Term Papers on Book Reports |
The Eyes Have It
Number of words: 1315 - Number of pages: 5.... live (like Asia and Africa put together with some aliens and snow
thrown in.) the Spider Queen had the notion of destroying all this good for
her own, and turning it into her black domain. She did. She casted a
spell which made a huge black bubble. It spread like a plague and grew for
leagues in every direction. Anything that entered this bubble never came
out. The Spider Queen threw her min orcs, demons, kobolds, etc. into this
bubble to plunder and destroy. This she did successfully.
But one person would not take this sitting down. While the Wold Nomads,
who were far away a .....
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A Study Of The Negro Policeman: Book Review
Number of words: 1012 - Number of pages: 4.... special problems that Negro policemen face
in their efforts to reconcile their race with their work in the present
framework of American values and beliefs.
The research for the study was based on intensive interviews collected
over a period of eleven months, from December 1964 to October 1965. During that
time the author talked with Negro police engaged in different types of police
specialties, and men of different rank and backgrounds. Alex was interested in
preserving their anonymity, and substituted code numbers for names. The
language in which their thoughts were expressed is u .....
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A Doll's House & The House Of Spirits: The Role Of Women Has Changed Dramatically Within The Last Century
Number of words: 1545 - Number of pages: 6.... between 1870- 1880, a time when a separate identity in women was not a welcomed event. Ibsen uses this controversy to bring about a type of revolution, or at least a suggestion for it, in a biased time. He uses his characters to show the actions of women are affected by society. The idea of self-discovery does not only include Nora, but Christine in Ibsen's play. Christine also plays an important role in conforming to society's beliefs. She accommodates all the ideas and pressures of society with ideas such as marriage, careers, and children. To the people of this era, marriage was a must .....
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Justifying The Ways Of God To Man: Paradise Lost, Book III
Number of words: 2636 - Number of pages: 10.... 51-55).
Milton's lack of sight is an asset here. We are forced as readers to look upon this scene with the same physical blindness that Milton had. He makes it clear that we could not see it anyway. Instead we must seek inward illumination, which we all possess and need only to utilize.
One cannot be sure that God even places much value on mortal sight. A.B. Chambers (1963) wrote that in Heaven "it is no longer possible to distinguish between physical and spiritual light, between eyes of the body and those of the mind, between vision and wisdom and beautitude. They are all one" (Chambe .....
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Hester Prynne 2
Number of words: 1060 - Number of pages: 4.... is searched out, and punished in the sight of rulers and people.” (pg. 58) The Puritans pride themselves on the uniform goodness of their town and their ways of dealing with sinful dissenters. Hester’s public appearance is seen as a blessing on the “righteous Colony of Massachusetts.” (pg. 50) The Puritans see their society as picturesque and proper. To them it is in essence the light shining bright in the darkness. An accurate comparison to this view would be the Garden of Eden of Adam and Eve. The Puritans see themselves as the perfect humans within the gar .....
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Number of words: 1563 - Number of pages: 6.... the Clique Port fishermen. After awhile silting became very useless and migration began to occur towards the south part of the town.
In the royal domain, Yarmouth was known as a borough, in which they had to pay "every third penny" of revenues to the Earl. Yarmouth was a very small town compared to others in the region. According to the Doomsday survey, it had at least seventy burgesses by ten sixty six. Yarmouth was known as a frontier town due to its lack of role of administration in the area. In addition, the king never set up anything financially significant in Yarmouth.
There w .....
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Carson McCullers' The Member Of The Wedding: Summary
Number of words: 748 - Number of pages: 3.... in
Winter Hill. In her scheme to be part of this new unit, she dubs herself F.
Jasmine so that she and the wedding couple will all have names beginning with
the letters J and a. Her positive thinking induces a euphoria which
contributes to a rejection of the old feeling that "the old Frankie had no we
to claim.... Now all this was suddenly over with and changed. There was her
brother and the bride, and it was as though when first she saw them something
she had known inside of her: They are the we of me." Being a member of the
wedding will, she feels, connect her irrevocably to her bro .....
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Hound Of The Baskervilles
Number of words: 793 - Number of pages: 3.... this time, a convict escaped who was referred to as "The
Notting Hill Criminal", his real name though was Selden Barrymore.
One night while Watson and Sir Henry were in the Hall, they observed Mr.
Barrymore (the Butler) sending signals through the window using a candle.
Through questioning he divulged that he was really doing a favour for his
wife for the escaped criminal was his brother in-law. Baffled by this Sir
Henry and Watson went to go and arrest this villain, they reached him in
time, but Selden managed to evade the authorities once more.
Through remenents of a letter written .....
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Number of words: 944 - Number of pages: 4.... conversations are comfortable, like that of two friends who have known each other for their whole lives. When they speak it is usually about baseball or fishing, the two things they have most in common. Their favorite team is the Yankees and Santiago never loses faith in them even when the star player, Joe DiMaggio is injured with a heel spur. In this way Santiago not only teaches Manolin about fishing but also about important characteristics such as faith.
In the story Santiago's bravery is unsurpassed but it is not until he hooks the "great fish" that we truly see his valor and perse .....
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Roger Chillingworth
Number of words: 2484 - Number of pages: 10.... to the devil in order to help his mortal self fulfill yet another bad decision...revenge.
From the first time Nathaniel Hawthorne begins to describe Dr. Prynne (a.k.a. ) he uses Hester to show that he is very normal in some aspects, yet very different in others. He is a mid aged man, whom wears his age well. But a small shoulder misalignment, causes slight distinction from the rest of the crowd. His facial features told of his intelligence, and his clothes were of a mix, some civilized, some savage. When he came onto the scene, while Hester was on the scaffold with baby Pearl, he hid hi .....
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