Term Papers on Book Reports |
The Scarlet Letter: Symbolism Of The Scarlet Letter
Number of words: 1103 - Number of pages: 5.... sin to others.
With that said, Pearl’s personality was also shown very well throughout the movie. Her exuberant disposition caused the townspeople to believe she was a “mysterious little elf”. One could tell at times she was the exact opposite of the Puritanical ways. Pearl’s taunting and malicious character sometimes caused Hester to make unwise remarks such as, “Thou art not my child! Thou art no Pearl of mine!” I have also head some say the scarlet letter “A” stood for anti-puritan. This may seem far fetched, but not to far away from the truth. Obviously Pearl .....
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Defender Of The Faith
Number of words: 723 - Number of pages: 3.... his last name which he spelled out as “M-a-r-x”. Grossbart led Marx into believing he was interested in going to church instead of cleaning the barracks. Marx knowing it was unfair that they were denied the chance to attend service told Grossbart he could “attend shul”. By calling the service shul and not church Grossbart knew Marx was Jewish. When Grossbart tried to correct him by saying, “You mean church, Sergeant.” Marx was furious that he had given himself away and relented by saying, “I mean shul, Grossbart!” This was a small victory for G .....
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Hester Prynne: Comparion Beween Reynold And Herzog Essays
Number of words: 693 - Number of pages: 3.... fiction (Reynolds 179).
Hawthorne used ironies of fallen women and female criminals to achieve the
perfect combination of different types of heroines. His heroines are
equipped to expel wrongs against their sex bringing about an awareness of
both the rights and wrongs of women. Hester is a compound of many popular
stereotypes rich in the thoughts of the time ...portrayed as a fallen woman
whose honest sinfulness is found preferable to the future corruption of the
reverend (Reynolds 183). Hester was described by Reynolds as a feminist
criminal bound in an iron link of mutual crime (Reynold .....
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One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest: Comparison Of Movie And Book
Number of words: 316 - Number of pages: 2.... then eventually committing suicide were among the most
dramatic. Nevertheless, the most dramatic moment was when the new McMurphy
was revealed to the viewers. Up to that point we were used to McMurphy
being a lively and cocky character. What we were exposed to was a character
with totally contrary characteristics. He looked like a dead corpse with
just enough energy to breathe. This was a truly moving scene that lead to
Chief suffocating the lifeless body.
This film was a poor adaption of the novel. The events in the movie
were not accurate when compared to the novel. The biggest di .....
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Is Huckleberry Finn A Racist Book?
Number of words: 634 - Number of pages: 3.... friendly and loyal relationship between Huck and Jim. Their friendship was not acceptable in the days when this story took place. A white person could have been prosecuted if caught trying to escape with slaves. Mainly what they are trying to put across here is that how could Mark Twain be a racist when all of his characters (with the exception of a few) are kind and loving towards their slaves?
“Because of his upbringing, the boy starts out believing that slavery is part of the natural order; but as the story unfolds he wrestles with his conscience, and when the crucial moment comes he d .....
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Emma Jane Austen
Number of words: 737 - Number of pages: 3.... is explored throughout the novel, as it describes the development of a close friendship between the main character Emma and Harriet Smith. The character of Harriet Smith is described as being a young woman from a different social background to Emma, which results in Harriet idolising Emma because of her high social status. This type of relationship is similar to peer pressure seen in modern society.
Harriet in the novel allows Emma to dominate her life and is dragged through a number of problems in which the outcome always results in Emma's ideal conclusion. During this process Emma finds .....
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A Dolls House
Number of words: 922 - Number of pages: 4.... was thinking about himself. This shows how much of a one-sided marriage it was and how it was a mock on society, mainly the ways of the upper class.
Next is the criticism of the role of the women in society. It was basically a time where the woman could not do anything for herself. An example of this from the book is the loan that Nora took out to save Torvold’s life. Nora could not take out the loan herself due to the fact that she was a women and only men could take out loans, a women could only take out a loan if they had the consent of a husband or a father. Due to the fact that s .....
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Zora Neale Hurston - Their Eye
Number of words: 1689 - Number of pages: 7.... as the white children, they ate together, played together, even got punished together. Janie, unlike most of the blacks at that time, did not see any discrimination while she was growing up. That was the building block of her strong personality. There was some teasing in school about her living in a white folks home, but she did not pay much attention to that.
Now if I may go off the subject for a moment I would like to say how beautifully and descriptively the book is written. There is one passage in particular that I truly enjoyed reading :
It was a spring afternoon in West Florida. .....
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Savage Inequalities: Conditions Of Poor Schools
Number of words: 1442 - Number of pages: 6.... children in these areas not only feel in their education but in their everyday lives as well. By describing the deteriorating conditions of the schools in the selected areas against those in the more affluent districts, he implies that money is the short-term fix to the problem. Money may fix the roof or the walls but more then just money needs to be put into these schools. Kozol writes with the intention to shock his readers with graphic details, and push them towards change.
Kozol describes the enormous differences between poor schools, and affluent schools, usually located just minut .....
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A Raisin In The Sun: Achieving Impossible Dreams
Number of words: 626 - Number of pages: 3.... ends up back to where they started, with nothing. Though the money is lost, this lifetime dream of Mama and Ruth’s is not destroyed. They keep their pride and dignity and contribute to sacrificing their time into working endless hours to keep the house. Ruth says, “Lena—I’ll work… I’ll work twenty hours a day in all the kitchens in Chicago… I’ll strap my baby on my back if I have to scrub all the floors in America and wash all the sheets in America if I have to—but we got to move…”(Hansberry 112). Through the struggle of poverty, one can still achieve success by keeping .....
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