Term Papers on Book Reports |
Beowulf 3
Number of words: 905 - Number of pages: 4.... all his great achievements, he finally becomes king of his homeland: Geatland. Even in his old age, his code of honor still obligates him to fight against an evil, fiery dragon. For fifty years he has governed his kingdom well. While Beowulf is governing, the dragon "...kept watch over a hoard, a steep stone-barrow" (Norton 55). Under it lays a path concealed from the sight of men. Over centuries no one had disturbed the dragons kingdom until one day when a thief broke into the treasure, laid
Hand on a cup fretted with gold this infuriated the dragon. "The fiery dragon had destroyed the p .....
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Silas Marner
Number of words: 744 - Number of pages: 3.... life of Silas has changed in a way that can never be restored. No longer believing in God, he isolates himself from the outside world. Silas finally realizes, as time passes, that he must move forward in life. He has a new hope, an inspiration that has motivated him to extend beyond himself and communicate with others living in his town. He still denies religion and its teachings, but he knows that it is not his fault. At the end of this novel, Silas decides to return to his hometown, Lantern-Yard, and prove to everyone that he was not the theft that committed the crime, but when he r .....
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Call Of The Wild: A Study Of Jack London's Belief In Darwinism
Number of words: 613 - Number of pages: 3.... Buck: a man with
a club was a lawgiver, a master to be obeyed..." (London 20).
Buck learned to do as his masters say. "...he grew honestly to respect them. He speedily learned that Perrault and Francois were fair men..." (London 21). Buck also learned when and how to defend himself against man. Londons depiction of Buck's struggle to learn how to survive in an unfamiliar environment has been compared to western society's struggle with encroaching communism. "“The study of Jack London's work became a mirror of the turbulent McCarthy era..." (Veggian 2). Through these struggles, .....
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The Adventures Of Huckleberry Finn: Critique
Number of words: 371 - Number of pages: 2.... known, runs away with a slave named
Jim. As they travel along the Mississippi river, in the southern region of the
United States, they undergo many extraordinary adventures.
One of the most predominant themes in this novel is that of deception.
Deception, in one form or another, is used with an avid consistency throughout
the story. Two personifications of deception were the characters, King and Duke.
They were "entrepreneurs" of deception (which is a polite way of saying
hustlers). Samuel Clemens writes about them so ingeniously, that after a while
the reader is able to unde .....
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The Scarlet Letter: Sin Affects
Number of words: 879 - Number of pages: 4.... the way that people look at Hester. Hester feels that the only sin that she committed is that she had not told the community who the father of Pearl is. It was her choice not to tell whom the father was and she regretted every moment of it. She was suffering because she was not strong enough to come out and tell the town that Dimmesdale was the father. It is stated in the novel that she “was patient, -a martyr, indeed, -but she forbore to pray for her enemies; lest, in spite of her forgiving aspirations, the words of the blessing should stubbornly twist themselves into a curse” (T .....
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Dandelion Wine
Number of words: 540 - Number of pages: 2.... winters cold.
It was a town where almost everyone knew each other like a big family.
In this story many problems confronted Douglas. There were many deaths,
Great-Grandma, Helen Loomis, Colonel Freeleigh and Elizabeth Ramsal, which were
friends and neighbors of Douglas. A good friend of Douglas, named John Huff,
moved away to Milwaukee because of a job opportunity for his father. Also,
Douglas got extremely sick and was dieing and there was no information on what
kind of illness he had. Douglas took these problems hard. To many things where
going bad in too short of a time. H .....
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Animal Farm: Utopia
Number of words: 1091 - Number of pages: 4.... land and clime,
Hearken to my joyful tidings, Of the golden future time.
Soon or late the day is coming, Tyrant Man shall be o'erthrown, And the
fruitful fields of England, Shall be trod by beasts alone.
Rings shall vanish from our noses, And the harness from our back, Bit and
spur shall rust forever, Cruel whips no more shall crack.
Riches more than mind can picture, Wheat and barley, oats and hay, Clover,
beans, and mangel-wurzels Shall be ours upon the day...(p.22-23)
After the song the animals were even more excited. They sing the song so
loud it wakes Mr. Jones up. Mr. Jones sta .....
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A Separate Peace: Contrasting Gene And Phineas And The Struggle For Power
Number of words: 796 - Number of pages: 3.... something from jumping off this tree, he is
achieving power by gaining the respect of fellow classmates. Phineas'
spontaneity inspires many others to be like himself and jump off the tree.
Another example of Phineas' power is his character establishing scene of
disrespect to the school by wearing his pink shirt and the Devon School tie
as his belt. We here, again, see him as the spontaneous individual who "can
get away with anything" (p.18). Phineas' nature inspired Mr. Patch-Withers,
a teacher at Devon. Phineas has an eloquence about himself, allowing him to
get by with so much. Phin .....
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Moby Dick
Number of words: 10442 - Number of pages: 38.... idea." Would he have an audience receptive to his peculiar view of things? The Greek and Elizabethan dramatists or Racine or even the poet of Job could count on an audience culturally predisposed through myth, theater, or racial view to accept at once a drama of direness. Hawthorne had to make his own audience, to lead it by easy stages, as it were, into the dark idea. Hence the familiar, reassuring tone of the Custom House introduction, where the only dire events involve a certain goose of tragic toughness and the routine political loss of a job not worth holding. Hence the whimsical apolog .....
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To Kill A Mockingbird
Number of words: 1066 - Number of pages: 4.... tore on Dill’s last night.
Boo was the one who saved their lives. On the contrary to Scout’s primary
belief, Boo never harms anyone. Scout also realizes that she wrongfully
treated Boo when she thinks about the gifts in the tree. She never gave
anything back to Boo, except love at the end. When Scout escorts Arthur
home and stands on his front porch, she sees the same street she saw, just
from an entirely different perspective. Scout learns what a Mockingbird is,
and who represents one.
Arthur Radley not only plays an important role in developing Scout
and Jem, but helps in developing t .....
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