Term Papers on Book Reports |
The Fall Of The House Of Usher: Imagery And Parallelism
Number of words: 1632 - Number of pages: 6.... dies, Rodericks insanity
seems to have gone to a heightened level. Shortly after his sister's death,
Roderick's friend is reading him a story. As things happen in the story,
simultaneously the same description of the noises come from within the house.
As Usher tries to persuade the narrator that it is his sister coming for him,
and his friend believing Roderick has gone stark raving mad, Madeline comes
bursting in through the door and kills her brother. The narrator flees from the
house, and no sooner does he get away than he turns around and sees a fissure in
the houses masonry envelop th .....
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Candide: Women’s Roles In Society
Number of words: 623 - Number of pages: 3.... is ambushed and her family is slaughtered, the only the only reason she survives is because a Bulgarian captain takes pity on her. The Bulgarian captain finds Cunegund very attractive and he makes her his maid. He makes “her wash linen, cook victuals, and makes her take care of the house” (34). When the captain gets tired of her, he simply trades her away. He can trade her away because her beauty carries a hefty monetary value to other men.
Another example of her beauty driving men crazy occurs during the argument between Don Isaachar and the Grand Inquisitor. These individuals f .....
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Summary Of Lord Of The Flies
Number of words: 1559 - Number of pages: 6.... of age. From here on in the book the
younger boys are simply referred to as the "littluns" and the older boys as
"bigguns" although the younger children are referred to more collectively
in the story. Ralph is elected chief of the group and his first action is
for Jack, Simon and himself to go on a scout to check if the island is
really and island or is attached to anything else, they find that it is an
island and return to the rest of the boys.
It is decided at the meeting held by Ralph that people should only be
allowed to speak at meetings if they have possession of the conch, thus
g .....
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London's To Build A Fire: Naturalism In Modern Life
Number of words: 1239 - Number of pages: 5.... prepared for survival. London wrote that the cold "did not lead him to meditate upon his frailty as a creature of temperature, and upon man's frailty in general, able only to live within certain narrow limits of heat and cold."(p.1745) At first when the man started his journey to the camp, he felt certain that he could make it back to camp before dinner. As the trip progressed, the man made mistake after mistake that sealed his fate. The man's first mistake was to step into a pool of water and soak his legs to the knees. This blunder forced the man to build a fire to dry his wet socks and s .....
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Response To Balck Bourgeoise
Number of words: 347 - Number of pages: 2.... culture. According to Frazier, the black middle class has abandoned the folk culture of “the black masses” in favor of shell of the middle class white world that rejected them. Therefore, the black bourgeoisie lives in what Frazier calls a cultural vacuum, disdainful of the culture of most African-Americans, dismissed by the white middle class culture. Finally, Frazier discusses the result of this displacement on the black middle class. Because the black bourgeoisie buys into the ideals of white America more and is simultaneously more exposed to its hostility, their sense of inferiority .....
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Arthur C. Clarke's 2061: Odyssey Three
Number of words: 478 - Number of pages: 2.... it but came back empty handed. After The universe dropped the
passengers back off at the moon base the universe was assigned to go pick
up a ship that had crash landed on Europa. Universe went to pick up the
people when it was hijacked by Universe's stewardess and was forced to land
when Universe had landed The Hijacker killed her self by shooting herself
in the head. after the ship had land the landing pads had sunk into the
ground and the hijacker must have thought that they were stranded. After
the event with the hijacker the crew decided to explore the mysterious
mountain while picking up .....
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The Pearl: Summary
Number of words: 792 - Number of pages: 3.... his family. But Kino discovers otherwise.
The pearl stirs envy in the villagers, and that night Kino is attacked in his
hut by a thief. The following day, he tries to sell the pearl to buyers in town,
but he is offered only a small amount of money for it. The buyers all work for
the same man. They know the pearl is worth a fortune but hope to buy it cheaply
by pretending that it is worth little.
Kino says he will sell his pearl in the capital city, where he believes
he will get a fair price. This amazes the villagers because Kino has never
traveled so far. After dark that evening, Kino is at .....
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The Cause And The Loss: Comparison Between "Mice And Men" And "Flowers
Number of words: 338 - Number of pages: 2.... chance came
he took the offer readily, unprepared for the changes in his life it would
bring. "And what was that Joe and the rest of them were doing. Laughing at
me. And the kids playing hide-and-go-seek were playing tricks on me and
they were laughing at me too... I felt naked" (page 30). All of a sudden
Charlie realized everyone had always laughed at him, not with him, and he
suddenly ashamed/naked. In his innocence he had requested "smartness" and
with it came the loss of his innocence followed by shame then anger.
In both cases Lenny and Charlie were tempted and in their innocence .....
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Analysis Of Pearl In Hawthorne's "The Scarlet Letter"
Number of words: 1256 - Number of pages: 5.... The character of Pearl in the Scarlet Letter lived a very difficult
life. Before the novel begins, Hester Prynne gives birth to Pearl after
having an affair with Arthur Dimmesdale, a Puritan minister. Pearl's birth
proves that Hester cheated on her husband Roger Chillingworth provoking the
stories action. The novel opens with the people of Boston staring and
laughing at Hester holding Pearl while standing on the town's scaffold. At
this time, Pearl is three months old. Years later Hester gets released from
jail and lives with Pearl in the outskirts of town. Since Hester becomes .....
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The Dubliners: Summary
Number of words: 1031 - Number of pages: 4.... priest to do what he felt was righteous.
It is not until the end of the story that the boy realizes from
one of the Sisters, Eliza, about the priest madness as well as his
physical and spiritual paralysis. He understands that the priest had been
a living his life in a way he felt would be satisfying to the church which
eventually led to his death. When The boy is finally able to see the priest
he has a moment of truth and understanding. He understands that his world
is the same as the priest, he relies on the books of the Church and his own
eyes for information. He believes that it was .....
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