Term Papers on Book Reports |
The Scarlet Letter: Dimmesdale's Suffering Of Pain And Guilt
Number of words: 920 - Number of pages: 4.... me
grace, at this last moment, to do what -for my own heavy sin
and miserable agony- I withheld myself from doing seven years
ago, come hither now, and twine thy strength about me! Thy
strength, Hester; but let it be guided by the will which God
hath granted me! This wretched and wronged old man is
opposing it with all his might!- with all his own might, and
the fiend’s! Come, Hester, come! Support me up yonder
Dimmesdale also felt guilt and pain about not admitting the sin that he is
Pearl’s father. He was afraid that Pearl would not like him becau .....
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Animal Farm By George Orwell
Number of words: 754 - Number of pages: 3.... materialize. Then we are left with
his predecessors. The first is Snowball. Snowball believed one hundred
percent in Old Majors ideals. He wanted all the things Old Major wanted,
such as the welfare of the animals. In the Russian Revolution his
counterpart would be Trotsky. Trotsky believed and wanted the same things
as Lenin, and wanted to continue what Lenin had started. Then comes
Napoleon. Napoleon was selfish and greedy. He did not want to share the
power or the decision making with any other individual. This was the same
for Stalin. At first Napoleon and Snowball shared the .....
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The Republic: Morality And Immorality
Number of words: 1043 - Number of pages: 4.... more people could make
the best choice, if it became monetarily more easy to do so. Truth may be
the founding father of morality, and universally unites morality, and
Moral rules must be flexible, society changes and with it so does
morality. Morality must be as Agreed upon by, religious and non-religious
alike, because morality, as everything else is part of an evolutionary
process. By manifesting religious or scientific laws you manifest prejudice,
ignorance and introduce immorality.
Morality is often vice to power, especially in decadent times. Yet,
scientific morality knows .....
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Sir Launcelot
Number of words: 648 - Number of pages: 3.... is the model knight for the code of chivalry. Whether
through his prowess in battle or his largesse that everyone admired, he
ceaselessly fulfilled each aspect of the code. Throughout the book, he
exhibits both honor and loyalty to King Arthur and all his fellow knights.
Courtly love is another part of the code of Chivalry. Courtly love is love
often between one man and another man's wife. By having an affair with
King Arthur's wife, although still abiding by the code of chivalry, his
loyalty was put into question.
Sir Launcelot had one dominant flaw; he was hopelessly in love with
K .....
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King Authur And The Knights Of The Round Table
Number of words: 502 - Number of pages: 2.... of the demise of chivalry occurs at the Green
Knights castle. Sir Gawain manages to keep his word for two of the days,
but on the third day, he keeps the lady's scarf. The reason he does this
is obviously for its protective properties. This seems like a good idea,
but this violates his promise to give everything he gets back to the lord
of the manor. It also violates his faith in God's ability to save him from
being decapitated. Sir Gawain isn't as good at following the code of honor
in this story as in the other stories.
The final example I will point out is when he faces the Gre .....
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1984: Lack Of Humanity
Number of words: 1317 - Number of pages: 5.... live in the best time of history. In essence, people are unaware of their plight, and they know no better. George Orwell’s 1984 shows how a human being can be stripped of its emotions, its freedom, and its identity if that human being allows a society like Oceania to rule him; therefore, no one should ever allow it to happen.
The Party controls people’s emotions by instilling basic codes of morality. It is insinuated that one should not feel emotions; and, if one does feel them, then one is a criminal. Therefore, the people of Oceania disregard their emotions. All the citizens of .....
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The Pearl: Material Society, Material Thoughts
Number of words: 1020 - Number of pages: 4.... of her
reality. Juana's husband was caught in a twisted realm of mirrors, and
they were all shattering one by one. In the night he heard a "sound so
soft that it might have been simply a thought..." and quickly attacked the
trespasser. This is where the problems for Juana and her family began.
The fear that had mounted in Kino's body had taken control over his actions.
Soon even Juana who had always had faith in her husband, had doubted him
greatly. "It will destroy us all" she yelled as her attempt to rid the
family of the pearl had failed. Kino had not listened however, and soon .....
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The Great Gatsby - Tom Buchana
Number of words: 402 - Number of pages: 2.... his mistress Myrtle when he meets with her in New York. Tom believes solely that he is more important than anyone else. He also has much hate towards Gatsby when he first meets him, since Tom is particularly jealous of Gatsby’s wealthiness over his own. We see his jealousy when he gets a favour from a friend in New York City to look into Jay Gatsby and the life he has led.
The reader develops much hate towards Mr. Buchanan when we learn of his mistress. His disprovement grows when he strikes her across the face and severely hurts her for no apparent reason. His rude attitude towar .....
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Billy Bud
Number of words: 672 - Number of pages: 3.... is no outlet of Billy's emotion; whatever emotion he may be experiencing is not accounted for. This is not the behavior one would expect from someone who had just accidentally killed someone else. On trial Billy has this to say for his actions: "I did not mean to kill him. But he foully lied to my face and in the presence of my captain, and I had to say something, and I could only say it with a blow, God help me!" This statement illustrates Billy's emotional response to his crime; He shirks the full weight of his action by pointing to his accidental nature. Billy is sorry that Claggart w .....
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The Life Of Edward Albee
Number of words: 998 - Number of pages: 4.... sad past if he could. An
orphan raised in chauffeured luxury, Edward was packed off to the first of
three boarding schools at age 11.
At Trinity, "I discovered that the required courses were not the
ones I required." So he cut the classes that bored him and audited the ones
that didn't.
"It tells you something about the management of Trinity at the time
that they didn't catch up with me until the middle of the sophomore year,"
he recalls. "That ended my formal education, and I suppose it didn't matter
much. I'd figured out how to educate myself, and keep on doing it. To be
fair to Trinity .....
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