Term Papers on Book Reports |
Lt. Colonel Jay R. Jensen's "Six Years In Hell"
Number of words: 1348 - Number of pages: 5.... National Defense Service Medal with Oak
Leaf Cluster, Vietnam Service Medal with 14 Bronze Campaign Medals, Air Force
Longevity Award (for over 24 years), Armed Forces Reserve Medal with Hour Glass
Device (for 20 years), Small Arms Expert Marksmanship Ribbon, Vietnam Cross for
Gallantry with Device, and Republic of Vietnam Campaign Medal. All these
decorations and the time spent in the military I believe more than present his
qualifications for writing this book.
This book that he was so qualified to write I must bend to say
was rather well written. The author took time to explain eve .....
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The Good Earth: Chapters 1-13 Summaries
Number of words: 1105 - Number of pages: 5.... to show the mistress her baby.
Wang Lung goes loco and plans to do a lot of thing to celebrate the birth.
He plans to die a basketful of eggs red and give them out so that everyone
will know he has a son.
Chapter 4: O-lan recovers easily from the birth and sets back out in the
fields working with Wang. It tells of Wang's lazy uncle and his problems.
It is becomeing Fall and it is harvest time. Wang Lung sells his harvest
and makes a big profit. He puts the extra money in a hole in the wall in
his room.
Chapter 5: Wang decorates red stamps everywhere for good luck in the new
year. O-lan re .....
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Great Gatsby
Number of words: 346 - Number of pages: 2.... only Gatsby's father, Henry, Nick, and the reverend attended the funeral. “. . . Only one man who gives his name to this book was exempt from my reaction . . .“ -- Gatsby who represented everything for which I have an unaffected scorn." Regardless of this "scorn", Nick does not hold his past against him. Or at least, of what people assume his past consists. Once Nick fights through the rumors and sees the truth he realizes that Gatsby is not all that different from himself. In conclusion, Nick Carraway presents the facts and looks at all his options before deciding. Nick changed ve .....
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The Sound And The Fury: Caroline Compson Focused Directly Upon Appearances
Number of words: 834 - Number of pages: 4.... too. His name is Benjy
now, Caddy said. How come it is,
Dilsey said. He aint wore out the name
he was born with yet, is he. Benjamin
came out of the bible, Caddy said. It's a
better name for him than Maury was."(Faulkner 58)
Mrs. Compson felt that Benjy did not deserve the family name of Maury. In her eyes he was not her son. She found it impossible to love a feeble child.
Caroline Compson's fixation upon sound and appearance led to the death of Quentin. She forced Harvard upon her son. Mrs. Compson felt that she would be l .....
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The Crucible And The Scarlet Letter: Proctor And Dimmesdale's Sacrifices
Number of words: 446 - Number of pages: 2.... the people who are innocent.
He believed that he shouldn't have to blacken the names of the accused
people in order to keep his life. Through this sacrifice, he has balanced
all the sins he has made. Therefore, he has redeemed himself and kept his
Reverend Arthur Dimmesdale sacrificed his reputation in order to gain
inner peace. Dimmesdale has been tortured by himself as well as
Chillingworth. Chillingworth felt the need to torture the man who
committed adultery with Hester, his wife. Dimmesdale felt guilty for not
confessing his crime when Hester was on the scaffold. The o .....
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Krutch's "Killing For Sport"
Number of words: 360 - Number of pages: 2.... and the bad. " He seems to get nothing other than the satisfaction of
saying: ‘Something which wanted to live is dead.' " On the other hand the
killer for food receives life in return for his killing, further stating
that the hunter for sport is evil. This work clearly exposes gaming
hunters and expresses how senseless it is to kill for fun. Krutch
identifies hunting as a "reality of evil" because we know it is wrong to
kill without purpose.
There is a secondary descriptive mode used to illuminate the
reader's imagination and give them insight into the working of the hunter
ch .....
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Things Fall Apart: An Analysis
Number of words: 401 - Number of pages: 2.... bad luck, one reason may be that he is so
driven by the fear of resembling his father that he struggles to repress part of
his personality with predictably afflicted results.
This was a society where a man was judged by his own achievement and not
that of his fathers. Yams were the primary crop of Umuofia. A sign of
manliness was if you could farm yams to feed your family. Okonkwo is respected
because of his hard work.
The complex patterns of Umuofia's economic and social customs materialize
throughout this novel as we see Okonkwo compelled to rid himself of any
similarities that .....
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The Scarlet Letter: Sin-Stained Conscience
Number of words: 923 - Number of pages: 4.... him about his thoughts on sinners and their secrets. Feeling full well the torment of his own secret, Arthur proclaims that those who hold such "miserable secrets…will yield them up that last day…with a joy unutterable." By this expression, Arthur offers a glimpse into his tortured heart and shows how heavy a burden his secret is. When Chillingworth further inquires about such sinful secrets, Arthur holds his hand to his breast, a motion that he carries out as "if afflicted with an importunate throb of pain." Evidently Arthur does this frequently, and the reader is presented wi .....
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Rand's "Anthem"
Number of words: 583 - Number of pages: 3.... and it was not triumph over us, but over things we could not guess."
Later, Liberty follows Equality into the forest, and the first sign of
forbidden love is shown when "we bent to raise the Golden One to their feet, but
when we touched them, it was as if madness had stricken us. We seized their
body and we pressed our lips to theirs."
Equality is excited with the joy of learning when he finishes his work of
building a light bulb. "WE MADE IT. WE CREATED IT. We brought it forth from
the night of the ages. We alone. Our hands. Our mind. Ours alone and only.
We know not what we are .....
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Jem's Journal: Chapter Summary
Number of words: 1820 - Number of pages: 7.... I'd be the one who would have to take care of her and that wouldn't go
over to well with me since I know I could have stopped her from getting sick. I
think I yelled at her and said that isn't she supposed to know that she isn't
allowed even near those trees. We all know about that weird guy Boo Radley and
we know that property is off limits. I told her that she would probably get
killed if she were caught. She said in defense that I touched the house once.
This was a clear reference to Boo Radley's house but I ignored her comment and
told her that it was different. I also .....
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