Term Papers on Book Reports |
Animal Farm: Satirical Techniques Such As Irony, Fable, And Allegory
Number of words: 998 - Number of pages: 4.... adopted due to uncontrollable sins of human nature. For example, although Napoleon seems at first to be a good leader, he is eventually overcome by greed and soon becomes power-hungry. Of course Stalin did too in Russia, leaving the original equality of socialism behind, giving him all the power and living in luxury while the common pheasant suffered. Orwell explains: “Somehow it seemed as though the farm had grown richer without making the animals themselves any richer - except of course for the pigs and the dogs.” The perennial topic of satire is to point out the frailties of the h .....
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Philip “Pip” Pirrup’s Development
Number of words: 2299 - Number of pages: 9.... he loves. Hence, Pip’s stages of shame and guilt, self-gratification, and finally altruism make Great Expectations a novel of moral education.
Although shame and guilt are often brought on by actions, it can also brought about by circumstances beyond the individual’s control. Pip’s first moral development stemmed from both such instances. His shame for Joe and himself for being common and mundane were first contrived soon after encountering Estella. Although Pip wasn’t the normal, satisfied child that one would think most children to be, he felt no shame for Joe or himself. A .....
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Number of words: 1615 - Number of pages: 6.... certain amount of Jewish people into the center of the town square and then they let them sit there for a while. The next step was that they had to walk to the synagogue and then they had to walk to train after being in the synagogue for a day. Once they reach the train, the Hungarian police put eighty people in a thirty person train car. The next step is the long trip on the train, where people start going crazy, people not getting fed well and no room to sit. Life in the camp, the next step is when the train arrives at Auschwitz and then SS men ordered everyone out and makes them leave thei .....
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Midsummer Nights Dream: Humor
Number of words: 597 - Number of pages: 3.... the meaning correctly. Inferred humor is sometimes more suited for this.
Shakespeare used something like inferred humor to get across some other meanings that added to the play. One good example is the character of Puck. Puck is a hyperactive child that gets into a lot of mischief. His attitude toward his tasks is sort of a light and airy one. He does not take life seriously, he only does what is fun.
This type of character is totally different than everyone else in the play; they are in a serious tone, while Puck is just dancing around pulling pranks on everyone. One good examp .....
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Book Report On "A Dramatic Death"
Number of words: 1335 - Number of pages: 5.... to trust anyone during all the murder.
Emma was very fond of Steve but because she was Steve's sister's friend for so
long Steve treated her as a sister, which she didn't like. Emma became so fond
of Steve that she start doing all these gruesome things and in the end she went
to a mental hospital. Emma liked to be in the play a lot and she was said to
have a very over active imagination.
The setting was in a small quiet town called Dorking, the play took in a high
school drama room. The setting brings people together (the drama group) which
brings conflicts. The town was descri .....
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Mice Of Men
Number of words: 503 - Number of pages: 2.... killing the animal. Another way that death and loss is evidenced by this novel is when Lennie killed Curley’s wife. When Lennie is in the barn (after killing his new puppy) Curley’s wife came into the barn and came on to Lennie. Lennie not knowing what was happening let her lull him into touching her hair. To Lennie it was like petting any other animal. Curley’s wife became flustered when Lennie became scared and would not let go of her hair. She started to scream and Lennie tried to cup her mouth, which concluded in him killing her. Lennie was truly remorseful after this action. .....
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The Canterbury Tales: A Character Sketch Of Chaucer's Knight
Number of words: 542 - Number of pages: 2.... his clothes.
The knight has had a very busy life as his fighting career has taken
him to a great many places. He has seen military service in Egypt, Lithuania,
Prussia, Russia, Spain, North Africa, and Asia Minor where he "was of [great]
value in all eyes (l. 63). Even though he has had a very successful and busy
career, he is extremely humble: Chaucer maintains that he is "modest as a maid"
(l. 65). Moreover, he has never said a rude thing to anyone in his entire life
(cf., ll. 66-7).
Clearly, the knight possesses an outstanding character. Chaucer
gives to the kn .....
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Ethan Frome: Themes
Number of words: 668 - Number of pages: 3.... who is Zenna’s cousin moves in. Throughout the book Ethan yearns to be with her but cannot because of his obligation to Zenna. Every waking moment he dreams of being with her. He even goes as far as lying to his wife to be alone with Mattie. Zenna is not very fond of Mattie, especially of her house cleaning skills. He does this when he tells his wife that he has to get money from Mr. Hale as an excuse not to give her a ride to the flats when she has to go to Bettsbridge for a doctor. Even though Ethan knows he is married, he still tries to woo Mattie. All of his fallen hopes and drea .....
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George Orwell - 1984
Number of words: 3033 - Number of pages: 12.... including parents. Winston is revolted. He returns home and
writes a couple more minutes before going back to work. He remenbers a
dream where O'Brien tole him he would meet him in a place wher there is no
darkness. He washes his hands and hides the diary
Major ideas, conflicts and themes are introduced. We are shown how the
earth has changed, into 3 main contenients. we are also introduced to the
main character and how he fits into the new world. Also we are shown how
the computer age has taken over peoples minds. The language is easy to
understand, it has not really ch .....
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Cry The Beloved Country: Book Review
Number of words: 1224 - Number of pages: 5.... discrimination is
at an all time high. The black community of this land is trying to break free
from the white people, but having little success. It is this so called racism
that is essential to the setting of the story. Without it, the book would not
have as much of an impact as it does.
The story begins, as many great stories have begun, with a solitary man taking a
long and dangerous journey to a distant land. The man is an Anglican Zulu priest,
Rev. Stephen Kumalo, and the journey is to the white-ran Johannesburg in 1946.
Like a weary prophet taking a biblical sojourn to Sodom, Kumalo .....
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