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An Essay On Ben Mikaelsens Cou
Number of words: 1264 - Number of pages: 5.... many things occurred since the announcement of the Junior Astronaut program. Elliott is chosen to become to first teenager in space and begins his nine month training along with his alternate, Mandy Jane Harris. This was it, the only chance that Elliott Andrew Schroeder was going to become a national hero and the only thing in his way was Mandy. Because of that he developed a disliking towards her which almost costed them their privilege to go to space. Then Elliott realized that his disliking had to reasonable justification and they became the best of friends for the last four months o .....
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“The Cariboo Cafe”
Number of words: 1103 - Number of pages: 5.... would tell their children never talk to strangers, not even the neighbors. The parents of Sonya and Macky gave them a set of rules which were “Rule one: never talk to strangers, not even the neighbor who paced up and down the hallways talking to himself. Rule two: the police, or “polie” as Sonya’s popi pronounced the word, was La Migra in disguise and thus should always be avoided. Rule three: keep your key with you at all times-the four walls of the apartment were the only protection against the streets until Popi returned home.” All these rules made them frightened becau .....
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Hunchback Of Notre Dame, Theme
Number of words: 1498 - Number of pages: 6.... physical love for a woman and vice versa. This type of love is known as Eros.
It is defined as a relationship in which two parties are physically attracted to one another. Esmerelda, the gypsy, is quite beautiful. She dances in the midst of a crowd near a bonfire:
All eyes were fixed on her, all mouths hung open. As
she danced to the rhythm of the tambourine which her
round, delicate arms held over her head, she seemed
to be some sort of supernatural creature. (22)
Quasimodo is taken by her loveliness just like most other men. However, because he is deformed and hideous, Quasimodo .....
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Antigone Was Right
Number of words: 1063 - Number of pages: 4.... so to speak. Since divinity and humanity are shown to be colliding forces where divinity out weighs humanity in ancient Greece. Antigone was justified in her actions.
Antigone was following divine laws, or walking with divine shoes, while Kreone followed the laws of the state. Her brother’s afterlife was so important to Antigone that she was willing to give up anything to ensure her brother’s happiness and "future" after his death. This supported in the play by the way she is so outspoken about what she had done after she is caught and while she is being questioned. "Why should I .....
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Pride And Prejudice (a Contemp
Number of words: 1367 - Number of pages: 5.... others good points online or by post. This is shown in The Shop Around the Corner in a quote from Klara, who says to Kralik, "Why, I could show you letters that would open your eyes. No, I guess you probably wouldn't understand what's in them. They're written by a type of man so far superior to you it isn't even funny." The same basic statement is made by Kathleen to Joe in You've Got Mail, where she remarks, "The man who is coming here tonight is completely unlike you. There is not a cruel or ungenerous bone in his body." This, the fact that Klara reveals that there were times Kralik c .....
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Eveline By James Joyce
Number of words: 446 - Number of pages: 2.... mentioned in this story. The way objects can constantly build up dust time after time no matter what environment its in resembles her. Eveline is constantly being involved in problems and stress time after time. So who’s to say that if she changes her environment that other problems wont build up again like the dust.
A promise is supposed to be something that is sacred. It’s something that is not ever to broken and this is what Eveline’s mother asked out of her. “ Strange that it should come that very night to remind her of the promise to her mother, her promise to keep the ho .....
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Life In A Medieval Village
Number of words: 1284 - Number of pages: 5.... from silent!
Every village had a lord, but only rarely was he in residence. A resident lord was usually a petty knight. The old feudal theory of lordship as a link in the legal chain of authority running from serf to monarch had lost much of it's substance. However, as far as the village was concerned such legal complications hardly mattered, anymore than whether the lord was great or small. A village with two or more lords was comfortable. Whatever the technicalities, the lord was the main consumer of the village, meaning he was in control of the profits. The 13th century manor, of which .....
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Their Eyes Were Watching God: An Epic Search
Number of words: 799 - Number of pages: 3.... the deity about slave and master. This makes Janie the leader
of her family's search. However Nanny realized this, and when she saw that Janie
was old enough for love she had her married. This guaranteed that Janie would
not continue a loss of identity.
Even as a young girl, living in the materialistic world of her Nanny and
her first husband, Logan Killicks, Janie chooses to listen to "the words of the
trees and the wind" (23-24). This is the first evidence of her searching beyond
her boring life. This then leads to her everyday life left empty, because she is
always looking farther than w .....
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The Picture Of Dorian Gray
Number of words: 853 - Number of pages: 4.... they do enjoy meeting each other for the first time. Basil finds something different about Dorian. He sees him in a different way than he sees other men. Dorian is not only beautiful to Basil, but he is also gentle and kind. This is when Basil falls in love with him and begins to paint the picture.
Basil begins painting the picture, but does not tell anyone about it, including Dorian, because he knows that there is too much of himself in it. Lord Henry discovers the painting and asks Basil why he will not display it. Lord Henry thinks that it is so beautiful it should be displayed in a m .....
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The Old Man And The Sea
Number of words: 643 - Number of pages: 3.... a big fish, but wasn't
sure what type. He did not real the fish in right away. Santiago feared
that the line would break because the size of the fish. He thought about
increasing the tension so it would hurt the fish and it would jump out.
But the line had been taut up to the very edge of the breaking point.
Then with his right hand he felt the difference in the pull of the line
before he saw the slant change in the water. The fish started to come up.
The line rose slowly and steadily and then the surface of the ocean bulged
ahead of the boat and the fish came out. He was bright .....
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