Term Papers on Book Reports |
Hesiod's "Works And Days" And Virgil's "The Georgics": Working The Land
Number of words: 1094 - Number of pages: 4.... held by Hesiod can be seen in lines 456 through 481. This
passage begins with the work ethic held in such high esteem by Hesiod when
he writes, "When ploughing-time arrives, make haste to plough."(pg. 73 l.
456) Constantly, Hesiod is making references to work ethic, describing
idlers as men who will "wrestle with ruin all their days."(pg. 72 l. 407)
The concept of idlers suffering at the hands of the gods surfaces
frequently, as the lazy man is despised by both gods and men. In addition
to the moral issues, Hesiod also focuses on the actualities of farming. He
is constantly informing the read .....
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The Great Gatsby: Jay Gatsby Is Set Apart From The Common Man
Number of words: 1056 - Number of pages: 4.... He also has his own
personal hydroplane. Gatsby also drives a highly imaginative, “circus
wagon”, car that “everybody had seen. It is a rich cream color with
nickel and has a three-noted horn.” (64) It has a “monstrous length with
triumphant hat-boxes, supper-boxes, tool-boxes, and terraced with a
labyrinth of windshields and a green leather conservatory.” (64)
Amidst Gatsby's possessions, he develops his personal self. His
physical self appearance sets him apart form the other characters. His
smile is the type “that comes across four or five times in life. One of .....
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Janies Quest In There Eyes Wer
Number of words: 606 - Number of pages: 3.... to have, baby, it’s protection. ...He (God) done spared me...a few days longer till Ah see you safe in life.”(p.14) Nanny instilled a sense of needing a man to be safe on Janie that she keeps with her all through her life. After
Nanny’s death, Janie continued to stay with Logan although she disliked him. She would have left if she didn’t need him to depend on.
Next is Joe Starks. He is a kind of salvation to Janie. He is a well-dressed black man who has worked for “white folks” all his life and has earned enough to travel to a place where black people run .....
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The Lord Of The Flies: Ralph
Number of words: 482 - Number of pages: 2.... logical like Ralph.
“By the time Ralph finished blowing the conch.” (Golding 32) This quote was from the beginning of the book when Ralph started blowing the conch to call the meetings. This showed he was really a leader and not a follower. That is one aspect I really liked about Ralph.
“Kill the pig. Cut her throat. Spill her blood.” “There was lashings of blood, ” said Jack, laughing and shuttering, “you should have seen it!” (Golding 69) This quote shows how all the boys were becoming uncivilized and crazy. Ralph, on the other hand, was almost the total opposite of all .....
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Plight Of The Wingfields (the
Number of words: 1271 - Number of pages: 5.... which, he believes, men are endowed¾”Man is by instinct a lover, a hunter, a fighter” (Williams ). In the warehouse, Tom does not find any satisfaction at all¾“I’d rather somebody picked up a crowbar and battered out my brains¾than go back mornings!” (Williams )¾let alone amiable, intimate friendship or companionship.
Even more stifling to his poetic creativity is his home where Amanda, prompted by her motherly solicitude and her fear for the family’s sole source of income, is the major obstacle to his creative concentration. Home is more like a ca .....
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The Lord Of The Flies Character Analysis
Number of words: 1200 - Number of pages: 5.... Jack, Ralph, and Simon set out to explore the island. Near the end of their journey, they encounter a wild pig. Jack tries to kill it, but is unsuccessful. When the explorers get back, a meeting is held. The explorers explain that the island is deserted but there is enough food to keep them alive. Jack and the hunters promise to supply meat. Ralph makes a rule that whoever is in possession of the conch shell is allowed to speak. Ralph proposes the idea of a signal fire to alert passing ships of their presence. All the boys agree and everybody rushes to the hilltop to start a fire. The fire sp .....
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All Quiet On The Western Front: An Analysis
Number of words: 1020 - Number of pages: 4.... compared to home.
The war scarred the soldiers permanently, if not physically then mentally. After the war the soldiers usually never recovered from the war. Two of the most common side affects of the war were shell shock and stir crazy. When suffering from shell shock a soldier’s brain doesn’t function properly and the man is a “vegetable”. This means the man is alive but he can’t do anything because he is in a state of shock because of the war. Stir crazy is a mental illness caused by the firing of so many bullets that when no bullets are heard by the victim he go .....
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Death Of A Salesman: Family Hindered By Their Dysfunctional Nature
Number of words: 1433 - Number of pages: 6.... that makes Biff conceited. Such great praise allows Biff to have pride in himself and his family, which eventually leads Biff to feel content and fulfilled in his younger years.
Biff believed, due to his father’s pride, that he was too good for mediocre tasks, and should not settle for them. Biff stated, "I never got anywhere because you blew me so full of hot air I could never stand taking orders from anybody!"(105). Like any son, Biff praised, respected, and loved his father. Biff’s problem was taking his father’s love and transferring it into his own ideals. By holding his fathe .....
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Catcher In The Rye: How Holden Deals With Alcohol, Sex, And Violence
Number of words: 1041 - Number of pages: 4.... abuse
is the number one cause of death amongst teenagers. Studies show that among
high school students age 14 - 17, 60% of the students use alcohol once a week,
75% use it at least once a month, and 85% have used it once in the year.
In the novel, Holden Caulfield has very easy access to alcoholic
beverages. Throughout the novel, it seems that every time Holden gets depressed,
he turns towards alcohol. in Chapter 12, Holden is at Ernie's night club and he
got served even though he was only a minor. In Chapter 20, Holden gets drunk.
The way he acted when he was drunk shows how pathet .....
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New Passages: Living Life On The Edge
Number of words: 634 - Number of pages: 3.... on our horizon. The use of this metaphor suggests that God’s presence is found only when we have reached the mountain summit. Yet, this greatly limits God’s presence in our life. Most people have often felt the presence of God in the deepest, lowest corners of thier lives. These experiences are also considered your horizons. A time to make changes in order to always keep moving forward.
As the Bible says, “To every thing there is a season . . . a time to break down, and a time to build up.” “So it is with us. This little death is a necessary winter, to rest, consolidate .....
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