Term Papers on Book Reports |
Glass Menagerie 2
Number of words: 688 - Number of pages: 3.... sits down with Laura and asks if “she ever liked a boy”?, Laura points to a picture in her yearbook. Later that evening Amanda and Tom argue, she does not understand why Tom goes to the movies every night. Tom states that he hates working for the family as he has been doing and leaves for the movies. He returns late that night drunk and after losing his key Laura opens the door for him. Tom tells her about the movie and of the magic show he had seen, giving her a scarf from the show.
The next morning Amanda wakes Tom for work and asks him to bring home a gentlemen caller for Lau .....
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Babyface: The Life Of Toni Chessmore
Number of words: 494 - Number of pages: 2.... to be able to communicate through letters.
Another adjustment Toni has to make is having to live with her
sister. Toni has an older sister, Martine, who lives in New York. Toni's
father has a small heart attack and he and Toni's mother are placed in a
care center for a few months. Her parents decide it would be best for Toni
to go stay with Martine while her father is recuperating. Martine and Toni
don't get along at all and it is hard for them to adjust to living with
each other.
A big change in Toni's life occurs when Martine tells her a
devastating family secret. Toni always pi .....
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To Kill A Mockingbird 3
Number of words: 2678 - Number of pages: 10.... is the Judge of Maycomb County. Heck Tate is the county law official.
Atticus tells his children: "I prefer you shoot tin cans, but I know you'll wanna shoot birds, if you can hit 'em. Shoot all the Blue Jays you want, but never shoot a Mockingbird. All they do for us is sing their hearts out for us. Remember it's a sin to kill a Mockingbird". The Mockingbirds in this story are Boo Radley and Tom Robinson. Mr. Radley is a mystery man and scary. Tom Robinson is Black and wrongly accused of crime.
To Kill A Mockingbird is told through Scout. Scout is much like a boy, 8 years old, and funny. Sc .....
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Of Mice And Men: George And Lennie
Number of words: 436 - Number of pages: 2.... Lennie live, Lennie would suffer for the
rest of his life. George made a very shocking but wise decision. By
killing Lennie while Lennie is thinking about his favorite place, a place
of his own and filled with furry rabbits. This way Lennie will be happy
when he dies, and George would not be hurting him. George is smart and
loving at the same time. He just can't live to see his friend to suffer
and to be confuse by all the pain so he kills Lennie for his own good.
This character is so astonishing. George is a great friend to have
around. He loves Lennie so much that he can't bear t .....
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John Gardner's "Grendel": Good Vs. Evil
Number of words: 870 - Number of pages: 4.... "ridiculous" (ch.2,
pp.24) creatures that "moved by clicks." (ch.2, pp.24) The thanes do not
understand what Grendel is and are very uneasy about the whole situation.
Like animals they are frightened of anything that is different from what
they are used to. When Grendel attempts to communicate they show their
ignorance and simple-mindedness. Instead of taking the time to understand
the anomaly in their world they panic and decide to destroy it. Without
being able to view the story from Grendel's point of view the reader might
assume that the humans had every right to attack. Another ex .....
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A Streetcar Named Desire
Number of words: 600 - Number of pages: 3.... you going,” and then asks if she could come to watch, he agrees but doesn’t stop to wait for her. This scene demonstrates how Stella follows Stanley along, and serves him according to what he wishes to do and when he wants to do it.
In scene three Stanley is having his poker party (pg. 57). At this point he is very drunk. Blanche distracting Stanley by listening to the radio instigates him to grab it off the table and toss it out the window. Stella in a state of panic tells everyone to go home which angers Stanley so he chases after her and hits her. This type of behavior is not n .....
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Realism Verses Romanticism In
Number of words: 644 - Number of pages: 3.... 1).
Helena is one of the silliest character’s in the play, and at times can be quite irritating. Demetrius shows no love for her, yet she persists in chasing him. "And even for that do I love you the more. I am your spaniel; and, Demetrius, the more you beat me, I will fawn on you" (Act 2, Scene 1). These characters are a true definition of "love sick." All of them appear to be in love with love, more so than in love with each other. They all frantically run about, each changing partners so often that one is never really sure of who loves whom. Each consume themselves with what they co .....
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Stephen King's The Stand: Summary
Number of words: 534 - Number of pages: 2.... and loving and promises to protect
them from the evil. In the dreams there is also a "Dark Man". He is always
there lurking, waiting to attack.
Harold admits to himself that he is in love with Fran and goes crazy
when he realizes how serious Fran has become with Stuart Redman, one of the
newcomers to their traveling group. Harold becomes insanely jealous and plots
to separate them, even if it means murder.
Harold doesn't admit it to any of them, but his dreams are different
from theirs. In his dreams the "Dark Man" offers Harold power and respect,
something Harold could never imagine .....
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The Joy Luck Club: The Gap Between Mother And Daughter
Number of words: 1065 - Number of pages: 4.... won't tell anybody about her past. She was married to a bad man who left her after a short time. Her love turned to hate, and she killed her unborn baby. This made her think she is a murderer. Ying-Ying lived in her past for a long time; she can hardly forget the pain of her unsuccessful marriage. Actually, in real life, Ying-Ying wants to hide herself, her tragic past and her pain. Ying-Ying also wants her second husband believes she was from a poor family, and he married her saving her from a catastrophe. But she would not tell her husband and her daughter about the catastrophe.
"I let .....
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The Scarlet Letter: The Puritans Are Wrong In Thinking That Pearl Is Wicked
Number of words: 1794 - Number of pages: 7.... Pearl's character has an unexplainable aspect of oddity and
unpredictability. When she plays near Hester's cottage, Pearl "[smites]
down [and] uproot[s] most unmercifully [the] ugliest weeds"(87) which she
pretends are the Puritan children. Hester believes that Pearl is so
emotional and temperamental because the passion which Hester and
Dimmesdale experienced during their sinful act somehow transferred into
Pearl's soul. However, Pearl's antipathy for the Puritans is justified; the
children often torment her for no good reason. When Hester and Pearl go
into town, the Puritan children stop .....
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