inconsistencies and clues that lead to this conclusion.
First, there are many inconsistencies concerning Emma's incessant illness. When we first see Emma described, we are told that her eyes were "feverish with a determination to live" (39). This image does not suggest that she would give up life as easily as she supposedly does. Her illnesses were either planned or were hugely coincidental, because "Each time Peter returned from a business trip, Emma .....
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Immoral Materialism
Number of words: 613 - Number of pages: 3.... poor…It was a terrible mistake.” (131). These quotes explain Gastby’s belief, that if he becomes rich, he will be able to obtain love from Daisy. This is quite contrary to the ideas of Ben Franklin represented in this quote “Content makes poor men rich; Discontent makes rich men poor”, this quote explains that life itself is the reward, not the things that money can bring to it.
Many wealthy people assume that it is their right to have others listen to and follow their own wishes, or thoughts. The character, Tom Buchanan is the model superficial rich person. Wh .....
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Conflict In "The Child By Tiger"
Number of words: 524 - Number of pages: 2.... better part of a day, and spawns a fatal manhunt. His
conflict with the society in general is characterized by his indiscriminate
choice of victims. These victims range from a police officer to an innocent
black man looking out his window, to several citizens who try to put an end
to his madness. This conflict is stopped when the mob catches up to him,
and he surrenders in soldier-like fashion. The hint of the conflict lingers,
however, when the mob leader brags about killing “a big one.”
The third and most interesting and complex type of conflict in this
story is the intrapersonal conf .....
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The Scarlet Letter: Light And Darkness
Number of words: 757 - Number of pages: 3.... scaffold scene is the opportunity for Dimmesdale to
attempt to release his guilt from the first scaffold. However, Pearl
creates a need in Dimmesdale to repent in front of the town. During the
third scaffold scene, Dimmesdale is able to release his guilt about his
crime and his lack of strength. He is also able to complete his obligation
to accept the hands of Pearl and Hester on the platform from the second
scaffold scene. Through his confession, he creates a sense of reality for
the entire town. It can be clearly seen that what is created in the first
scaffold is released in the second .....
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Crime And Punishment And The Outsider: Self Discovery
Number of words: 1866 - Number of pages: 7.... conscience it is necessary to do so in order to better mankind”2.
Raskolnikov believed that indeed, he was an “extraordinary man”3, but like
Meursault, his beliefs were untested. As a result, he murdered an old
pawnbroker women in order to prove himself. Meursault, as well, acted
against the social norm. For example, even though it was expected of a son,
he did not show sorrow at his mother's funeral4. He did not think this was
shallow, however, he just refused to falsely show emotion when he did not
feel any; “I realized that I'd managed to get through another Sunday, that
mothe .....
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The Scarlet Letter: Dimmesdale As The Greatest Sinner
Number of words: 370 - Number of pages: 2.... believe his sin anyway because they think to highly of him. He neglected his parental responsibilities as a father by not keeping in touch with Pearl and Hester. This was a very sinful thing to do. When Pearl asks him if he will stand with them on the scaffold he says no, just crushing the child. And Hester does nothing cut encourage this behavior by saying that one day he will stand with them. The last reason that Dimmesdale is the greatest sinner in the Scarlet Letter is that he died first as a result of his sin. Chillingworth didn't die first, Hester didn't die first, no it was Dimm .....
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