Term Papers on Book Reports |
Brave New World: The Perfect World?
Number of words: 621 - Number of pages: 3.... ills is the belief that everyone
would enjoy his or her work because he or she was "made" or trained for it when
young. Consequently, from birth, everyone in Brave New World is slotted to
belong to a specific social and intellectual strata. In conjunction with this
idea, all births are completely planned and monitored. There are different
classes of people with different intelligence and different "career plans." The
social order was divided into the most highly educated, the Alpha+, and then in
descending intelligence, the following divisions: Alpha, Beta, Beta -, Gamma,
Delta, and Ep .....
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"A Raisin In The Sun": An Analysis
Number of words: 1044 - Number of pages: 4.... can buy his family
happiness. Walter has dreams. Dreams he most likely got from his father.
Dreams of better life for his family and himself. A dream of financial
security and comfortable living. Ruth, on the other hand is stable and down
to earth. She doesn't make rash choices to accommodate a dream. She will
just make do with what she has. Mama is a loving person, she is wise but
lives in the past. She is happy to have her family with and be safe from
society. She thinks that money is not something that makes a family happy.
Besides dreams Walter also has a husbands responsibilities whi .....
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Symbols In The Great Gatsby
Number of words: 1107 - Number of pages: 5.... his arms
out towards a green light. At the time it is not revealed to us that this
is the light at the end of Daisy's dock.
he stretched out his arms toward the dark water in a curious way, and far
as I was from him I could have sworn he was trembling. Involuntarily I
glanced seaward--and distinguished nothing except a single green light,
minute and far away, that might have been the end of a dock. (Fitzgerald
Throughout the novel Fitzgerald emphasizes the color green as a
promise of hope. Through Gatsby this promise is corrupted by the means
that he tries to attain it. B .....
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Millington's "The Innovators": Summary
Number of words: 450 - Number of pages: 2.... or projector was the
ultimate key… The men who emerged as the most effective in developing
designs of complete steamboats based upon individual and unique
combinations of a complex of elements all enjoyed a capacity for spatial
thinking". This shows that he himself was aware that success was as much a
function of application as it was of theory.
Another importuned development still paramount in toadies world,
whose influence will be felt indefinitely is the development of the
telegraph. Morse, through the advances of Henry in the field of
electromagnetism and its application was ab .....
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Gullivers Travels
Number of words: 1261 - Number of pages: 5.... impressed by the intelligence and organizational abilities of the Lilliputians.
In this section, Swift introduces us to the essential conflict of Book I: the naive, ordinary, but compassionate "Everyman" at the mercy of an army of people with "small minds". Because they are technologically adept, Gulliver does not yet see how small-minded the Lilliputians are.
In Chapter II, the Emperor of Lilliput arrives to take a look at the "giant", and Gulliver is equally impressed by the Emperor and his courtiers. They are handsome and richly dressed, and the Emperor attempts to speak to Gulliver ci .....
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King Lear 3
Number of words: 686 - Number of pages: 3.... are never under your control whether they are negative or positive. King Lear's decision was never foreshadowed to have a negative affect on his family or his kingdom. Who would ever think that Lear would end up standing around Goneril and Regan lying dead on the floor while holding his other daughter Cordelia dead in his hands. You can almost call it fate in a way since the most common term for uncontrollable destiny is known as that. Fate could also be seen in a negative aspect, like this episode here in which a great man loses everything he has worked for. Your destiny is not anything .....
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Margaret Atwood`s The Handmaid's Tale
Number of words: 489 - Number of pages: 2.... often deals with people being unable to articulate
their problems. Often, unforeseen circumstances force people to conceal
their true emotions. In "The Handmaid's Tale" the main female characters
find ways to escape their situations rather than deal with them.
Offred from The Handmaid's Tale uses different tactics to cope with her
situation. She is trapped within a distopian society comprised of a
community riddled by despair. Though she is not physically tortured, the
overwhelming and ridiculously powerful government mentally enslaves her.
Offred lives in a horrific society, which prevents .....
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Oliver Twist And Hedda Gabler: Commentary On The Social Conditions Of That Time
Number of words: 2315 - Number of pages: 9.... idleness
and jealousy, to name a few, are hidden from those they interact with, but
there are some that they associate with that they reveal their mind to. But
those that know are of a like mind to them. "Birds of a feather flock
together", it has been said. It has certainly been true to the characters
in Ibsen's and Dickens' work.
In Oliver Twist, Fagin and his gang are of like qualities, all
being thieves and gangsters, with whom poor Oliver unwittingly falls in
with. Oliver, being a kind and innocent soul, is beguiled by Fagin and his
boys into joining them for time. He uses .....
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Maus: The Holocaust
Number of words: 390 - Number of pages: 2.... for for him not to. Vladek is also depicted as very tight with his money. No doubt this is because of the poverty he lived with for so long. In the book, he was said to have reused tea bags, kept his burner on all day to save matches, make sure to put his storm windows on in early september tp save on the cost of heating his home, and refusing to buy his wife's personal supplies because they were her expenses. It never clearly says, but prior to the Holocaust it is probable that he was not so cheap. Many prominent factors of Vladek's personality were present only because of the s .....
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Belove Analysis
Number of words: 1610 - Number of pages: 6.... go on with life, Sethe
needed to remove herself from her guilt. She removes herself so completely that her
neighbors, already upset at her crime, isolated her because she seemed to feel no remorse
for the awful deed. Sethe's stoic resolve continues until Denver loses her hearing, which
was caused by Denver not being able to deal with hearing what her mother had done.
Only when her mother's conscience manifests itself as the ghost of the baby does
Denver's hearing return.
Denver, having as a child suckled her sister's blood with her mother's milk,
attaches herself to this ghost, the manifes .....
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